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姓名 古澤若(Geraldine Georgia Godoy)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 貝里斯永續能源發展模型:能源與經濟、社會和環境之間的相互關係
★ 以數值模擬探討微管流之物理效應★ 微管流之層流與紊流模擬
★ 銅質均熱片研製★ 熱差式氣體流量計之感測模式及氣流道效應分析
★ 低溫倉儲噴流系統之實驗量測與數值模擬研究★ 壓縮微管流的熱流分析
★ 微小圓管的層流及熱傳數值模擬★ 微型平板流和圓管流的熱流特性:以數值探討壓縮和稀薄效應
★ 微管道電滲流物理特性之數值模擬★ 電滲泵內多孔介質微流場特性之數值模擬
★ 被動式微混合器之數值模擬★ 電滲泵的製作與性能測試
★ 叉合型流場於質子交換膜燃料電池之陰極半電池的參數探討★ 無動件式高流率電滲泵的製作與特性分析
★ 不同型式光纖與集光器搭配之效率測試★ 微電滲泵之暫態熱流研究
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摘要(中) 在現今的開發中國家,永續發展(SD)的概念正逐漸成型,並以此連結永續發展的三個關鍵元素:環境、社會與經濟,以發展各國人民的福祉和安定。永續發展的目標是做到滿足當代需求, 同時不損及後代滿足其需要之發展,此承諾可在能源的服務、生產、獲得和分配獲得擔保。而永續能源發展(SED)做為永續發展的解決方案,此概念涵蓋所有再生能源與技術,能提供一個划算又安全且對環境無害的能源供應方式。近年來再生能源因其對環境友善的特性而蓬勃發展,但另一方面它也需要足夠的技術去達成能源安全、增進效率與減緩溫室氣體排放的可行性。本論文將探討能源和社會、經濟與環境的關係。文中將以貝里斯為範例來闡述永續能源發展的概念,並藉由能源指標(EI)來評估全國的永續發展狀況。透過這些分析的結果將可對貝里斯的生態承載力、能源對環境的衝擊、經濟效益以及社會-政治公平性有所瞭解。
摘要(英) The concept of Sustainable Development (SD) resonates throughout developing countries in order to link its key elements: the environment, society and the economy for the development of man’s well-being and stability. The goal for SD is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs; a guarantee that is promised by energy services, production, availability and distribution. Sustainable Energy Development (SED), as the answer, is locked conceptually in the inclusion of all renewable
sources and technology that can produce economic and safe energy resources for all without impacting the environment. Renewable energy sources are encouraged because they are replenishable within a human lifetime and causes no long-term damage to the environment;adequate technologies, on the other hand, are essential for energy security, improving energy efficiency, reducing dependence on fossil fuel resources, and providing opportunities for
mitigating the emission of greenhouse gases. This thesis aims at analyzing the interrelationship between energy and the three dimensions of SD: social, economic and the environment. It explores the concept of SED in Belize, presenting the best assessment for the Nation through the
utilization of Energy Indicators (EI) as a tool to measure SED. The end result should establish an idea of Belize’s ecological carrying capacity, energy-related environmental impacts, economic efficiency and socio-political equity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續性
★ 永續能源
★ 能源指標
★ 再生能源
關鍵字(英) ★ Renewable Energy
★ Energy Indicators
★ Sustainability
★ Sustainable Energy
摘要........................................ i
ABSTRACT ................................... ii
ACKNOWLEGEMENTS ............................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENT............................ iv
LIST OF TABLES.............................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES .............................ix
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION......................1
1.1 Rearch Problem.......................... 1
1.2 Purpose of tudy......................... 4
1.3 Methodology ............................ 6
1.4 Thesis Limitations ..................... 7
1.5 Thesis Organization..................... 7
CHAPTER 2: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK .................................. 9
2.1 Sustainability.......................... 9
2.2 Sustainable Development................. 11
2.2.1 Economics Perspective................. 12
2.2.2 Environmental Perspective ............ 13
2.2.3 Social Perspective ................... 14
2.3 Sustainable Energy Development.......... 15
2.4 Framework Summary ...................... 17
CHAPTER 3: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT: BELIZE’S CONTEXT..................................... 19
3.1 Belize as a Nation: An Overview......... 19
3.1.1 Social Structure...................... 20
3.1.2 Economic Structure.................... 23
3.1.3 Environmental Structure............... 27
3.2 Diagnosis of the Energy Sector: Belize ..................................... 29
3.2.1 Petroleum Industry.................... 30
3.2.2 Biomass Industry...................... 32
3.2.3 Electricity Sector.................... 33
3.3 Energy Policy/Recommendation............ 35
3.4 Summary: Need for SED for Belize ..................................... 37
4.1 Introduction ........................... 39
4.1.1 What are Energy Indicators? .......... 40
4.1.2 Need for Energy Indicators............ 41
4.2 Energy Indicators....................... 42
4.3 Energy Indicators: Applications and Success .................................... 45
4.4 Energy Indicators Development for Belize...................................... 50
CHAPTER 5: SED ANALYSIS: ENERGY INTERRELATIONSHIP IN BELIZE...................................... 56
5.1 Analysis of the Social Dimension ....... 56
5.2 Analysis of the Economic Dimension ......61
5.3 Analysis of the Environmental Dimension .................................. 69
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS...................... 77
6.1 Realities and Issues.................... 77
6.2 Towards a Sustainable Energy Future .... 79
6.3 Suggestions for Future Research......... 82
REFERENCES ................................. 83
APPENDIX A: Location of Belize ............. 89
APPENDIX B: Statistics of Belize ........... 90
APPENDIX C: Belize’s Broad (Multiplicity) Ecosystem Map ........................................ 93
APPENDIX D: Transportation Cost in Belize .. 94
APPENDIX E: BEL’s Electricity Power System Transmission Lines....................................... 95
APPENDIX F: SOCIO-ECONOMIC RELATED DATA IN BELIZE...................................... 96
APPENDIX G: ECONOMIC INDICATOR DATA: BELIZE ..................................... 98
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指導教授 吳俊諆(Jiunn-Chi Wu) 審核日期 2009-7-2
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