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姓名 盧威丞(Weigh-Cheng Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 資訊相關從業人員之宗教信仰強度對生命意義、感激與寬恕之影響
(Information technology related workers's religion faith effects meaning in life、gratitude and forgiveness)
★ 企業再造或企業組織精簡--以一家無線電視公司為例★ 銀行業的資訊系統危機管理
★ 平衡計分卡、企業智能在企業績效管理之角色★ 資訊系統再造管理議題之研究-以臺灣證券集中保管公司存託系統為例
★ 客服中心資訊系統之管理★ 以科技接受模式探討採用網路ATM因素之研究
★ 美容瘦身業導入門市銷售系統之關鍵成功因素探討★ 台商在中國大陸與越南投資遭遇問題之比較研究
★ 飛機維護管理分散式資料庫整合平台之研究-以A航空公司為例★ 經營環境劇烈變化下企業服務系統迅速開發專案管理之個案研究-以A公司為例
★ 部落格經營研究—社交智能對部落格社會互動與內容之影響★ 資管教育讓資管學生了解企業管理問題嗎?
★ 社群網站自我揭露的社會抑制之研究-人情智能與成人依附之考量★ 人情智能對感知的情緒貼圖使用恰當性之影響
★ 行動通訊軟體使用者的人情智能對社群互動,社群認同及社群信任之影響★ 演化式類神經網路為基底的企業危機診斷模型︰智慧資本之應用
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摘要(中) 資訊科技產業在台灣經濟佔有重要一席之地,企業也紛紛找尋科技能力好的人才,但卻忽略了資訊科技人才的心理特質,而企業也很少提供這方面的訓練。本研究以目前大環境的問題,以正面心理學(Positive Psychology)的觀點來研究資訊科技人員的心理特質,用宗教信仰強度、生命意義、感激與寬恕這四個構面來分析。
摘要(英) Information technology plays an important role in Taiwan. Companies always search for well-ability employee, but ignore their psychological state. I take Positive Psychology as an important view to research high-tech employees, using Religion Faith, Meaning in Life, Gratitude and Forgiveness to analysis them.
Today, people spent all of their time in working, and how they get meaning in their life? People who have much higher positive psychology will be happy in working, taking work as meaningful. Maybe we can get some thing by using religion faith, meaning in life, gratitude and forgiveness.
The research subjects included students, information workers that have completed in-service master programs, other information workers, and senior managers who have completed EMBA programs. The study used questionnary to survey these subjects.
The results indicate that meaning in life and gratitude exist significant difference between top manager and information system technical workers. Top managers’ degree of meaning in life and gratitude is higher than information system technical workers. Additionally, religion faith positively influence meaning in life and forgiveness. Related discussions, limitations, and future research direction are discussed in this dissertation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 感激
★ 生命意義
★ 宗教信仰強度
★ 寬恕
關鍵字(英) ★ gratitude
★ meaning in life
★ religion faith
★ forgiveness
論文目次 目錄............................................................................................................................................ i
表目錄 ...................................................................................................................................... ii
圖目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... iii
第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機.................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的................................................................................................ 5
第三節 論文架構................................................................................................ 6
第二章 文獻探討 ....................................................................................................... 7
第一節 正面心理學(Positive Psychology) ................................................... 7
第二節 生命意義(Meaning in Life) ............................................................ 10
第三節 宗教(Religion) ................................................................................ 18
第四節 感激(Gratitude) .............................................................................. 24
第五節 寬恕(Forgiveness) .......................................................................... 27
第三章 研究方法 ....................................................................................................... 34
第一節 研究模式................................................................................................ 34
第二節 研究變數及操作化................................................................................ 35
第三節 研究假說................................................................................................ 38
第四節 資料蒐集方式........................................................................................ 42
第四章 資料分析 ....................................................................................................... 45
第一節 問卷回收情況.................................................................................. 45
第二節 樣本資料基本分析................................................................................ 46
第三節 信度與效度檢定.................................................................................... 50
第四節 資料分析與假說檢定............................................................................ 51
第五節 假說檢定結果彙整................................................................................ 64
第五章 結論與建議 ................................................................................................... 66
第一節 結論........................................................................................................ 66
第二節 研究貢獻................................................................................................ 68
第三節 研究限制................................................................................................ 69
第四節 未來研究建議........................................................................................ 70
參考文獻 ..................................................................................................................... 71
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
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指導教授 林子銘(Jzu-Ming Lin) 審核日期 2008-7-7
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