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姓名 張博閔(Po-min Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 演進中經營模式結構之紮根研究:後深次微米時代TSMC與UMC之比較分析
(A Grounded Study on Evolutionary Business Model Structure: A Comparative Analysis on TSMC and UMC in the Post Deep-Submicron Generation)
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摘要(中) 自2001年半導體走入0.13微米時代後,隨著製程進步也伴隨著更多的半導體物理效應,讓先進製程IC製造與設計的議題越來越複雜,先進製程所需的資本投資也隨之倍數膨脹,導致許多半導體業者放棄追隨莫爾定律,被迫採取不同的經營方式。晶圓代工業中的領導業者台灣積體電路公司(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC)自2001年始終保持領導廠商的地位,TSMC經營模式其成功的理由不只是純粹技術的進步,必定有一些獨特的理由存在。
Ackoff(1999)指出系統是由系統內個別元素,以及其互動關係所構成;過去本研究團隊(郭冠甫,2006)對TSMC與聯華電子公司(United Microelectronics Corporation, UMC)的經營模式的研究當中,發現TSMC與UMC經營模式內地元件會不斷地互相「跟進」。但是並未明TSMC與UMC經營模式的異同之處,以及解釋TSMC於晶圓代工績效遠勝過UMC的原因。
本研究欲透過經營模式元件與元件間互動關係形成的經營模式結構來探究TSMC與UMC經營模式上的差異,本研究採用陳銑鈞(2006)對於經營模式所提出的十大構面做為為基礎,針對TSMC與UMC兩家具有代表性的公司個案,以紮根理論為研究方法以及因果脈絡圖之網路結構分析,以結構及演進的觀點進行經營模式之比較分析,以回答出「深次微米時代之後TSMC與UMC經營模式的發展重心與演進過程為何?」以及「造成TSMC和UMC經營績效的差異點(point of differences)為何?」兩大問題。
摘要(英) Since 2001 when technology process moved forward to the generation of 0.13 mircon, the semiconductor industry has faced tremendous physical effects which lead to more complex integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing and design issues of advanced process. The growing capital-intensive nature of the semiconductor industry has driven numerous companies to consider alternative ways to run their businesses such as fablite strategy.
Accordingly, we have conducted several longitudinal exploratory case studies about the evolutionary business model innovation and the developing process of dominant design of business model in the foundry industry. Our preliminary study found that the dominant design of business model is developed from the continually imitating processes of the major competitive firms, TSMC and UMC, in the foundry industry. That is, TSMC may follow, imitate, or learn a new business model from UMC, and vice versa. Consequently, it is very clear that TSMC and UMC have almost 90% of parity in their designs of business model. In other words, the dominant design of business model becomes the “common asset” of TSMC and UMC. However, The research results still remained a critical and interesting question to be studied. If the business models of TSMC and of UMC are similar, then why does TSMC become the winner with more than 50% market share in the foundry industry? The answer may be the points of difference of TSMC and UMC. This study, therefore, attempts to find the answer by dissecting the business model structures of these two leading foundries.
Grounded theory qualitative research method, casual map, and structure characteristics were imported to collect and analyze various data for the business model structures of TSMC and UMC. Data were analyzed by following three coding procedures of the grounded theory technique. We find that the structure of TSMC and of UMC incorporates both similarities and differences. The similarities, which represent common core business model structure of leading foudries could provide a referential example for fledging foundries. Morerover, the differences could provide insightful discussion about why TSMC wins the foundry market. The results would give researchers more tangible concepts of the structure of a business model. We hope that the findings could give hints on design of business model from structural and evolutionary perspective for the next development of Taiwan’s foundry industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 因果脈絡圖
★ 紮根理論
★ 聯電
★ 台積電
★ 經營模式
★ 經營模式結構
★ 演進中經營模式
關鍵字(英) ★ business model
★ business model structure
★ evolutionary business model
★ grounded theory
★ causal map
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與問題 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究重要性 2
1.4 論文架構 3
第2章 文獻探討 5
2.1 經營模式 5
2.2 經營模式演進的學理基礎:系統觀點與創新觀點 13
2.3 經營模式結構:因果脈絡圖及核心元件 15
第3章 研究方法 20
3.1 質性研究方法:紮根理論 20
3.2 選擇研究對象依據 23
3.3 資料蒐集方法 24
3.4 資料分析步驟與方法:工具與步驟 26
3.5 質性研究品質之評鑑 37
第4章 TSMC與UMC經營模式之結構分析 39
4.1 TSMC與UMC經營模式之構念節點 39
4.2 TSMC與UMC經營模式之跟進分析 48
4.3 TSMC與UMC之經營模式結構 50
4.4 TSMC與UMC經營模式結構比較 60
第5章 TSMC與UMC經營模式演進過程之分析 63
5.1 TSMC經營模式結構之創新時點分析 63
5.2 UMC經營模式結構之創新時點分析 68
5.3 TSMC與UMC經營模式演進過程比較 73
第6章 結論 74
6.1 研究結果 74
6.2 管理意涵 75
6.3 研究限制 76
參考文獻 77
附錄一 標的個案TSMC與UMC簡介 82
附錄二 TSMC紮根分析資料表 88
附錄三 UMC紮根分析資料表 101
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指導教授 蘇雅惠(Yea-huey Su) 審核日期 2008-7-23
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