博碩士論文 962203034 詳細資訊

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姓名 曾勝煊(Sheng-Xuan Zeng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
論文名稱 Replica-Exchange分子動態模擬法研究類澱粉胜肽25-35 嵌入膜與折疊的行為
(Folding and Membrane Insertion of Amyloid-β Peptide (25-35): A Replica-Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study )
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摘要(中) 本論文利用平行淬煉分子動態法 (Replica-Exchange molecular dynamics, REMD) 模擬類澱粉蛋白(Aβ)片段- Aβ25-35及其突變物N27A- Aβ25-35折疊及穿膜的機制。Aβ是阿茲海默症的主要病源,Aβ25-35保有和全長A???????類似的特性?具細胞毒性及amphipathicity (N?端具親水性,C?端具疏水性)。模擬中,Aβ25-35是以全原子的方式進行,水相及膜是以implicit model的方式進行,搭配REMD,以達到有效率的空間搜尋效果。
模擬結果顯示,Aβ25-35以疏水性的C?端插入膜的疏水區域,並形成穩定的α-helix構形 (Ala30- Leu34); N?端(Gly25 -Lys28)具極性,分佈在水相及頭基的區域,沒有明顯的二級結構; 結果和NMR決定的結構吻合。此外有一小部份的Aβ25-35越過了能量障礙深入膜的疏水核心區域,但並不是穩定結構。
N27A-Aβ25-35 是將Aβ25-35中極性的Asn取代成疏水性Ala,此一改變使得N27A-Aβ25-35毒性下降。模擬結果顯示,N27A-Aβ25-35 和Aβ25-35具有相似的構形及性質,但N27A-Aβ25-35 的C?端較Aβ25-35更深入膜的疏水區域,α-helix構形往N?端延長且較穩定。
摘要(英) The folding and membrane insertion of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-β(25-35) peptide and the mutate N27A-Aβ(25-35) peptide are explored using replica exchange molecular dynamics(REMD). All the peptide use all atom model and the solvent region (water and water-membrane region) are implicit solvent model This amphiphilic peptide (hydrophilicity in N-terminus , hydrophobicity in C-terminus) is a natural by-product of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-β(1-40) peptide and retains the toxicity of its full-length counterpart as the ability to aggregate into β-sheet rich fibrils.
The simulation result show that Aβ(25-35) insert into the membrane and form the helix structure in C-terminus (Ala30-Leu34);and N-terminus(Gly25-Lys28) are disordered at the water region.Our simulation result agree with the NMR structure.A little portion of structures inser into membrane but the structures are unstable.
N27A-Aβ(25-35) peptide,where Asn27 is repliced by Ala. The mutate peptide shows lower neurotoxicity than the wild type despite its increased hydrophobicity. The simulation result shows N27A-Aβ(25-35) peptide and Aβ(25-35) peptide have similar structure and property, but N27A-Aβ(25-35) peptide can insert into membrane more deeper than Aβ(25-35) and the helix structure form more complete than Aβ(25-35).The membrane thining effect also affect the structure of Aβ(25-35) and N27A-Aβ(25-35). When the membrane become thin,two kind of peptide can insert into membrane easily and form stable α-helix structure.
關鍵字(中) ★ 分子動態模擬
★ 類澱粉蛋白
★ 阿茲海默症
關鍵字(英) ★ molecular dynamics simulation
★ amyloid beta
★ Alzheimer's disease
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
第一章 序論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2.1簡介 2
2.2 蛋白質折疊原理及機制 3
2.3蛋白質錯誤折疊,聚集到纖維成形的過程 5
2.4阿茲海默症(Alzheimer’s Disease,AD) 7
2.5實驗上測定類澱粉胜肽纖維分子結構 8
2.6類澱粉胜肽Amyloid Beta peptide 11
第三章 方法與原理 16
3.1 簡介 16
3.2分子力場(Force Field) 17
3.3分子動態模擬基本原理 22
3.5 Generalized Born 溶劑模型(GB Model) 24
3.6 Replica-Exchange Molecular Dynamics Method(REMD) 28
3.7 Dictionary of Secondary Structure of Proteins (DSSP) 34
3.8分子動態摸擬系統與方法介紹 38
第四章 結果與討論 41
4.1模擬Aβ25-35單體在細胞膜的行為 43
4.2模擬N27A-Aβ25-35單體在細胞膜的行為 58
4.3 模擬Aβ25-35單體在膜變薄時構形的變化 66
4.4模擬N27A-Aβ25-35單體在膜變薄時構形的變化 73
第五章 總結 78
第六章 參考文獻 80
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指導教授 蔡惠旭(Hui-Hsu Gavin Tsai) 審核日期 2009-10-15
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