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姓名 李惠雯(Huei-wen Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 產業競合組織共創價值與跨組織系統探討-以自行車產業為例
(Value co-creation in co-opetition relationship with IOS)
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摘要(中) 在全球激烈的競爭環境化,台灣中小企業在全球供應鏈扮演的製造分工角色已漸漸被大陸、東南亞國家取代,台灣中小企業面臨規模無法跟國際大廠競爭,生產成本又無法跟大陸等國家競爭,進退維谷困境中該何去何從?
本研究結果顯示:(1)競合組織的成立,是為了產生利益、交易量和保證等的金錢價值,以及創新、科技能力、知識學習及分享和社會回報等非金錢價值; (2) 跨組織系統提供作業及策略上的支援,連結成員以進行價值活動; (3) 競合組織藉由跨組織系統進行共創價值活動,以提升整體供應鏈績效,鞏固產業競爭優勢。
摘要(英) In the past, Taiwanese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) had played an important role as manufacturers in the global supply chain. But now Taiwanese SMEs seem to be replaced by their counterparts from China and Southeast Asia because the scales of Taiwanese SMEs were much smaller than those global companies and the product costs were higher than the companies from China and Southeast Asian Nations. The members of Taiwan cycling A-Team alliance adopt an innovative co-opetion business model. Their success provides a solution for other Taiwan Taiwanese SMEs to compete globally.
This thesis analyzes why competitors cooperate in an alliance, how added value can be created through such interactions, and the role IT plays in facilitating the co-opetitive relationship and value creation from the perspective of value co-creation.
Secondary data are analyzed based on a research model derived from the literature, which encompasses constructs of “business relationship,” “value creation” and “interorganizational systems”. The research findings showed that: (1) the formation of co-opetiton organizations creates both monetary and non-monetary values; (2) IOS provides the needed operational and strategic supports for participants to perform the value-creating activities; (3) co-opetition organizations enhance the performance of the industry supply chain and consolidate industrial competitive advantages.
關鍵字(中) ★ 競合策略
★ 商業關係
★ 價值共創
★ 跨組織系統
★ A-Team
關鍵字(英) ★ A-Team
★ co-opetition
★ business relationships
★ value co-creation
★ interorganizational systems
論文目次 Table of contents
Chinese abstract i
English abstract ii
Table of contents iii
List of tables v
List of figures v
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation 4
1.3 Research objectives and questions 5
1.4 Research scope 6
1.5 Research process 7
2. Literature review 8
2.1 Value and value creation 8
2.1.1. Value 8
2.1.2. Value creation 10
2.2 From value creation to value co-creation 13
2.2.1. The resource layer 14
2.2.2. The actor layer 15
2.2.3. The activity layer 15
2.3 Interorganizational systems 18
2.4 The research model 22
3. Research method 24
3.1 Qualitative research 24
3.2 Case study method 25
3.3 Research subject 26
3.4 Data collection and analysis method 27
4. Case analysis 29
4.1 Case profile 29
4.1.1. The background of the A-Team’s formation 29
4.1.2. The operation of A-Team 30
4.2 Findings 31
4.2.1. The relationships of A-Team 31
4.2.2. The IOS of A-Team 39
4.2.3. The value creation of A-Team 42
4.3 Discussion 45
4.3.1. The relationship between business relationships and IOS 47
4.3.2. The relationship between IOS and value creation 48
4.3.3. The relationship between business relationships and value creation 48
5. Conclusions 49
5.1 Summary and discussion of findings 49
5.1.1. The changes of A-Team’s relationships: from competition to co-opetition 49
5.1.2. Value co-created in the co-opetition relationship 50
5.1.3. The supportive role of IOSs in the value co-creation process 50
5.1.4. The formation of A-Team: motivation 51
5.2 Contributions and implications 51
5.3 Research limitations 52
5.4 Future research directions 53
References 54
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T. G. Wang) 審核日期 2009-7-2
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