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姓名 歐陽芳泉(Fang-Chuan Ou Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 以流程為導向協同異質性數位學習系統中呈現層與資料層之研究
(Toward a Process-Based Approach for Collaborating Presentation and Data of Heterogeneous E-learning Systems)
★ 針對提昇資料倉儲資料庫執行效能之知識管理與相關系統設計★ 以關聯規則探勘為基礎,探討詐騙車手提領型態互動之研究
★ 部落格之網路口碑評比機制平台管理與應用★ 虛擬貨幣交易平台之實現
★ 適用於多種設備的可否認鑑別協定之設計★ 交易程式最佳化的多維度分析平台之設計與建置
★ 多商品多策略程式交易績效曲線比較和分群機制之研究★ 以工作流程與Portlet為基礎整合學習管理系統以支援課程編組
★ 使用服務導向技術建構具支援二線廠客製化能力的電子中樞系統之研究★ 以流程為中心的Portlet重用性分析
★ 應用資料倉儲技術建構平衡計分卡資訊系統之研究-以某消費性電子製造公司人力資源計分卡為例★ 自動化的產品平台管理與應用
★ 以代理人為基礎的資訊系統協助新產品開發流程的自動化★ 以整合式的教練引導開發以框架為基礎的專案
★ 支援新產品研發的整合性知識管理系統★ 以QFD為基礎之可追蹤與重用的產品資料流整合性架構
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摘要(中) 在傳統服務導向跨組織工作流程的環境裡,網路服務是從分散的站台被整合到商業的程序之中。然而,基於下列因素網路服務仍然無法將預期的效益帶給小型公司、一般使用者以及以呈現層為主的商業流程:第一,網路服務只著重於資料層的整合因此在以呈現層為主的商業環境下難以被實作,而這對於需要在不同使用者間重覆使用呈現層為主的資源來說是非常重要的;第二,小型公司與一般使用者通常都沒有足夠的網路技術能力能夠撰寫客戶端程式來取用外部的網路服務。
  為了解決上述之問題,在本研究中我們提出了一個PCSOA(Presentation-preserved Compositional approach for Service-Oriented Architecture)的架構,延伸既有以資料為導向的網路服務組合理論,提供了一個更加彈性的方法,以工作流程的方式來協同資料層與呈現層的整合。在本研究中,我們亦討論以呈現層為主的工作流程整合之重要性與其相關可能的應用領域,並在最後以數位學習當作案例實作本研究架構的系統雛型,分析實作的結果以評估本研究架構的可行性。
摘要(英) In the traditional SCW (Services-based Cross-organizational Workflow) environments, web services from related sites are integrated into business processes. However, in our opinion, web service still bring less than expected benefits to small corporations/end-users and some presentation-centric business processes for two reasons: 1) the web service only focuses on data level and is difficult to implement the presentation-centric business contexts where reusing presentation materials across different users are important. 2) The small corporations and end-users usually do not have enough IT competences to write a client or user interface to interact with web service(s).
In order to solve these problems, we propose a presentation-preserved compositional approach for service-oriented architecture (PCSOA), which extends the existing data-oriented compositional approaches for web services to provide a more flexible methodology to orchestrate both data level and presentation level services during the workflow integration. In this dissertation, we also discuss the importance and necessity of the presentation-based workflow integration and related possible application areas. Finally, we choose e-learning as an example to implement the prototype of PCSOA and analyze the experiment results to evaluate the feasibility of our approach.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工作流程
★ 網路服務
★ 服務導向跨組織工作流程
關鍵字(英) ★ workflow
★ web service
★ Services-based Cross-organizational Workflow
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Related Works and Terminologies of the Dissertation 5
1.2 An E-learning Use Case of PCSOA 9
1.3 Contribution of the Dissertation 11
1.4 The Outline of the Dissertation 14
Chapter 2 Related Technologies and Issues 15
2.1 Data-Oriented Web Services 15
2.2 Presentation-Oriented Web Services 17
2.3 Workflow Specifications in the Software Industry 19
2.4 Service-Based Cross-Organization Workflow Integration 21
2.5 Service-Based Compositional Approaches and E-learning 23
2.6 The Web 2.0 Philosophy of PCSOA 28
Chapter 3 System Development of PCSOA 31
3.1 The Design Concepts of PCSOA 31
3.2 The PCSOA Architecture 32
3.3 Service Resource Wrapping Agent (SRWA) 38
3.4 Functional Portlets 40
3.5 Workflow Invocation Agent (WIA) and Workflow Modeling 43
3.6 Software Design and Developmental Processes of PCSOA 46
Chapter 4 Implementation and Evaluation 48
4.1 The Architecture Design of PCSOA 48
4.2 The PCSOA Prototype: an E-learning Use Case 54
4.3 Evaluation of PCSOA 59
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Works 66
References 68
Appendix 74
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指導教授 許智誠(Kevin Chihcheng Hsu) 審核日期 2009-1-7
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