摘要(英) |
In this research, image interpolation based on the dilation and erosion techniques is developed to improve the step-shape of the geometric model used in 3D medical reconstruction.
Basically, the discontinuous step-shape surface existing with the reconstructed geometric model based on the traditional Marching-Cube technique is unavoidable, if the gap between two cross sectional 2D images is large, or the image resolutions between horizontal and vertical images is not compatible. To improve this disadvantage, some interpolated images are necessary between any two cross section images. In this research, the interpolation technique based on the dilation distance and Euclidean distance is discussed respectively, and the interpolation algorithms based on the dilation/erosion transform are developed accordingly. In addition, search algorithms for different contour pixels matching are also developed, which can be used to generate suitable point sets for parametric surface reconstruction.
In the operation interface, not only the model reconstruction function, the real time cross sectional image generation and image isolines labeling are also developed, which can provide more quickly, precise, and real visual effect for medical diagnosis or inspection. |
參考文獻 |
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