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姓名 施至鴻(Chih-Hung Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 具高分子電光調變器之調頻分頻多工影像傳輸系統
(FM-FDM Optical Video Transmission Using a E-O Polymer Light Modulator)
★ 人體血清白蛋白構形改變之電化學及表面電漿共振分析研究★ 超高解析度表面電漿共振生物感測器之研製
★ 光強調變雷射書寫機之研製★ DVD光碟機之適應性聚焦控制
★ 光波導耦合表面電漿子之電光調變器★ 表面電漿共振移相干涉儀之影像處理系統
★ 衰逝全反射生醫感測儀之研製★ 表面電漿共振移相干涉術:即時微陣列DNA雜交分析
★ 表面電漿共振影像系統於DNA微陣列雜交探測★ DVD光碟機之DSP主動式聚焦控制器
★ 具液晶移相干涉術之適應光學系統★ 非球面閃耀式微光柵設計與光罩製作
★ 表面電漿子與粒子電漿子強化之光電生物感測器★ 光電訊號處理系統於生醫檢測之開發與應用
★ 適應性光學之系統鑑別★ 表面電漿共振相位影像系統
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摘要(中) 在今日講求高品質的多媒體傳輸系統下,分頻多工系統(frequency- division-multiplexing,FDM)一直在通訊系統中佔有相當的地位,而使用調頻(frequency modulation,FM)方式於類比影像傳輸系統,訊號在傳輸的過程中,能獲得較好的訊雜比、失真度低及受環境影響因素低,也較數位傳輸方式較為經濟。
在本文中將呈現利用自製高分子電光調變器於高頻雷射調變及解調電路,完成調頻分頻多工影像傳輸系統。調頻解調電路,分別使用電壓控制振盪器(voltage-controlled oscillator,VCO)與相位栓鎖迴路(phase locked loop,PLL)來完成,電壓控制振盪器有良好的輸入電壓與輸出頻率關係,能給予極佳的線性度,使用相位栓鎖迴路解調,由於不受輸入訊號的振幅影響,能獲得較佳的解調輸出,且在電路積體化之後使用更為便利。
而高分子電光調變器於高頻雷射調變上,其特色為一種工作電壓小且動態特性佳的光調變器—利用電場改變入射光波與波導耦合模態表面電漿共振(waveguide-coupled surface plasmon resonance,WCSPR)之間的耦合程度,其中有機電光高分子材料因外加電場形成一階電光效應,造成其折射率發生變化,進而使反射光的強度產生線性變化而達到光調變的目的。
摘要(英) Because the people desire to have high quality multimedia communication, frequency division multiplexer (FDM) is always playing an important role in the communication system. By using frequency modulation (FM) for analog video communication system, it would achieve higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and less susceptibility to nonlinear distortion during transmission than by using the amplitude modulation (AM). Besides, analog communication devices like FM transmitters and receivers are much cheaper than the digital communication equipments.
In this thesis, we demonstrate FM/FDM analog video communication system using in-house electro-optic polymer light modulator as light transmitter. We here also used voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) to modulate signals because of its superior linearity between input voltage and output frequency. Therefore it would produce more accurate desired frequency by controlling input voltage. Moreover we choose phase locked loop (PLL) circuit as our demodulator circuit because PLL has wider deviation range and less sensitivity to noise as compared to other discriminators
The electro-optic polymer light modulator has some characterizations such as low driving voltage and large aperture. By combining Pockels effect from electro-optic polymer material and waveguide coupled of surface plasmon resonance, it is demonstrated that this kind of modulator operated with less applying modulation voltage, less optical insertion loss and easy alignment as compared to other light modulation techniques.
關鍵字(中) ★ 調頻
★ 影像傳輸
★ 分頻多工
★ 電光調變器
關鍵字(英) ★ video transmission
★ light modulator
★ FM
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 4
1-3文獻回顧 6
1-4論文架構 10
第二章 調頻分頻多工之光纖通訊系統 12
2-1光纖通訊系統的基本架構與特色 12
2-2調頻分頻多工原理 13
2-2-1頻率調變原理說明 15
2-2-2頻率調變頻域分析 19
第三章 調頻與解調頻電路 22
3-1調變電路 22
3-1-1可變電容二極體 22
3-1-2電壓控制振盪器線性積體電路 24
3-2解調頻電路 24
3-2-1斜率檢測器 25
3-2-2 Foster-Seely鑑別器 26
3-2-3相位拴鎖迴路解調器 29
第四章 光發射器與接收器 35
4-1光發射器 35
4-1-1調變器原理 35
4-1-2元件設計 36
4-1-3電光調變元件的製作方式 38
4-1-4調變器之架設 39
4-1-5調變器頻寬量測 40
4-2光檢測器 42
4-2-1半導體接面型光二極體 42
4-2-2光檢測器雜訊及頻寬分析 47
第五章 調頻分頻多工影像傳輸實驗 52
5-1直調式調頻分頻多工影像通訊 52
5-1-1發射端部分 53
5-1-2接收端部分 59
5-1-3實驗結果 63
5-2被動式調頻分頻多工影像通訊 68
5-2-1發射端部分 68
5-2-2接收端部分 72
5-2-3實驗結果 73
第六章 結論 74
參考文獻 76
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指導教授 陳顯禎(Shean-Jen Chen) 審核日期 2003-6-29
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