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姓名 蔡碧峰(Pe-Feng Tsai) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班 論文名稱 單元製造在電子組裝的應用-以掃瞄器組裝為個案探討
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摘要(中) 論文提要及內容:
藉著這個個案來了解單元製造模式在台灣產業轉型之際能提供何種的利益與助力,並試著分享其實施的經驗。摘要(英) The Taiwanese industry has been experiencing the stringent global challenge since the dot-com bubble burst in year 2000 and slowed down the global economy. Though the electronic industry has been the prominent sector of the past ten years’ growth in the Taiwanese economy, inevitably it suffered from the slow economy too.
In order to cope with the harsh environment, Taiwanese industry has been undergoing some improvement to reduce the cost or improve the efficiency.
There have been many measures used in the industry to pursue the goal. The study will focus on an image scanner supplier who introduced the manufacturing model widely used by Japanese electronic industry, Cellular Manufacturing (or Cell Manufacturing) into its production line. The study would like to identify the benefit of the Cell Manufacturing approach over the traditional conveyor type assembly layout and try to share the experience of implementation.關鍵字(中) ★ 電子組裝
★ 細胞製造
★ 單元製造關鍵字(英) ★ Cellular Manufacturing
★ Cell Manufacturing
★ Electronic Assembly
★ Manufacturing Cell論文目次 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Table of Contents....................................................iv
List of Figures.......................................................v
List of Tables.......................................................vi
Chapter I: Introduction..............................................1
1.1 Background ......................................................1
1.2 Scope of Study...................................................1
1.3 Flow of The Research.............................................2
1.4 Content of the Study.............................................3
Chapter II: Literature Review........................................5
2.1 Definition.......................................................5
2.2 Advantage of Cellular Manufacturing..............................6
Chapter III: Cellular Manufacturing’s Implementation and valuation.9
3.1 Conditions favorable for Cellular Manufacturing..................9
3.2 Formation of Cells...............................................10
3.3 Discipline of Real Cellular Manufacturing........................12
3.4 Performance Evaluation...........................................14
Chapter IV: A Case Study.............................................20
4.1 Introduction of the company......................................20
4.2 Goals to Implement the Cellular Manufacturing....................20
4.3 Principle of the Cells...........................................21
4.4 Objectives of the Cellular Manufacturing Conversion Program......22
4.5 The Conversion to Cellular Manufacturing.........................25
4.6 A-company’s transition to promote the Cellular
Manufacturing’s implementation and effectiveness....................29
4.7 Result of the Implementation.....................................32
4.8 Other application in the Notebook PC industry....................35
Chapter V: Findings and Discussion...................................39
5.1 Description of Findings..........................................39
5.2 Summary..........................................................40
1.1 Flow of the Study.................................................3
3.1 Manufacturing models: Product Variety vs. Batch Size..............9
3.2 Fundamental building blocks for real Cellular Manufacturing’s
4.1 Cell’s operators can easily support other stations in the Cell,
Conveyor cannot......................................................23
4.2 Cell can easily be divided to assemble multi-products,
conveyor cannot......................................................24
4.3 Typical Cell in A-company........................................26
4.4 One of specially designed work benches...........................26
4.5 Material flow rack and work bench made of Creform System.........27
4.6 Self-improvement cycle in the cell system to improve the
quality of manufacturing ............................................32
4.7 The Taiwan’s Notebook PC global market share ...................36
4.8 Notebook PC assembly lines adopt the manufacturing cells to
fulfill multiple configurations’ demands by customers...............38
2.1 Potential advantages of Cellular Manufacturing....................7
3.1 Example enablers to the three linkages (Time, Space and
Information) of Real Cells...........................................13
3.2 Extract of the summary on Comparative Performance of CM & FL.....16
4.1 Other functions’ supporting activities for Cellular
4.2 Comparison of before and after completely converted to
Cellular Manufacturing...............................................33參考文獻 REFERENCE
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