摘要(英) |
Since the industrial revolution at 1763, the living quality and the development of the economy has been large different. Some people called it as the age of knowledge economy. According to the statistics data of Intellectual Property Office, the number of patent application is 154 times more than it 10 years ago. It means People pay more attention at monopoly. When it is comes to master and doctor thesis, the graduated number of master and doctor is 242312 from 2003 t0 2008. And the amount of knowledge management thesis is 4017; it is 1.68% of total thesis. It shows that knowledge management has been an important research objective.
Our nation has been research for pavement management system since 1979. The government institution has started to use reference techniques since 1983. The applications of pavement flat level systems were recorded at constructed forms of chapter 02742. It is a part of the pavement checking standards. The repairing of pavement is base on the result of investigation. Under the situation of limit cost, the decisions of the repairing priority were still base on the judgment of engineers’ experiences. Because not all new engineers have professional pavement skill, the training for new staffs and experience passing down is more important. According to the statistic data of PCC, there were 211 records of national indemnification which caused 16 people died and 125 people hurt from 2005 to 2007. It is 38% of national indemnifications and the total amount of indemnification is more than NT 64,000,000.
How to retain the professional experiences of seniors’ which will be important would be a question for knowledge management. So the knowledge management should be a part of pavement management system in order to enhance the quality of strategic decisions and maintain technical staff. Because different kinds of roads belong to different office, the different background leads to different knowledge demands. For the above reasons, this research was base on the personal knowledge management. Then improving the space of knowledge management and sharing of whole organization as the way to construct the knowledge management system. Considering the construction cost, it would choose the opened or free software. The research results of ministry of transportation and communication、 MOTC、 NSC and the thesis will be the terminal target to construct the initial knowledge management system.
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