摘要(英) |
We implement a three-dimensional geo-magnetic sensing system based on Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive sensors. In this article, we describe the construction of the mathematic model, frameworks of the sensing circuit and signal processing circuit, concept of the human-machine interface, assembly of rotating-test platform, simulation result and true data analysis.
We put more emphasis on the calibration algorithm of this system, which directly make use of the geo-magnetic field to calibrating our magnetometer. Therefore, we could compensate the un-ideal characteristics of the magnetometer.
In simulation, the change of a single axis offset results to an RMS error within 0.05FS%; the change of a single axis sensitivity results to an RMS error within 0.16FS%; the change of a single axis skew angle results to an RMS error within 0.1FS% when we let the axes phase error (the α angle) off. In experiment, we use the algorithm to calculate the compensation parameters from raw data and compensate the raw data by using these parameters, then we find that the offsets and sensitivities are well-compensated. |
參考文獻 |
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