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姓名 武冠宇(Guan-yu Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 溶膠-凝膠法製備超疏水環氧樹脂薄膜
(Preparation of superhydrophobic epoxy films by sol-gel process)
★ 快速合成具核殼結構之均ㄧ粒徑次微米球與其表面改質之特性研究★ 高效率染料敏化太陽能電池及製備次模組元件之研究
★ 利用核殼結構次微米球建構具耐溶劑性質及機械性質之光子晶體膜★ 利用次微米球建構具機械性質之光子晶體薄膜
★ 電漿高分子聚合膜對二氧化碳及甲烷氣體之分離性研究★ 同時聚合下製備聚苯乙烯/矽膠高分子混成體
★ 甲基丙烯酸酯系列團聯共聚物為界面活性劑之迷你乳化聚合研究★ 含水溶性藥物之乙基纖維素微膠囊的製備
★ 銅箔基板環氧樹脂含浸液之研究★ 含光敏感單體之甲基丙烯酸酯系列正型光阻之製備
★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 / 二氧化矽混成體之研究★ 均一粒徑無乳化劑次微米粒子之合成及種子溶脹製備均一粒徑微米級之緻密或交聯結構粒子
★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備環氧樹脂/二氧化矽有機無機混成體★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備相轉移材料微膠囊
★ 親疏水性光阻製備★ 奈米多孔性材料之製備
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摘要(中) 本論文主要為製備超疏水之環氧樹脂薄膜。首先在帶有疏水官能基(甲基)之矽氧烷偶合劑MTMOS的溶膠-凝膠反應液中導入環氧樹脂,以製備疏水環氧樹脂薄膜。再藉由導入二氧化矽粉體來增加表面粗糙度,接著添加PET纖維和提高硬化溫度來提升薄膜本身之機械性質以及薄膜與基材之間的接著性。薄膜特性可由接觸角、百格測試、SEM圖、AFM結果分析之。
摘要(英) In this study, the superhydrophobic epoxy-based thin film was prepared by mixing epoxy polymer solution and MTMOS solution first, and then the silica powder and PET fibers were added into the mixing solution to increase the roughness and improve the adhesion of the hybrid film, respectively. The characteristic of the film was analyzed by contact angles, adhesion test, SEM images, and AFM results.
The experimental result indicated that when the mole fraction of MTMOS increased from 0 to 0.4, the contact angle of the film also increased from 77° to 98°. And no matter the mole fraction of MTMOS was 0 or even 0.4, the remaining area of the films after the adhesion test were all 100%. To increase the surface roughness of the film, the coating solution was prepared by mixing the solution with silica powder. When the ratio of silica powder was 30wt%, the contact angle could be increased from 98° to 149°, but remaining area of the film decreased to 85% in the contrary. Furthermore, to improve the adhesion between the film and substrate, the coating solution was prepared by mixing the above solution with PET fibers. The remaining area after the adhesion test could be promoted to 95% as long as the addition of PET fibers was only 0.05wt%. In addition, the contact angle was also increased to 153° because of the increase of the roughness. In the other hand, the remaining area after the adhesion test could be increased to 100% while the curing temperature was increased to the range of 130˚C and 180˚C.
Moreover, the corrosion test result showed that the corrosion area on the aluminum substrate was reduced obviously after coating the superhydrophobic film on it.
關鍵字(中) ★ 溶膠-凝膠法
★ 蓮花效應
★ 超疏水
★ 環氧樹脂
關鍵字(英) ★ sol-gel
★ epoxy
★ superhydrophobic
★ lotus effect
論文目次 中文摘要.....II
第一章 前言.....1
1-1 超疏水起源及原理.....1
1-2 環氧樹脂.....2
1-3 溶膠-凝膠法.....3
1-4 利用溶膠-凝膠法製備超疏水表面之文獻回顧.....7
1-5 研究目的.....13
第二章 實驗.....14
2-1 藥品.....14
2-2 實驗儀器.....16
2-3 超疏水薄膜之製備.....17
2-4 超疏水表面之物性測量.....20
2-4-1 以接觸角量測儀測量薄膜之接觸角.....20
2-4-2 薄膜之附著力測試.....20
2-4-3 SEM觀察表面微結構.....21
2-4-4 AFM進行表面微結構分析.....21
第三章 結果與討論.....22
3-1 環氧樹脂與溶膠凝膠溶液.....22
3-1-1 MTMOS的添加量與薄膜接觸角之關係.....23
3-1-2 MTMOS的添加量與薄膜附著力之關係.....23
3-2 添加二氧化矽粉體以製備粗糙表面.....26
3-2-1 二氧化矽粉體的添加量與薄膜接觸角之關係.....26
3-2-2 添加二氧化矽粉體對於薄膜附著力之影響.....27
3-3 添加PET纖維以提升薄膜與基材之接著性.....34
3-3-1 PET纖維的添加量與薄膜附著力之關係.....34
3-3-2 PET纖維的添加與薄膜接觸角之關係.....35
3-4 硬化溫度的影響.....41
3-4-1 硬化溫度與薄膜附著力之關係.....41
3-4-2 硬化溫度與薄膜接觸角之關係.....42
3-5 超疏水薄膜之耐酸蝕試驗.....45
第四章 結論.....47
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指導教授 陳暉(Hui Chen) 審核日期 2009-7-20
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