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姓名 徐道賢(Tao-Hsien Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 航太葉片座標定位與翼形面檢測技術發展
(On the Development of the Coordinate Setup and Airfoil Profile Inspection Technique for Blades)
★ 光纖通訊主動元件之光收發模組由上而下CAD模型設計流程探討★ 汽車鈑金焊接之夾治具精度分析與改善
★ 輪胎模具反型加工路徑規劃之整合研究★ 自動化活塞扣環壓入設備之開發
★ 光學鏡片模具設計製造與射出成形最佳化研究★ CAD模型基礎擠出物之實體網格自動化建構技術發展
★ 塑膠射出薄殼件之CAD模型凸起面特徵辨識與分模應用技術發展★ 塑膠射出成型之薄殼件中肋與管設計可製造化分析與設計變更技術研究
★ 以二維影像重建三維彩色模型之色彩紋理貼圖技術與三維模型重建系統發展★ 結合田口法與反應曲面法之光學鏡片射出成型製程參數最佳化分析
★ 薄殼零件薄殼本體之結構化實體網格自動建構技術發展★ Boss特徵之結構化實體網格自動化建構技術發展
★ 應用於模流分析之薄殼元件CAD模型特徵辨識與分解技術發展★ 實體網格建構對於塑膠光學元件模流分析 之影響探討
★ 螺槳葉片逆向工程CAD模型重建與檢測★ 電腦輔助紋理影像辨識與點資料視覺化研究
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摘要(中) 葉片是航空發動機中非常重要的零件之一,葉片的幾何造型與製造品質對發動機的性能及壽命有相當大的影響,因此品管檢驗的過程相當重要。葉片在製造加工及檢測過程中,都需要利用設計藍圖上所規範的基準面或基準點來建立座標系統。傳統檢測過程中,座標系統的建立往往都是以人為手動操作的方式來完成,不僅耗時也不夠精確,更別說座標的重現性。研究中針對藍圖所見的眾多類型基準點加以分類,並提出各種基準點的量測方法,達到自動化精確量測的目標。葉片檢測座標主要是還原與加工時相同的座標系統,由於葉片加工完成後座標系統就不存在,檢測時就需依據藍圖重建加工座標系統。研究中亦根據藍圖定義的座標系統發展出三基準平面定座標與疊代六基準點定座標的方法,完整重建加工時的座標系統。
摘要(英) The blade is the most important component in aircraft engines while its geometry and the corresponding manufacturing quality significantly affect the engine’s performance and life time. Therefore, the inspection is very important procedure for quality assurance. However, the reconstruction of the datum planes and the datum points referring to the blueprint and the manufacturing machine is difficult for the initialization of the inspection procedure. The traditional methods are based the operator’s experience and relied on the manually operations. This is not only time consuming but also lacking accuracy. The coordinate reconstruction is very difficult to achieve in this way. This research categorizes several procedures from most kind blades from blueprint to determine the datum points and datum planes for automatic inspection. The purpose of these proposed procedures is to reconstruct the inspection coordinate system as that in the manufacturing stage. Both of three-plane method and six-point iteration method may apply to rebuild the manufacturing coordinate system in the inspection procedure.
The blade inspection focuses on the airfoil profile and the error analysis in the key dimensions. However, the traditional measurement methods may not sufficient to handle the inspection of the sequence of airfoil profile due to the blade design shown in most of the blade blueprint. This study proposed the off-line inspection procedure regarding to the airfoil profile measurement while the original CAD model was provided. A two-stage inspection procedure is also proposed in order to examine the blade with the blueprint only. Regarding to the significant change of the curvature rate in the leading or trailing edges of the airfoil, a searching and measurement method is also proposed to reduce the non-smooth measurements.
It is very difficult to calculate the airfoil parameters and analyze the profile error by the specification in blueprint and the profile measurement data since the uncertainty in the datum planes and datum points. Therefore, based on the objective of automatic inspection and then calculate the airfoil parameters and the profile error analysis. The proposed optimum datum determination method can be achieved by iteration in searching the shortest measurement distance and calculate the transform matrix for coordinate system correction.
Regarding to blades inspection, this study proposed a complete automatic procedure includes (1) Blade datum determination methods for several kinds of blades, (2) Rebuild the manufacturing coordinate system methods, (3) Airfoil profile measurement methods, (4) Airfoil analysis methods, and (5) Automatic inspection methods. The proposed procedure and the corresponding inspection techniques were proved the capabilities in several aero engine blades and successfully applied by several domestic aero industry companies for the blade inspection and analysis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 三次元量測儀
★ 座標定位
★ 葉片檢測
★ 翼形參數分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Airfoil profile analysis
★ Blade inspection
★ Coordinate setup
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究目的與方法 7
1.3.1 座標定位 8
1.3.2 量測分析技術 8
1.4 論文架構 12
第二章 葉片概論 15
2.1 發動機葉片 15
2.1.1 葉片種類 17
2.1.2 葉片構造 17
2.2 翼形參數定義 22
2.3 葉片座標定義 25
2.4 葉片公差類型 27
第三章 基準點量測及座標定位原理 30
3.1 前言 30
3.2 葉片基準點分類 30
3.3 三次元量測探討 33
3.3.1 探頭補償探討 34
3.3.2 微平面量測法 37
3.4 座標系統設定 40
3.5 葉片基準點量測法 42
3.6 葉片座標系統設定 47
3.6.1 三基準平面定座標 47
3.6.2 六基準點定座標 49
3.6.3 六基準點疊代定座標 51
3.6.4 基準點誤差探討 52
3.6.5 座標系統修正 55
第四章 翼形面量測及路徑規劃 57
4.1 前言 57
4.2 B-spline曲線 57
4.3 離線量測規劃 60
4.4 兩階段量測規劃 63
4.5 搜尋法量測規劃 68
4.6 軟體補償規劃 69
第五章 葉片翼剖面分析技術研究 72
5.1 前言 72
5.2 分析資料處理 72
5.3 資料對齊演算法 73
5.4 翼形參數分析程序 76
5.4.1 量測資料的初始定位 78
5.4.2 量測資料的最佳化定位 78
5.4.3 葉片參數分析 83
5.5 葉片參數分析演算法 83
5.5.1 前後緣尖端搜尋 84
5.5.2 弦拱曲線搜尋及厚度計算 84
5.5.3 其他參數分析 86
第六章 座標定位與檢測技術在發動機葉片上的應用 89
6.1 前言 89
6.2 噴嘴區段的座標定位 89
6.2.1 座標系統設定 90
6.2.2 座標設定結果 92
6.3 渦輪葉片的座標定位 93
6.3.1 座標系統設定 93
6.3.2 座標設定結果 99
6.3.3 葉片基本檢測 102
6.4 風扇葉片的翼形檢測 106
6.4.1 座標系統設定 106
6.4.2 葉片翼形面量測 109
6.4.3 最佳化量測資料 109
6.4.4 葉片翼形面分析 109
6.4.5 翼形面分析結果 111
第七章 結論與未來展望 115
7.1 結論 115
7.2 未來展望 116
參考文獻 118
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指導教授 賴景義(Jiing-Yih Lai) 審核日期 2007-7-26
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