博碩士論文 944203040 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃宗皇(Tsung-huang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 以代理人為基礎的資訊系統協助新產品開發流程的自動化
(Using agent-based system to support the automation of NPD process)
★ 針對提昇資料倉儲資料庫執行效能之知識管理與相關系統設計★ 以關聯規則探勘為基礎,探討詐騙車手提領型態互動之研究
★ 部落格之網路口碑評比機制平台管理與應用★ 虛擬貨幣交易平台之實現
★ 適用於多種設備的可否認鑑別協定之設計★ 交易程式最佳化的多維度分析平台之設計與建置
★ 多商品多策略程式交易績效曲線比較和分群機制之研究★ 以工作流程與Portlet為基礎整合學習管理系統以支援課程編組
★ 使用服務導向技術建構具支援二線廠客製化能力的電子中樞系統之研究★ 以流程為中心的Portlet重用性分析
★ 應用資料倉儲技術建構平衡計分卡資訊系統之研究-以某消費性電子製造公司人力資源計分卡為例★ 自動化的產品平台管理與應用
★ 以整合式的教練引導開發以框架為基礎的專案★ 支援新產品研發的整合性知識管理系統
★ 以流程為導向協同異質性數位學習系統中呈現層與資料層之研究★ 以QFD為基礎之可追蹤與重用的產品資料流整合性架構
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摘要(中) 在激烈的全球競爭中,新產品開發成功的數量已明顯的成為企業獲利、及穩居產業龍頭的主要決定因素。而掌握世界級的新產品研發(NPD)流程則是『贏在新產品』的決勝點。台灣企業在產品設計、雛型設計、產品驗證與試量生產上都具有相當的競爭力。但是台灣企業在掌握世界級的新產品研發流程上則需加強:產品概念設計、大量客製化、頻繁的設計變更、研發設計知識的重用、以及在台灣特有中衛協力體系所延伸出的複雜度。解決這些問題新產品研發流程,除了需要精確的商業流程外,更需要先進的設計與研發服務平台。
最後本研究利用開發Auxiliary Power Unit產品專案為例,利用我們所發展的靜態模型與系統架構來以驗證資訊系統的協助。雖然新產品開發流程中需要一定程度的人員參與,但是某些機械性的工作及任務的確是能藉由資訊系統的協助而完成,甚至達到自動化的目的,以縮短新產品開發流程的時間增加效率。
摘要(英) In today’s global competition, the number of successful new product launches has become major successful factor due to the profitability, leadership recognition and positioning that an enterprise can enjoy from new products. Possessing world-class New Product Development (NPD) processes in both business practices and IT support is critical for winning enterprises. Taiwanese enterprises are very competitive on areas like product design, prototyping, verification and validation, and pilot run. However, areas such as product concept design, mass customization, configuration and change management, seamlessly handling of frequent design changes (with collaborating vendors), and R&D knowledge reuse are all important for Taiwanese companies to further enhance in order to possess world-class NPD processes.
In Our Research, we will develop a information system, focus on the development of the quality function deployment (QFD), to support the automation of the NPD process, and the objective is to provide a solution about the challenge in NPD process. QFD is more complexity process in NPD and it will use the variety of product data in different phase in NPD, and our research will analysis the construct process of QFD and the application of the QFD in NPD. When we develop the information system, we must understand clearly that we need a static model to represent the product data completely and a system framework that can use the static model properly. So we will design a static model to represent the framework of the QFD first, and then start system design and system architecture development. And our research will also describe how to use the static model and the system architecture to implement the construction of QFD and relative application.
Finally our research use the product development project, Auxiliary Power Unit, as the example, to use our static model and system architecture and verify the support of information system. Although it need certain degree of user involvement in NPD process, but some mechanical work and task can accomplish by the support of information system, even achieve the goal of the automation, and shorten the time of NPD process to increase the efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 代理人資訊系統
★ 品質屋
★ 品質機能展開
★ 產品資料管理
★ 新產品開發流程
關鍵字(英) ★ PDM
★ House of quality
★ Agent-based system
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
演算法目錄 viii
一、 序論 1
1.1. 產品資料在新產品開發流程中的演進與資料品質 2
1.2. 新產品開發流程 5
1.3. Agent-based information system to support NPD 9
二、 文獻探討 13
2.1. 產品資料管理/產品生命週期管理 ( PDM/PLM ) 13
2.2. 新產品開發流程( NPD ) 16
2.3. 品質機能展開( QFD ) 17
2.4. Agent-based system 22
三、 系統設計 25
3.1. 系統設計 26
3.1.1. 品質機能展開建構程序 26
3.1.2. 系統使用案例 29
3.1.3. 系統元件設計 31
3.1.4 Agent description 33
3.2. 品質機能展開靜態模型 36
3.2.1. 品質屋 36
3.2.2. 品質機能展開靜態模型 37
3.3. Retrieval Capability 41
3.3.1. 設計議題( Design issue ) 41
3.3.2. 設計概念( Design Concept ) 42
3.3.3. 程序( Process ) 43
3.3.4. 介面規格( Interface Specification ) 45
3.4. Traceability Capability 47
3.4.1. 設計概念( Design Concept ) 47
3.4.2. 案例說明( Case Description ) 48
3.4.3. 程序( Process ) 51
3.4.4. 管理議題( Management Implication ) 52
四、 實作與驗證 54
4.1. Example - Auxiliary Power Unit 54
4.2. Retrieval 60
4.3. Traceability 65
五、 結論 68
參考文獻 69
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指導教授 許智誠(Kevin Chihcheng Hsu) 審核日期 2007-7-9
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