摘要(英) |
In network analysis, betweenness centrality is essential for researchers to measure the importance of each parts of the network and find out the part to be study further. Betweenness centrality has a widespread use, but it is costly to compute. Currently, the fastest known algorithm requires Ο(|V|2logV+VE) time on weighted graph and Ο(VE) time on unweighted graph. But in some applications, such as the algorithm of Girvan and Newman, still cost too much time for computing.
Girvan and Newman thought that the edge which has the higher betweenness centrality has more probability to be the edge which connects two communities. According to this, they designed an algorithm which does the operation “compute the betweenness centrality of all edges → remove the edge which has the highest betweenness centrality” repeatedly and then constructs a dendrogram which represents the hierarchical relationships between the vertices of the network.
In this thesis, we use a random sampling heuristic betweenness centrality computation to accelerate the speed of finding the edge which has the maximum betweenness centrality. This can also be used to speed up the algorithm of Girvan and Newman. Besides, we also design an improved exact betweenness centrality compute which is suitable for decremental networks to accelerate the algorithm of Girvan and Newman. We test the improved algorithm on 11 random generated networks and 5 non-random generated networks. On random generated networks, we gained a maximum speedup about 34 times. On non-random generated networks, we gained a maximum speedup about 15 times.
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