摘要(英) |
RFID technology can be used in many different ways, but the supply chain and logistics management is considered to be the area that benefits most by RFID technology. In this industry, shipments are shipped from a supplier to the LSP industry and then accepted by real consignee transportation links. The accuracy of information and transparency for supply chain management and logistics planning is the key to the advancement of supply chain management efficiency. The information system must allow supply chain members to immediately access the needed information at different nodes of operation.
Cargo terminals are critical in the air cargo industry. The efficiency of their operations affects the level of transnational supply chain performance. Currently the exchange of information in the air LSP industry is fragmented and inefficient. In the operation system of the entire air cargo industry, cargo terminals serve a very important role as a hub. For the airport cargo terminal export processes for planning and assessment, RFID technology can be used for tracking, positioning and transmitting of cargo information, allowing shipments in transit to be quickly and efficiently transferred and thus achieving the goal of seamless information transmission. As such, any single pieces of air cargo can be in the control of the transportation nodes, minimizing the unnecessary errors during the air cargo transportation process. This provides the LSP industry with greater competitive strength to confront with those transportation integrators such as FedEx, DHL, UPS, and TNT.
The study analyzes the RFID technology and introduces the technology to the operational flows in the exports of goods owners, forwarder air cargo logistics operations with the combined platform, and the cargo terminal operations to quantify the effectiveness of the technology as well as to discuss the non-quantifiable benefits. The results provide the industry with a decision-making reference for the practical application of the RFID technology in the future. |
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