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姓名 呂學明(Xiung-Ming Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 熱差式氣體流量計之感測模式及氣流道效應分析
★ 以數值模擬探討微管流之物理效應★ 微管流之層流與紊流模擬
★ 銅質均熱片研製★ 低溫倉儲噴流系統之實驗量測與數值模擬研究
★ 壓縮微管流的熱流分析★ 微小圓管的層流及熱傳數值模擬
★ 微型平板流和圓管流的熱流特性:以數值探討壓縮和稀薄效應★ 微管道電滲流物理特性之數值模擬
★ 電滲泵內多孔介質微流場特性之數值模擬★ 被動式微混合器之數值模擬
★ 電滲泵的製作與性能測試★ 叉合型流場於質子交換膜燃料電池之陰極半電池的參數探討
★ 無動件式高流率電滲泵的製作與特性分析★ 微電滲泵之暫態熱流研究
★ 高解析熱氣泡式噴墨頭墨滴成形觀測★ 電滲泵之焦耳熱效應分析
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摘要(中) 本文分別利用定溫、定電流感測電路作熱差實驗量測實驗,探討加熱線圈的熱通量差、溫度差與流量的關係,由實驗中我們發現定溫感測電路易受環境溫度影響,反應時間較快,輸出電壓和流量呈一非線性關係,定電流感測電路工作溫度範圍較廣,反應時間較慢,輸出電壓和流量大致呈線性關係。
摘要(英) Measurements from the thermal-difference experiments were made via the constant- temperature and constant-current sensing circuits; which were used to analyze the relations among the thermal-difference (temperature and thermal flux) from the two heating sections and the flowrate passing through the sensor tube. Experimental results show that sensor tube with the constant-temperature mode has faster response time, its output voltage and flowrate relation is nonlinear, and it was prone to influence of environmental temperature. The characteristics of sensor tube with the constant-current sensing circuit was: wider range of working temperature, slower response time, and roughly a linear relation between output voltage and flowrate.
Disagreement of the thermal flux of the two heating sections among the measurement data with the constant-temperature mode and the numerical simulations do exist. Such discrepancy should caused by the unequal length of two handmade heating coils wrapped around the sensor tube. The discrepancy was eliminated by comparison in terms of the thermal flux difference from two heating sections, and good agreement were obtained between numerical and experimental approaches.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱質流量計 關鍵字(英) ★ TMFM
論文目次 目錄
第二章 實驗裝置、原理及程序6
2.1 實驗裝置6
2.1.1 熱質流量量測裝置6
2.1.2 測試段裝置與控制電路8
2.1.3 加熱段製作9
2.2 實驗原理10
2.2.1 感測元件10
2.2.2 流量感測電路-定溫度型感測電路11
2.2.3 流量感測電路-定電流型感測電路14
2.3 實驗步驟16
第三章 數值與解析方法18
3.1 FLUENT 軟體解題程序18
3.2 感應管熱傳19
3.2.1 一字型感應管20
3.3.2 倒U型管感應管22
3.3.3 ㄇ字型氣流道感應管23
第四章 結果與討論24
4.1 加熱段熱散失分析24
4.2 感測電路的比較28
4.2.1 定溫感測電路的熱流特性28
4.2.2 定電流感測電路的熱流特性32
4.3 感應管氣流道的比較33
第五章 結論35
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學會第16屆全國機械工程學術研討會論文集 (清華大學,新竹市,1999)。
指導教授 吳俊諆(Jiunn-Chi Wu) 審核日期 2000-7-4
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