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姓名 楊益郎(Yi-Lang Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 5083鋁合金經等通道彎角擠製後之微結構及機械性質研究
(Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 5083 Al Alloy after Equal Channel Angular Extrusion)
★ 使用實驗計劃法求得印刷電路板微鑽針最佳鑽孔參數★ 滾針軸承保持架用材料之電鍍氫脆研究
★ 強制氧化及熱機處理對鎂合金AZ91D固相回收製程之研究★ 滾針軸承保持架圓角修正之有限元素分析
★ 透過乾式蝕刻製作新型鍺全包覆式閘極電晶體元件★ 窗型球柵陣列構裝翹曲及熱應力分析
★ 冷軋延對ZK60擠製材的拉伸與疲勞性質之影響★ 熱引伸輔助超塑成形製作機翼整流罩之設計及分析
★ 超塑性鋁合金5083用於機翼前緣整流罩之研究★ 輕合金輪圈疲勞測試與分析
★ 滾針軸承保持架之有限元分析★ 鎂合金之晶粒細化與超塑性研究
★ 平板式固態氧化物燃料電池穩態熱應力分析★ 固態氧化物燃料電池連接板電漿鍍膜特性研究
★ 7XXX系鋁合金添加Sc之顯微組織與機械性質研究★ 高延性鎂合金之特性及成形性研究
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摘要(中) 商業用5083鋁合金,具有低密度、強度適中、抗腐蝕性良好及焊接性佳等特點,透過輥軋式熱機處理製作成鈑材後,成為最常被使用在結構材上的細晶超塑性鋁合金;近幾年來,另一種嶄新的晶粒細化技術,等通道彎角擠製(ECAE)被廣泛的研究應用在許多的鎂合金及鋁合金方面,但是對於5083鋁合金的研究卻未多見。本研究應為首次對5083鋁合金實行ECAE,共應用4種ECAE製程參數及不同批次生產的5083鋁合金,探討ECAE製程參數及合金元素對擠製後微結構及機械性質影響,另外也比較ECAE及輥軋兩種製程的晶粒細化效果。
5083鋁合金經過90°-200℃-Bc8擠製後,能產生小於1μm之等軸次晶粒結構,Fe含量較低的5083鋁合金並且在250℃及450℃的溫度下,使用1×10-3 s-1的應變速率,分別得到266.6%及350%的伸長量,同時具有低溫及高溫的超塑性。此外,5083鋁合金經過ECAE製程後,初始的〈110〉// ND的ζ-fiber完全消失,轉變成為類似扭轉變形時產生的〈111〉// ND的剪力織構,除了擠製溫度之外,剪力織構的強度取決於剪切平面的數量與夾角,使用Φ=120°的織構強度會高於Φ=90°,而且各擠製方位剪力織構強度的表現Route C>Route A>Route Bc。
摘要(英) Commerical avaiable 5083 Al alloy is well known for its good weldability, corrosion resistance and medium strength with ductility. It was one of the few aluminum alloys that had been targeted for developing fine-grained superplasticity for structural applications through rolling type thermo-mechanical process. In recent years, a new technique for refining grain sizes, equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) has been emerged and imposed on many magnesium and some aluminum alloys. Surprisingly, it is seemingly not involving the Al-5083. In this study, billets extruded by ECAE using four kinds of process parameters will be prepared for microstructure observations and mechanical property tests. Furthermore, two batches of 5083 Al alloys containing slightly different on composition will also be compared after ECAE.
The microstructure of 5083 Al alloy processed by 90°-200℃-Bc8 condition is consisted of equaxied subgrain structure, and grain size is small than 1μm. The elongations of 5083 alloy containing lower Fe that tested at initial strain rate 1×10-3 s-1 are 266.7% and 350% at 250℃ and 450℃, respectively. The restult shows that 5083 Al alloy reveals low and high temperatures superplasticity simultaneously. After ECAE, the initial texture of 〈110〉// ND of materials disappeared completely and were translated into 〈111〉// ND shear texture which was also formed in torsion processed material. Besides extrusion temperatures, the amount of shear planes and an included angle between them also affect the intensity of shear texture. The intensity of shear texture at die angle Φ=120° is higher than Φ=90°, and Route C>Route A>Route Bc.
