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蘇啟聰(Chi-Tsong Sue)
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資訊管理學系在職專班 |
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全球資訊網權限管理系統之設計與應用-以國民中學電腦教學為例 (The Design and Implementation of WWW Access Management System-Take Junior High School Computer Teaching as Example)
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摘要(中) |
針對上述問題,本研究首先整理目前網路沉迷造成的問題,進而以 Red Hat Linux上的Squid代理伺服器為系統基礎,搭配MySQL資料厙與自行撰寫的PHP程式,完成一套具有:(1)簡易-完全使用瀏覽器(2)彈性-依不同班級載入政策(3)個人化-根據不同學生的學習表現設定管理規則等三項特色的全球資訊網權限管理系統,讓資訊教師可以對針對每個學生的上網權限進行管理。
3、學生的學習成績愈差者,對自己的網路行為約束力也比較差,因此網路的沉迷程度也會比較高。 |
摘要(英) |
With the widely use of the Internet on the campus, the biggest challenge junior high school computer teachers would have is that students often surf the Internet in class without teacher’s permission which seriously disturbs the normal teaching procedures. However, the current measures, such as the control of accessing to the Internet and other software to solve the problem that students are hooked on the Internet can’’t be implemented by simple and flexible ways.
First of all, to deal with the above problem about the Internet Addiction, we develop a system based on the Squid Proxy of the Red Hat Linux with MySQL database and the self-composed program of PHP. This WWW Access Management System comes up with three features: (1) Simplicity -use the browser only (2) Flexibility – make proper policy adjusted to different classes (3) Individualization – set up the management rules according to students’ performance on study. With the use of this system, computer teachers can easily supervise whether each student has the access to the Internet.
Besides developing WWW Access Management System, we also research on its application. For example, case discuss about whether this system improves students learning attitude and increase the chances that students can finish their homework on time by means of the flexible and individualized WWW Access Management. We analyze the effectiveness to see if there are some improvements after utilizing it. If it does make some improvements, are they related to students obsession with the Internet or their previous academic performance? We conclude our research as the following:
1.To make good use of this system can gradually improve students learning attitude and hand in their homework on time.
2.The higher degree students are addicted to the Internet, the worse learning attitude they have. Therefore they tend to hand in their homework overtime. ,
3.The lower grades students get, the worse self-control ability of overusing the Internet they have. Therefore, they tend obsessed with the Internet. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 電腦教學 ★ 國民中學 ★ 全球資訊網 ★ 網路沉迷 ★ 代理伺服器 ★ 權限管理 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Computer Teaching ★ World Wide Web ★ Internet Addiction ★ Junior High School ★ Access Management ★ Proxy |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法與結果 2
1.2.1 研究方法 2
1.2.2 研究結果 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4 章節架構 5
第二章 全球資訊網的沉迷與對策 6
2.1 網路沉迷對政府及企業員工的影響 6
2.2 網路沉迷對資訊教師在教學時的影響 8
2.3 針對網路沉迷的政策面-教育部設立之不當資訊防制措施 9
2.4 針對網路沉迷的技術面-網際網路內容過濾 9
2.5 針對網路沉迷的教學對策-適度懲罰 10
2.6 本章小結 12
第三章 全球資訊網瀏覽的權限設定 13
3.1 課堂觀察法(Class Observation) 13
3.2 瀏覽器設定法(Browser Configuration) 13
3.3 終端機設定法(Terminal Configuraton) 15
3.4 套裝軟硬體設定法(Software and Hardware Configuration) 17
3.5 現有的各項全球資訊網權限設定方式比較 19
3.6 本章小結 20
第四章 全球資訊網權限管理系統的設計 21
4.1 系統設計目標 21
4.2 系統規格 22
4.3 系統運作原理 24
4.3.1 Transparent Proxy與Squid紀錄檔分析 25
4.3.2 系統核心-PHP資料庫模組 29
4.3.3 黑名單之ACL 及禁止網站vs. IP之ACL組合方式 31
4.3.4 PHP系統控制模組 34
4.3.5 系統整體運作流程 35
4.3.6 程式功能描述 37
4.3.7 資料厙及資料表介紹 39
4.4 系統功能介紹 39
4.4.1 學生基本資料處理 40
4.4.2 學生上網紀錄處理 40
4.4.3 學生行為紀錄處理 42
4.4.4 網站管理 43
第五章 全球資訊網權限管理系統實驗與資料分析 44
5.1 實驗前準備工作 44
5.2 實驗步驟 47
5.3 資料分析項目 48
5.4 資料分析 51
5.4.1 實驗組及對照組分析 51
5.4.2 實驗組分析: 52
5.5 教師使用心得: 56
第六章 結論 58
6.1 研究結論 58
6.2 研究貢獻 59
6.3 未來研究 60
參考文獻 61 |
參考文獻 |
[5]施威銘研究室,Red Hat Linux 7指令參考手冊,旗標出版社,民國91年8月。
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[21]Openlearning CourseWare , 2000, “Enterprise Implementation with Linux”, Caldera System, Inc.,pp.9-1-9-39.
[29] Websense Inc. , http://www.afterwork.com/corp/background.vep
[30]Bernard Software,http://www.iprism.net/
[31]Dave Kresse ,2004 ,“Cut IT Costs and Improve Productivity with Modern Internet Access Technology”,
[32]IDC Research, http://www.idc.com/
[34]MySQL The World-Wide Web, http://www.mysql.org/
[35]Netaddiction.com,”What is Internet Addiction” http://www.netaddiction.com/whatis.htm
[36]PHP The World-Wide Web, http://www.php.net/
[37]Redhat Linux , The World-Wide Web,http://www.redhat.com/
[38]The Squid-Cache.org , http://www.squid-cache.org/ |
指導教授 |
陳奕明(Yi-Ming Chen)
審核日期 |
2004-6-26 |
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