參考文獻 |
1. John S. Dryzek, 2002, Deliberative democracy and beyond : liberals, critics, contestations, Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2. Frank Cunningham, 2002, Theories of Democracy: A critical introduction, New York: Routledge.
3. Iris Marion Young, 2000, Inclusion and Democracy, Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press.
4. Jürgen Habermas, 1996, Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy, translated by William Rehg, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996)
1. Ann E. Cudd, 2002, “Preference, Rationality and Democracy’’ in The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Robert L. Simmon , Oxford : Blackwell, pp.106-28.
2. Bruce Ackerman and James S. Fishkin, 2003, “Deliberation Day’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett , Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.7-30.
3. Seyla Benhabib, 1996, “Introduction’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib, Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, p.3-18.
4. Seyla Benhabib, 1996, “Toward a Deliberative Model of Democratic legitimacy’’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, pp.67-94.
5. David Beetham, 2004, “Political Legitimacy’’ in The Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology, edited by Kate Nash and Alan Scott, Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell , pp107-17。
6. Jon Elster, 1998 , “Introduction“in Deliberaive Democracy, edited by Jon Elster ,Cambridge. : Cambridge Universtiy Press, pp. 1-18.
7. David Estlund, 2002, “Introduction’’ in Democracy, edited by David Estlund , Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing.
8. David Miller, 2003, “Deliberative Democracy and Social Choice’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett ,Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.182-99.
9. Iris Marion Young, 1996 , “Communication and the Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib ,Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, pp.120--36.
10. Iris Marion Young, 2003, “Activist Challenges to Deliberative Democracy’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett (Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.102-20.
11. James Bohman and William Rehg, 1997, “Introduction” in Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics , edited by James Bohman and William Rehg, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp.ix-xxx.
12. James S. Fishkin, 2002, “Deliberative Democracy’’ in The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Robert L. Simmon, Oxford : Blackwell, pp.221-38.
13. Jürgen Habermas, 1990, “Discourse Ethics: Notes on a Program of Philosophical Justification’’ in Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, translated by Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen, Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, pp.43-115.
14. Jürgen Habermas, 1996, “Three Normative Models of Democracy’’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib ,Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, pp.21-45.
15. Jürgen Habermas,1999, “Reconciliation through the Public Use of Reason: Remark on John Rawls’s Political Liberalism’’ in The Inclusion of The Other: Studies in Political Theory, translated by Ciaran Cronin and Pablo De Greiff, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, pp.49-73.
16. Jürgen Habermas,2006, “Political Communication in Media Society:Does Democracy Still Enjoy an Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of NormativeTheory on Empirical Research”, in Communication Theory 16, pp. 411-26。
17. Judith Squares, 2006, “Deliberation and Decision Making Discontinuity in The Two Track Model’’ in Democracy as public deliberation: New Perspective, edited by Maurizio Passerin d'Entrèves, New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, pp.133-56.
18. Martin Leet , 1998,“Jürgen Habermas and Deliberative Democracy’’in Liberal democracy and its critics : perspectives in contemporary political thought, edited by April Carter and Geoffrey Stokes , Malden, Mass. : Polity Press, pp.76-97.
19. Philip Pettit, 2003 , “Deliberative Democracy, the Discursive Delimma, and Republican Theory’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett , Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.138-62.
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