博碩士論文 91323038 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭仲良(Chung-Liang Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 製程條件對汽車車體用6022鋁合金析出擧動之影響
(The effect of aging precipitations in AA6022 of different manufacturing process condition)
★ 鋁電解電容器用陽極鋁箔電蝕時電化學舉動之研究★ 汽車車體用鋁合金板材、擠型材之研究
★ 汽車車體骨架用6000系鋁合金低溫時效與擠型條件之研究★ 材料製程對汽車車體用鋁合金彎曲加工特性之影響研究
★ 鋁電解電容器用低壓陽極箔鋁箔之研發★ 鋁原箔對鋁電解電容器用高壓陽極鋁箔電解腐蝕舉動之影響研究
★ 電蝕條件對鋁電解電容器用高壓陽極鋁箔電蝕時電化學舉動之影響研究★ 鋁原箔製程參數對低壓鋁電解電容器用陽極鋁箔電解腐蝕舉動影響之研究
★ 微量元素對高壓鋁電解電容器用 陽極鋁箔電解腐蝕舉動影響之研究★ 微量元素對低壓鋁電解電容器用 陽極鋁箔電解腐蝕舉動影響之研究
★ 製程履歷對汽車車體用6022 鋁合金析出舉動之影響研究★ 均質化處理及時效處理條件對航空用鋁合金金屬疲勞舉動之影響
★ 鋁電解電容器用高純度鋁箔直流電蝕擧動之模型分析★ 腐蝕環境對航空用7050鋁合金金屬疲勞擧動之影響
★ 低壓鋁電解電容器用鋁箔之電蝕條件最佳化研究★ 比較硬質鋁箔與退火後鋁箔在電蝕時 電蝕結構及特性之研究
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摘要(中) 本論文主要以6022鋁合金(Al-0.6Mg-1.0Si)為實驗材料,探討不同製程條件對於6022鋁合金時效析出擧動之影響。
摘要(英) This thesis primarily with AA6022 (Al-0.6Mg-1.0Si) for experiment material inquires into the different manufacturing process condition for AA6022 the effect of aluminum alloy aging precipitations.
The experiment is divided into two parts. One simulates solution treatment of manufacturing process by transforming soaking parameter, hot rolling parameter, annealing parameter, cold rolling parameter, solution parameter. The other simulates cooling condition of manufacturing process by transforming pre-aging parameter. Also interlock the conductivity test, DSC, TEM, tensile test analyzes, seeking the optimum to match AA6022 the manufacturing process of aluminum alloys, make AA6022 through artificial aging can receive the good precipitation enhances the effect.
The results indicate that AA6022 through 570℃soaking,490℃hot rolling, none-annealing, and 560℃solution can reduce constituent and acquire high concentration supersaturated solid solution by solid solution treatment. So they can promote more precipitation and increase strength. In the aspects of preaging, the matrix doesn’t promote G.P.Zones(Ⅰ) after 70℃×14h preaging, 90℃×14h preaging, or 180℃×10min+70℃×1h preaging, no matter how long AA6022 are treated at 40℃preaging. The matrix promotes the needle-like precipitates after 180℃×10min+70℃×1h preaging, and it has better strength. Although it has better strength, it has lower elongation. In other words, it has worse forming before baking. So AA6022 treated after 150℃×10min+70℃×1h preaging has better bake-hardening.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人工時效處理
★ 預時效處理
★ 固溶處理
★ 退火處理
★ 6022鋁合金
★ 均質化處理
★ 熱滾
★ 冷滾
關鍵字(英) ★ 6022 Aluminum alloy
★ soaking
★ hot rolling
★ cold rolling
★ annealing
★ solid solution
★ pre-aging
★ artificial aging
論文目次 目 錄
謝誌 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅴ
表目 Ⅵ
圖目 VII
第一章 緒論…... 1
一、序言 1
二、理論基礎與論文回顧 2
2-1 Al-Mg-Si簡介………………………………………………… 2
2-2 Al-Mg-Si合金之析出硬化熱處理…………………………… 2
2-3 Al-Mg-Si合金的時效硬化過程……………………………… 4
2-3-1 Al-Mg-Si合金的時效析出序列與機構 .4
2-3-2 Al-Mg-Si合金的兩段時效 5
2-3-3 析出強化機構 6
2-4 加工組織的回復 7
2-4-1 再結晶 7
第二章 本文………………………………………………………….9
2-1 材料………………………………………………………….11
2-3 微差掃描熱分析(DSC)………………………………….12
2-4 拉伸試驗(Tensile Test)…………………………………..12
2-5 導電率測試(Conductivity Test).………………………….13
2-6 穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察(TEM)………………………….13
3-1 6022鋁合金經不同固溶條件對人工時效時析出擧動之影
3- 1-1 均質化溫度對固溶處理之影響…………………15
3- 1-2 固溶溫度與時間對固溶處理之影響……………16
3- 1-3 熱滾溫度對固溶處理之影響……………………17
3- 1-4 退火處理對固溶處理之影響……………………18
3-1-5 冷加工量對退火處理之影響……………………19
3-2 6022鋁合金經不同預時效條件對人工時效析出舉動之影
3-2-1 DSC分析與導電率測量結果………………………20
3-2-2 拉伸試驗結果……………………….……………22
3-2-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM)觀察…………………23
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指導教授 歐炳隆(Bin-Lung Ou) 審核日期 2004-7-13
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