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卡特(Kurt Fortin)
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國際永續發展碩士在職專班 |
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GIS於宏都拉斯觀光發展之研究 (GIS tools for Development of Honduras Tourism)
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摘要(中) |
GIS 也許可提供一個思考的方向,GIS可以系統化的蒐集、儲存、分析、管理、展示空間相關的圖資,因此可用於革新目前宏都拉斯政府推廣國內外觀光所用的傳統方法。本研究利用網路建立一個整合GIS、相關空間圖資、三度空間展示技術、最新觀光資訊的網站,期能增加宏都拉斯推廣觀光的國際競爭力,及幫助國內環境的永續保存。 |
摘要(英) |
Central American countries lead the world statistics on tourism growth for the past few years. Even thought, the national government is doing their best on creating policies and promoting tourism; Honduras is not able to keeps up with the pace of other countries in the region. As a result, show a sluggish increase of the income generated from this sector and maintain low levels of competitiveness. Tourism, one of the world’s major industries, has become a third highest source of income for the Honduran government. Besides of generating foreign exchange earnings and investment, tourism has helped to promote a national identity, higher levels of development and enhancement of people’s life standards.
Honduras magnificent biodiversity and abundant natural resources offer a wide variety of attractions for the international tourists, such as archeological sites, historical monuments and splendid ecotourism. Without doubt, Honduras embodies a high touristic potential, currently not well developed. In order to have a better understanding of the current situation and find possible solutions, several questions need to be answer such questions are: What is the Honduras’s government working on? What’s making Honduras to have a sluggish increase on the income from the tourism sector? What would be an innovative solution for this problem?
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) might be an original solution for this issue. GIS is a system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes which are spatially referenced to the earth. In the strictest sense, it is a computer system capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, sharing, and displaying geographically-referenced information. This technological advancement can replace the government’s conventional and overrated efforts of developing and promoting the national and international tourism in the country. The creation of a website that integrates GIS tools, internet, geo-referenced data, satellite images, panoramic views, 3D modeling and up to date tourist information will improve the country’s international competitiveness and will help to promote environment conservation for the future. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 觀光發展 ★ GIS ★ 網際網路 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Tourism Development ★ Internet ★ GIS |
論文目次 |
Chinese Abstract:i
Abstract: ii
Ackowledge: iv
Table of Contents:vi
Table of Figures:ix
Chapter 1: Introduction
1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Honduras Current Situation
2.1 Honduras Special Features: 4
2.2 What is Tourism: 7
2.3 Tourism and Sustainable development: 7
2.4 Honduras Tourism 8
2.4.1 Honduras Top Touristic Spots: 11 Eastern 2006: example of Honduras touristic activity 15
2.5 Honduras Current International Promotion: 17
2.6 Honduras touristic market: 22
2.6.1Reasons for low arrivals from other destinations then CA: 25
2.7 Analysis of Honduras current touristic promotion: 29
2.7.1 Promotion through Hard paper Methods 29
2.7.2Internet definition and ratings: 33
2.7.3Honduran internet promotion: 34
2.7.4Efficiency of Honduras promotional Systems: 41
2.8 Improvement of Honduras Internet Promotion: 45
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Online services: 47
3.2 Website Required Tools: 49
3.2.1 Geographic Information Systems: 49 GIS required Capabilities: 51
3.2.2 Google: _____53
3.2.3 Googlemaps: 55
3.2.4 Googlemaps Advantages: 56 Googlemaps API Documentation: 57 Integration of Google maps: 59
3.2.3 Graphics: 60 Corel Suite 3X as Graphic creator: 60 Macromedia 8 as Graphic and Coding Integration: 61
3.2.4 Information: 62
3.25 Software and Hardware: 64
Chapter 4: Results
4.3 Improvements over Honduras Current Promotion: 71
5.1 Conclusions: 74
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Suggestions
5.2 Suggestions: 75
References 76
Appendix 77
Virtual tourism.com coding scripts: 77 |
參考文獻 |
1. World Development Indicators 2004;
2. World Tourism Organization (WTO), May 2005, “World's Top Tourism Destinations”;
3.Department of Economic and Social Affairs Commission on Sustainable Development, April 1999, “Tourism and Sustainable Development”, pp. 1-2;
4.Honduras Institute of Tourism (IHT), 2006, Tourism perspectives for the year 2010”;
5. Environmental economics, Barry C. Field, 2001, “Willingness to pay”,Sec. 2;
6. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly, November 2004, "Rhincodon typus";
7. National Institute of anthropology (INAH), 2006, “The Mayas”;
8. Honduras Institute of Tourism (IHT), 2006, “Statistics of Honduras Tourism”;
9. Honduras Institute of Tourism (IHT), 2006, “Statistics of touristic arrivals to Honduras”;
10. Honduras Institute of Tourism (IHT), 2006, “Press Release”
11. World Tourism Organization (WTO), 2005 Edition, “Tourism highlights”;
12. Honduras Institute of Tourism (IHT), 2006, “Statistics of Honduras Tourism”;
13. OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Vienna, 2004, “Media Freedom Internet Cookbook”;
14. Beginning MapServer, Kill Kropla, Apress; “Open Source GIS Development”, pp. xxiii-xxiv;
15. Beginning MapServer, Kill Kropla, Apress; “Open Source GIS Development”;
16. Nielsen //NetRatings report, 30/ May/ 2006;
17. Rich Gibson & Schuyler Erle, O’Reilly, First Edition, 2006. “Google Maps Hacks”;
18. Michael Purvis, Jeffrey Sambells and Cameron Turner, Apress, 2006. “Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax” |
指導教授 |
陳繼藩(Chi-Farn Chen)
審核日期 |
2007-7-12 |
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