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姓名 陳勇宏(Yung-Hung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 AZ31及AZ61鎂合金之晶粒細化與鈑片成形研究
(A Study on Grain Refining and Plate Forming of Magnesium Alloy AZ31 and AZ61)
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摘要(中) 本研究採用熱輥軋及等通道彎角擠製來探討可細化鎂合金晶粒程度以及對機械性質的影響,並利用沖壓、吹氣成形法探討晶粒細化前後鎂合金鈑片之成形性。
在等通道彎角擠製(Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, ECAE)部份,AZ31鎂合金以Φ=90o、250℃一道次擠製後再以200℃擠製三道次後,晶粒細化效果最佳,由9.5μm細化至2.6μm,而機械性質也相對的提升,其中降伏強度由169MPa增加至226MPa,伸長率則由18.7﹪提升至21.7%,再經由後續退火處理,材料伸長率更大幅度的提升至29.2%。
摘要(英) Magnesium alloy is the lightest metal that can be employed for structural use, and there have been many researches of grain refining on this material. We will investigate the different effects on mechanical properties between two grain refining methods--(1) Rolling and (2) ECAE (Equal Channel Angular Extrusion) process. Also, the formability of un-processed and processed materials would be conferred by punch and gas forming (punch-less) method as well.
2mm of AZ31 plate reduced 50% thickness by rolling single time with hot roller after preheating 10mins at 350℃, then we can have fine grain (<5μm) materials. Meanwhile, the better yielding strength (161->279MPa) and elongation (14.2->20.9%) can be achieved by this process. In addition, this process will improve the gas formability of Magnesium Alloy. The elongation of refined AZ31 specimen could reach 220% by gas forming at 300℃ and the strain rate range of 5x10-3~1x10-2.
In ECAE experiments, after extruded one time at 250℃ and three times at 200℃ with channel angular of 90o, we could have smallest grain size decreased from 9.5 to 2.6μm. Equally, the strength and elongation of materials increased simultaneously after ECAE process. The ductility would have further great promotion after the post-annealing treatment.
Because of different textures, both AZ31 and AZ61 materials with more strength can be achieved by rolling than ECAE process. This phenomenon is more apparent after post-annealing treatment. Besides, fine precipitations(<1μm) will exist at grain boundaries after processed, this is the reason why AZ61 materials have more ductility than AZ31 at high temperature.
The results of this study might be used as referenced resources not only for the related academic research of Magnesium Alloy but also for the development of the real products in industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鎂合金
★ 鈑片成形
★ 沖壓
★ 吹氣成形
★ 晶粒細化
★ 熱輥軋
★ 等通道彎角擠製(ECAE)
關鍵字(英) ★ AZ31
★ AZ61
★ Grain Refining
★ Rolling
論文目次 摘要
第一章 前言--------------------------------------------------1
第二章 基本原理與文獻回顧------------------------------------5
2.1 合金元素對鎂合金的影響-------------------------------------5
2.1.1 鋁元素的影響---------------------------------------------5
2.1.2 鋅元素的影響---------------------------------------------6
2.2 鎂合金的材料特性-------------------------------------------6
2.3 鎂合金之晶粒細化-------------------------------------------7
2.4 ECAE簡介---------------------------------------------------8
2.4.1 ECAE塑性變形原理-----------------------------------------9
2.4.2 擠製方法與剪應變幾何特性---------------------------------11
2.5 金屬材料再結晶理論-----------------------------------------12
2.5.1 冷作加工儲存能-------------------------------------------13
2.5.2 儲存能的釋出及再結晶驅動---------------------------------13
2.5.3 再結晶晶核的形成-----------------------------------------14
2.5.4 再結晶溫度-----------------------------------------------14
2.5.5 再結晶晶粒尺寸-------------------------------------------15
2.5.6 ECAE之晶粒細化原理---------------------------------------16
第三章 實驗材料及分析方法--------------------------------------25
3.1 實驗材料---------------------------------------------------25
3.2 實驗設備---------------------------------------------------25
3.3 分析方法---------------------------------------------------27
3.3.1 顯微組織觀察及成份分析-----------------------------------27
3.3.2 材料之機械性質測定---------------------------------------28
第四章 未輥軋鈑片之成形研究------------------------------------35
4.1 未軋輥鎂鈑之沖壓成形研究-----------------------------------35
4.1.1 鈑片工作溫度及預熱時間對沖壓成形性之影響-----------------35
4.1.2 沖壓速度對沖壓成形性之影響-------------------------------36
4.1.3 階段沖壓之可行性-----------------------------------------36
4.1.4 沖壓破壞模式---------------------------------------------37
4.2 未軋輥鎂鈑之吹氣成形研究-----------------------------------37
4.2.1 吹氣成形結果---------------------------------------------38
4.2.2 吹氣成形後鈑片之微結構分析-------------------------------39
4.3 未軋輥鎂鈑之沖壓及吹氣成形比較-----------------------------40
第五章 鈑片輥軋及軋後吹氣成形研究------------------------------51
5.1 鈑片輥軋實驗-----------------------------------------------51
5.1.1熱輥軋實驗------------------------------------------------51 AZ31鎂鈑經熱輥軋製程後微結構及機械性質分析-------------53 AZ61鎂鈑經熱輥軋製程後微結構及機械性質分析-------------54
5.1.2 軋後熱處理-----------------------------------------------55 AZ31鎂鈑(As-Rolled)經退火處理後微結構及機械性質分析----55 AZ61鎂鈑(As-Rolled)經退火處理後微結構及機械性質分析----56
5.2 熱軋後AZ31鎂鈑 (1mm)之吹氣成形-----------------------------57
5.2.1 輥軋鎂鈑(1mm)在成形深度20mm的吹氣成形結果----------------58
5.2.2 輥軋鎂鈑(Post-Annealed)、成形深度16mm的吹氣成形結果------58
5.2.3 輥軋鎂鈑(As-Rolled)、成形深度16mm的吹氣成形結果----------60
5.2.4 輥軋鎂鈑(1mm)吹氣成形後之厚度分析------------------------61
5.2.5 吹氣成形後鈑片之微結構分析-------------------------------62
第六章 等通道彎角擠製之晶粒細化研究----------------------------92
6.1 ECAE製程實驗-----------------------------------------------93
6.1.1 ECAE製程及製程後巨觀分析---------------------------------93
6.1.2 AZ31經ECAE製程後材料分析---------------------------------94 AZ31鎂合金經ECAE製程後微結構分析-----------------------94 AZ31鎂合金經ECAE製程後之機械性質分析-------------------97
6.1.3 AZ61經ECAE製程後材料分析---------------------------------99 AZ61鎂合金經ECAE製程後微結構分析-----------------------99 AZ61鎂合金經ECAE製程後之機械性質分析-------------------100
6.2 ECAE製程後退火處理-----------------------------------------101
6.2.1 AZ31鎂合金經ECAE製程後退火處理---------------------------102
6.2.2 AZ61鎂合金經ECAE製程後退火處理---------------------------103
6.3 鎂合金經ECAE後材料之高溫拉伸性質---------------------------103
第七章 晶粒細化、鈑片成形比較與結論----------------------------149
7.1 AZ31鎂合金經熱輥軋及ECAE製程後晶粒細化比較-----------------149
7.2 AZ31鎂鈑經晶粒細化前後之吹氣成形性比較---------------------150
7.3 結論-------------------------------------------------------150
7.2.1 鎂合金晶粒細化-------------------------------------------150
7.2.2 AZ31鎂合金鈑片成形---------------------------------------152
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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2004-5-7
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