博碩士論文 92323011 詳細資訊

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姓名 廖本煇(Ben-Huei Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 二足機器人之動態步行軌跡分析
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★ 二足機器人之模糊邏輯ZMP產生器及IC設計★ 引擎可變汽門機構動態模擬分析
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摘要(中) 本論文主要研究內容為二足機器人追蹤數種預設步行路徑能力。 機器人之運動分析使用現有數種套裝軟體,並相互配合以完成運動模擬。 使用之軟體有MATLAB、Pro-Engineer、MSC. Visual NASTRAN 4D等三套。在複雜的機器人行為中,下肢為預先規劃之七連桿機構,上肢則僅以一根假設質量集中於末端的桿件,此桿件可於行進時提供補償以完成身軀之動態平衡。 採用順向及逆向運動學推導出整體的動態平衡運動方程式。於MSC. Visual NASTRAN 4D機構模擬期間,利用其與Matlab之間的相互連結計算上肢桿件平衡位置,將此新的平衡位置傳回MSC. Visual NASTRAN 4D機構模擬軟體中,以確保機器人整體之平穩性。 二足機器人各桿件皆以Pro-Engineer繪製,再載入MSC. Visual NASTRAN 4D中執行模擬動作。
摘要(英) The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the ability of a biped robot to track preset routes. The simulation was completed by combining several computer packages. Those computer packages include MATLAB、PRO-ENGINEER and MSC VISUAL NASTRAN 4D. Among complicated robot behaviors, lower-limb was preset, and upper-limb was designed as a single concentrated mass. The upper-limb was designed to offer compensation for a stable walking. The governing differential equations were derived based on kinematics and dynamic equilibrium considerations. During the simulation, the equilibrium position of the lower-limb positions were calculated first, then utilizing MSC VISUAL NASTRAN 4D and MATLAB to calculate upper-limb equilibrium position. This procedure was repeated when the robot motion proceed. Each link of the biped robot was drawn by Pro-Engineer and then loaded in MSC VISUAL NASTRAN 4D to serve as simulation parameters.
Gait analysis includes walking in the straight line, circling 180° at specific point, S-path, changing velocity, right angle turn and climb-down stairs. With different walking modes, different motor rotation angles, foot and waist paths were obtained. The simulation could provide useful design data when design and construction a hardware biped robot.
關鍵字(中) ★ 步行軌跡
★ 軀幹補償
★ 動態平衡
★ 二足機器人
關鍵字(英) ★ biped robot
★ dynamic equilibrium
論文目次 摘要 ....................................................Ⅰ
Abstract ................................................Ⅱ
誌謝 ....................................................Ⅲ
目次 ....................................................Ⅳ
圖目錄 ..................................................Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 ..............................................1
1.1 前言 .............................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的 .......................................1
1.3 本文架構 .............................................2
第二章 二足機器人模型架構及運動學推導 ....................4
2.1 二足機器人之模型假設與定義 ......................4
2.2 順向運動學 ...........................................7
2.3 逆向運動學 ...........................................7
第三章 軀幹補償方法之探討 ...............................12
3.1 零力矩點ZMP .........................................12
3.2 穩定步行之要件 ......................................13
3.3 ZMP之公式推導 .......................................14
3.4 軀幹補償方法 ........................................16
第四章 路徑規劃與模擬 ...................................18
4.1 直線步行 .......................................18
4.2 行進間變速 .....................................22
4.2.1 行進間改變步態週期 ........................22
4.2.2 行進間改變步伐長度 ........................22
4.3 繞定點轉180° ...................................23
4.4 S型路徑行走 ....................................24
4.5 直角轉彎 .......................................24
4.6 上下階梯 .......................................24
4.7 步行方式之相對應馬達角度圖 .....................30
第五章 模擬結果與討論 ...................................46
5.1 模擬流程 .......................................46
5.2 直線步行 ............................................50
5.3 行進間變速 ..........................................53
5.3.1 行進間改變步態週期 .........................53
5.3.2 行進間改變步伐長度 .........................56
5.4 繞定點轉180° ...................................58
5.5 S型路徑行走 ....................................62
5.6 直角轉彎 .......................................65
5.7 上下階梯 .......................................67
第六章 結論與未來展望 ...................................69
參考文獻 ................................................70
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指導教授 張江南(Chiang-Nan Chang) 審核日期 2005-7-9
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