摘要(英) |
The rising of China forced the businesses in Tainwan to move into China. In 2007, both the balance of trade surplus and the trade dependency to China had reached the new high. The investiments to China that pass the examination of Taiwan government had over 20 billion Taiwanese dollars through the end of 2007. However, there is no relative research about why and how Taiwanese businesses clustered in China. Targeting at the Taiwan businesses that pass the examination of Taiwan government and invested in China, the object of this research is to develop a Taiwan businesses cluster indices model, and using it to analyze relative data to explain how Tainwan businesses clustered in China.
Through relative literature reviews, to point out the factors of industry clusters, and the characteristics of well developed industry cluster locations such as Sillycon Valley in U.S. and Hsin Chu in Taiwan, combine with the environment of China and the characteristics of Taiwan businesses, and defined larger territory as cluster scope to develop the Taiwan businesses cluster indices model in China. Three dimension indices: government policies, economic environment, and social resources were introduced, and combined with literature review and secondary data analyzes, to examine the Tainwan businesses cluster model. After the analysis, concluded that Yangtze Delta Megalopolis has the most significant Taiwan businesses cluster, but Jing-jin-ji Economic District is an opition in terms of development potential. |
參考文獻 |
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