博碩士論文 945202057 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳建仁(Chien-Jen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 改良中介性相關計算之研究
(A Study of Improving the Computation Related to Betweenness)
★ 一種減輕LEO衛星網路干擾的方案★ 萃取駕駛人在不同環境之駕駛行為方法
★ 非地面網路中基於位置的隨機接入分配方法★ TrustFADE: 針對可程式化邏輯區塊之安全認證方法
★ 捷徑問題在特殊圖形上之演算研究★ 行動電腦教室與其管理系統的設計與建置
★ 蛋白質體視覺化系統之實作★ 最小切割樹群聚演算法極端情形之研究
★ 教室內應用無線科技之一對一數位學習模式★ 蛋白質交互作用網路之視覺化系統
★ 以賓果式遊戲輔助技巧熟練之數位學習環境設計與實作★ 蛋白質註解的三維視覺化工具
★ Joyce 2:一個在一對一數位教室環境下之小組競爭遊戲★ 同儕計算網路上內文散佈演算法之實作與效能評估
★ 在直角多邊形上使用基因演算法畫樹之研究★ 經由潛在語義的線索從蛋白質交互作用網路進行蛋白質功能的預測
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摘要(中) 中介向心性是網路分析中,用來量化網路中各個部份的重要性,以協助研究者有系統的找出想要研究的部分的一個重要方法。中介向心性的使用相當的廣泛,但其特性使計算時間一直居高不下。目前已知最快的演算法,在有權重圖上需要Ο(|V|2logV+VE)的時間,在無權重圖上需要Ο(VE)的時間。但在某些應用,如Girvan和Newman的演算法上,仍然花去太多時間。
摘要(英) In network analysis, betweenness centrality is essential for researchers to measure the importance of each parts of the network and find out the part to be study further. Betweenness centrality has a widespread use, but it is costly to compute. Currently, the fastest known algorithm requires Ο(|V|2logV+VE) time on weighted graph and Ο(VE) time on unweighted graph. But in some applications, such as the algorithm of Girvan and Newman, still cost too much time for computing.
Girvan and Newman thought that the edge which has the higher betweenness centrality has more probability to be the edge which connects two communities. According to this, they designed an algorithm which does the operation “compute the betweenness centrality of all edges → remove the edge which has the highest betweenness centrality” repeatedly and then constructs a dendrogram which represents the hierarchical relationships between the vertices of the network.
In this thesis, we use a random sampling heuristic betweenness centrality computation to accelerate the speed of finding the edge which has the maximum betweenness centrality. This can also be used to speed up the algorithm of Girvan and Newman. Besides, we also design an improved exact betweenness centrality compute which is suitable for decremental networks to accelerate the algorithm of Girvan and Newman. We test the improved algorithm on 11 random generated networks and 5 non-random generated networks. On random generated networks, we gained a maximum speedup about 34 times. On non-random generated networks, we gained a maximum speedup about 15 times.
關鍵字(中) ★ 中介性
★ 中介向心性
★ 最短路徑
★ 分群
★ 向心性
關鍵字(英) ★ centrality
★ betweenness
★ centrality betweenness
★ shortest path
★ cluster
論文目次 摘要 ........................................ i
Abstract ................................... ii
誌謝 ....................................... iv
目錄 ........................................ v
圖目錄 ..................................... vi
表目錄 ................................... viii
第1章 序論 .................................. 1
第2章 中介性計算 ............................ 8
2.1 點中介性計算 .......................... 8
2.2 邊中介性計算 ......................... 15
2.3 基於邊中介性計算的分群演算法:GN演算法 16
第3章 啟發式邊中介性計算 ................... 23
3.1 啟發式邊中介性計算 ................... 24
3.2 實驗資料及來源 ....................... 25
3.3 實驗結果 ............................. 27
第4章 基於邊中介性之分群法的改良 ........... 38
4.1 改進方法 ............................. 42
4.2 實驗結果 ............................. 48
第5章 結論與未來工作 ....................... 51
參考文獻 ................................... 53
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指導教授 何錦文(Chin-Wen Ho) 審核日期 2010-1-28
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