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論文名稱 影響金融服務業之多重通路使用者評估通路整合性的因素
(Determinants of Multichannel Users’ Evaluation on Channel Integration in Financial Services)
★ 網站設計探討—以國內外連鎖飯店集團為例★ 智慧型手機使用者介面與消費者態度之關聯
★ 零售業全通路策略分析 -以Family Mart為例★ 應用服務藍圖及顧客旅程優化汽車租賃業之服務流程: 以某汽車租賃業為例
★ 顧客對折扣促銷的評價-探討商店定價策略、促銷語意線索與折扣深度對消費者認知的影響★ 網路拍賣中外部線索的一致性:在不同的資訊不對稱程度下,起始價格以及賣方聲譽對於拍賣結果影響之探討。
★ 影響網路口碑行為意圖之因素分析★ 在多通路環境中,實體通路的存在如何影響顧客決策
★ 混合情緒操控與間接體驗產品途徑對消費者之影響-以創新產品為主★ 服務業不同廣告型式的效果如何受消費者性別及代言人類型而改變
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摘要(中) 隨著多重通路策略的廣泛運用及服務接觸通路的迅速改變,服務業者不僅須要了解顧客面對多重通路選擇的考量因素,也須了解顧客評估多重通路的依據。雖然在多重通路服務經驗整合的相關研究中,研究者均強調多重通路整合的重要性,但對於通路間的整合內涵,以及整合的效果,仍少見相關的實証研究。因此,本研究之主要目的為運用多重通路管理及關係行銷理念的結合去探討金融業顧客面對多重通路時,如何評估多重通路之間的整合性,並因此形成整體知覺價值,進而影響其留存行為或提高購買行為等行為意向。
摘要(英) With channels of distribution changing rapidly and multichannel strategy becoming increasingly widespread, service providers will need to focus not just on understanding what drives customers’ channel choice, but also on understanding the determinants of customers’ channel evaluation. Although the importance of channel integration has been emphasized, there is limited empirical research to suggest what contents should be included into channel integration. The purpose of this study aims to develop a model which combines the concepts of relationship marketing with multichannel management for understanding what determinants contribute to multichannel customers’ perceived value and thereby lead to behavioral intentions.
In order to understand the impacts of channel attributes and consumer traits on customer’s evaluation of integrated channels, this study selects the financial service industry as the target. The results of the study show that customer traits and channel characteristics categorized as information consistency, channel accessibility and personal data integration indeed have impacts on customers’ evaluation of channel integration and customers’ perceived value through perceived quality, perceived risk and channel switching cost, and in turn, the customers’ perceived value has the positive influence on customers’ behavioral intentions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 金融服務業
★ 多重通路整合
★ 多重通路
關鍵字(英) ★ multi-channel integration
★ financial services
★ multi-channel
論文目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents I
List of Tables III
List of Figures IV
Ch1 Introduction 1
Ch2 Conceptual Background 5
2.1 Retention, Participation and Cooperation 8
2.2 Perceived Value 9
2.3 Perceived Quality 10
2.4 Perceived Risk 11
2.5 Channel Switching Cost 12
2.6 The Characteristics of Multiple Channels 14
2.6.1 Information Consistency 16
2.6.2 Channel Accessibility 17
2.6.3 Personal Data Integration 19
2.7 Consumers’ Traits 20
2.7.1 Need for Interaction 20
2.7.2 Technology Anxiety 21
2.7.3 Previous Experience with Related Technology 22
2.7.4 Inertia 23
Ch3 Method 24
3.1 Measures 24
3.1.1 Information Consistency 24
3.1.2 Channel Accessibility 24
3.1.3 Personal Data Integration 25
3.1.4 Need for Interaction 25
3.1.5 Technology Anxiety 25
3.1.6 Previous Experience with Related Technology 26
3.1.7 Inertia 26
3.1.8 Perceived Quality 26
3.1.9 Perceived Risk 27
3.1.10 Channel Switching Cost 27
3.1.11 Perceived Value 27
3.1.12 Retention 28
3.1.13 Participation 28
3.1.14 Cooperation 28
3.2 Sample and Data Collection 29
3.3 Scale Purification 31
3.4 Analysis and Results 31
3.4.1 Reliability 31
3.4.2 Validity 35
3.4.3 Hypothesis Testing 38
Ch4 Discussion and Managerial Implication 43
4.1 Conclusion 43
4.2 Managerial Implication 45
4.3 Limitation 47
4.4 Future Research 47
Reference 48
Appendix 59
List of Tables
Table 1: The Contents of Multichannel Integration 15
Table 2: Demographics of Respondents 30
Table 3: Summary of Reliability Estimates of Measurement Scales 32
Table 4: Convergent Validity of Dimensions 36
Table 5: Discriminant Validity of Independent Variables 37
Table 6: Discriminant Validity of Dependent Variables 37
Table 7: The Results of Fit Indices 38
Table 8: The Results of Hypothesized Model 39
List of Figures
Figure 1: The Conceptual Model 7
Figure 2: Proposed Structural Equation Model 41
Figure 3: The Results of Hypothesis Model 42
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指導教授 謝依靜(Yi-ching Hsieh) 審核日期 2007-7-13
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