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論文名稱 服務業不同廣告型式的效果如何受消費者性別及代言人類型而改變
(How the Advertising Form Effectiveness Varies by Consumer Gender and Endorser Type in Service Ads)
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摘要(中) 在行銷溝通裡,廣告是不可獲缺的重要角色。因此,如何有效的傳達廣告中產品的訊息、讓接收者感到正向態度並且產生消費的意願,一直是廣告行銷者最大的挑戰。近年來越來越多的廣告使用敘述型式,也就是用說故事的方法傳達訊息給消費者,這代表著故事型廣告能夠有效的傳達訊息給消費者。然而,這卻並不代表條列型式廣告的效果較為無效,因為目前仍有許多使用條列型式的成功廣告。因此本研究以廣告代言人類型以及消費者性別作為干擾變項,試圖找出此二變項是否會與廣告型式產生交互作用,進而對消費者產生不同的效果。
摘要(英) In marketing, advertising always plays a very important role. How to effectively convey the product’s or service’s message in the ad to the consumers is really a challenge. Recently, more and more service ads use the narrative, that is, to convey the service’s message to consumers in a story-based form. This represents that story-based form advertisements are more and more popular and being capable to communicate effectively with consumers. However, we can not judge that an attribute-based form advertisement is less effective than a story-based form advertisement, because there are still many successful service advertisements conveying the product’s message to consumers in an attribute-based form nowadays. Hence, this study uses endorser type and consumer gender as the moderating variables. We try to find out if there are interactions between the two moderating variables and advertisement form, and how it affects the consumers’ attitude toward ad and purchase intention in service ads.
This study uses a quasi-experiment employing a between-subjects design with two levels of gender (female versus male). The other two experimental treatments include advertisement form (attribute-based versus story-based), and endorser type (celebrity versus expert). A French restaurant is recommended in the experimental ads. MANOVA and univariate ANOVA are used to test our hypotheses.
The results show that when the consumer are females, the story-based form ad is more effective than the attribute-based ad; when the consumer are males, the attribute-based ad is significant more effective than the story-based ad. In addition, endorser type also affects purchase intention.
關鍵字(中) ★ 性別
★ 代言人
★ 故事型廣告
★ 廣告型式
★ 敘述型式
關鍵字(英) ★ narrative
★ Ad form
★ endorser
★ story-form ad
★ gender
論文目次 Contents i
List of Tables ii
List of Figures iii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 4
2.2 Story-Based Process 5
2.3 Gender 7
2.4 Endorsers 9
2.4.1 The Source Credibility Model 10
2.4.2 The Source Attractiveness Model 11
3. Method 13
3.1 Theoretical Framework 13
3.2 Stimulus Materials and Dependent Measures 13
3.3 Experiment Design 17
3.4 Sample and Data Collection 17
4. Analysis and Result 19
4.1 Reliability 19
4.2 Hypotheses Test 20
4.2.1 MANOVA Test and Univariate ANOVA Test 20
4.2.2 Simple Main Effect Test of Advertisement Form by Gender 22
4.2.3 Simple Main Effect Test of Advertisement Form by Endorser Type 25
4.3 Summary of Hypothesis 28
5. Discussion and Managerial Implication 29
5.1 Discussion 29
5.2 Managerial implications 30
5.3 Limitation and Future Research 31
中文文獻 33
References 34
Appendix 42
I. Questionnaire 42
II. Experimental Advertising 1: Attribute-based Form with a Celebrity Endorser 43
III. Experimental Advertising 2: Story-based Form with a Celebrity Endorser 44
IV. Experimental Advertising 3: Attribute-based Form with an Expert Endorser 45
V. Experimental Advertising 4: Story-based Form with an Expert Endorser 46
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指導教授 謝依靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh) 審核日期 2008-6-13
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