博碩士論文 92323082 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳亭侑(Ting-you Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 TFT-LCD狹縫式塗佈研究
(Study on the Slot Coating for TFT-LCD)
★ 化學機械研磨流場模擬實驗研究★ 變轉速之旋轉塗佈實驗研究
★ 微小熱點之主動式冷卻★ 大尺寸晶圓厚膜塗佈
★ 科氏力與預塗薄膜對旋轉塗佈之影響★ 微液滴對微熱點之 冷 卻
★ 大尺寸晶圓之化學機械研磨實驗研究★ 液晶顯示器旋轉塗佈研究
★ 流體黏度對旋塗減量之影響★ 微熱點與微溫度感測器製作
★ 高溫蓄熱器理論模擬★ 熱氣泡式噴墨塗佈
★ 注液模式對旋轉塗佈之影響★ 磁流體旋塗不穩定之研究
★ 彩色濾光片噴塗研究★ 科氏力對不穩定手指狀之影響及光阻減量研究
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摘要(中) 由於LCD旋塗所用之感光染料價格非常的昂貴;所以若能減少感光染料的塗佈量及生產時間,必能使LCD生產成本大量的減低和生產效率提高,這也是本研究的重要目的。目前LCD製程主要是以旋轉塗佈(Spin Coating)方式將感光染料塗佈於基板上。本實驗所使用的狹縫式塗佈模式與以往使用在矽晶圓上的塗佈模式大不相同。所以在塗佈的過程中其液膜的擴展情形及液動不穩定之機制是非常值得探討的。在狹縫式塗佈中,可塗佈的視窗是狹小的,同時會有需多的缺陷,如肋形紋(ribbing)、溪狀(rivulet)、耙形線(rake line),本實驗利用此新式的狹縫式塗佈機台求得LCD於狹縫塗佈時之塗佈注入量、塗佈間距(coating gap)、狹縫間距(slot gap)、不同流體對完整覆膜的影響,並配合狹縫頭的設計,進而找出最佳注液模式,使感光染料減量及塗佈的更加均勻。如此不但可節省製程成本,更可製造出品質完美之LCD,並提供業界作為製程提升之參考。
摘要(英) Abstract
Reduction of the usage of dye material is one of the key factors for the cost reduction for LCD since the dye material is quit expensive .Slot die coating is widely used and distinct from the spin coating using in semiconductor relating manufacture processes. As above, dye material is spread on the base plate of LCD. In proceeding of spinless , mechanisms of thin film spread and unsteady mobility can be inspected definitely for techniques enhancement. By this research, a novel slot coating apparatus will be employed to figure the coating volume, coating gap, slot gap, and the effect of fully developed thin film with diverse liquids due to the defects, ribbing, rivulet, and rake line accused in the coating window. With a design of slot die, the dye material reduction and uniform coating will be improved from the achieved optimum coating. Eventually, the promotion of cost down in manufacture and high quality in LCD would be adopted in institute fields.
關鍵字(中) ★ 狹縫式塗佈
★ 液晶顯示器
關鍵字(英) ★ slot coating
論文目次 目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言........................................1
1-2 文獻回顧....................................2
1-2-1 液晶顯示器............................2
1-2-2 濕式塗佈技術相關研究.................10
1-2-3 狹縫式塗佈相關研究...................12
1-3 研究動機...................................19
第二章 實驗設備與方法...........................21
2-1 TFT-LCD狹縫式塗佈機系統....................21
2-2 TFT-LCD狹縫式注液系統......................25
2-3 影像擷取分析系統...........................26
2-4 實驗方法...................................28
第三章 實驗結果與討論..........................34
3-1 TFT-LCD狹縫式塗佈缺陷的觀察................35
3-2 TFT-LCD狹縫式塗佈工程塗佈視窗建立..........37
3-2-1 流體黏度(μ)之影響..................38
3-2-2 塗佈間隙(H)之影響..................40
3-3-3 模具狹縫間隙(w)之影響..............42
第四章 結論....................................44
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指導教授 周復初(Fu-Chu Chou) 審核日期 2005-7-12
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