摘要(英) |
Bill Gates (2007) predicted that "robotics will be the next hot area", and it can be seen that the future development of robots would get more and more attention. Although Taiwan students had exceptional results performance in the international robotics competition over the years, but robotics education, research has not flourish yet, particularly in the design of robotics curriculum. In this study, through a systematic process, a set of LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot multi-media learning materials for beginners was designed. Beside, the heuristic evaluation was used to proceed with usability assessment. There were 15 users participated in this study, and all of them agreed that the material has high necessity, importance and satisfaction, from the result of correlation analysis, it was found that the necessity, importance and satisfaction were highly related. From the result of regression analysis, it showed that the importance has high explanatory power in satisfaction. Therefore, when designing and developing the learning materials, the necessity and importance of the learning materials should be noticed to achieve a high degree of satisfaction.
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