Using different process parameters, such as Routes, temperatures and number of passes, which will lead to microstructure having different grain shapes, grain boundary properties and texture components. These characteristics will control whether dynamic recrystallization occurs or not during low temperature superplasticity. During high temperature superplasticity, the second phase particles consist of Mn, Fe and Si elements, which play an important part for tensile testing. The 5083 Al alloy containing fewer Fe which represents higher m-value and optimum elongation at 450℃.
關鍵字(中) ★ 方位分佈函數
★ 織構
★ 超塑性
★ 機械性質
★ 微結構
★ 5083鋁合金
★ 等通道彎角擠製
關鍵字(英) ★ Equal channel angular extrusion
★ 5083 Al alloy
★ microstructure
★ mechanical property
★ ODFs
★ Texture
★ superplasticity
論文目次 摘要
第一章 前言-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究動機-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 5083鋁合金的特性簡介〔4〕-----------------------------------------------------------2
第二章 研究背景與方向----------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.1 晶粒細化的方法--------------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.2 等通道彎角擠製(equal channel angular extrusion, ECAE)-----------------------6
2.2.1 大量塑性變形法(severe plastic deformation, SPD)-----------------------------6
2.2.2 等通道彎角擠製(ECAE)之工作原理---------------------------------------------6
2.3 等通道彎角擠製之製程參數----------------------------------------------------------10
2.3.1 擠製方位(Route)--------------------------------------------------------------------10
2.3.2 擠製道次(number of passes)------------------------------------------------------12
2.3.3 擠製溫度------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
2.3.4 擠製速度、潤滑劑及背壓----------------------------------------------------------15
2.4 鋁鎂合金經等通道彎角擠製後之微結構及機械性質發展----------------------17
2.4.1 微結構---------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
2.4.2 常溫機械性質------------------------------------------------------------------------21
2.4.3 超塑性(Superplasticity)------------------------------------------------------------22
2.5 織構之分析-------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
2.5.1 織構之形成與影響因素------------------------------------------------------------29
2.5.2 極圖(pole figure)之簡介-----------------------------------------------------------31
2.5.3 方位分佈函數(Orientation distribution functions, ODFs)之應用-----------32
2.5.4 鋁鎂合金織構之相關研究---------------------------------------------------------34
2.6 研究目的與方向-------------------------------------------------------------------------40
第三章 實驗方法與步驟---------------------------------------------------------------------52
3.1 實驗材料----------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
3.2 模具設計及擠製設備-------------------------------------------------------------------52
3.3 實驗步驟----------------------------------------------------------------------------------53
3.4 機械性質測試----------------------------------------------------------------------------54
3.4.1 微硬度試驗---------------------------------------------------------------------------54
3.4.2 常溫拉伸性質測試------------------------------------------------------------------54
3.4.3 高溫拉伸性質測試------------------------------------------------------------------54
3.5 微結構觀察-------------------------------------------------------------------------------55
3.6 織構觀察----------------------------------------------------------------------------------56
第四章 結果與討論---------------------------------------------------------------------------64
4.1 ECAE製程實驗--------------------------------------------------------------------------64
4.1.1 擠製溫度的選定---------------------------------------------------------------------64
4.1.2 擠製後的試棒外觀------------------------------------------------------------------65
4.1.3 常溫機械性質------------------------------------------------------------------------65
4.1.4 微結構觀察---------------------------------------------------------------------------68
4.2 織構分析----------------------------------------------------------------------------------71
4.2.1 X光繞射實驗-------------------------------------------------------------------------71
4.2.2 方位分佈函數的量測分析---------------------------------------------------------72
4.2.3 探討通道夾角及擠製方位對織構發展的影響---------------------------------75
4.3 高溫拉伸實驗----------------------------------------------------------------------------77
4.3.1 原始材(as-extruded)試片與90°-200℃-Bc8試片之比較------------------77
4.3.2 溫度及應變速率對90°-200℃-Bc8試片之影響-------------------------------79
4.3.3 不同ECAE製程試片之比較------------------------------------------------------80
4.3.4 高溫拉伸前之微結構變化---------------------------------------------------------81
4.4.1 微結構觀察及分析------------------------------------------------------------------84
4.4.2 高溫拉伸試驗------------------------------------------------------------------------85
4.4.3 第二相顆粒對超塑性的影響------------------------------------------------------86
第五章 結論----------------------------------------------------------------------------------157
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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2005-6-17
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