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姓名 楊坤興(Kun-Hsin Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 我國「債務催收法」立法關鍵問題的探討及思考
(The Legislation Key Question Discussion And The Ponder About “The Debt Collection Law” in Taiwan.)
★ 論企業重整運作機制---兼論公司重整治理及新資金取得★ 評析我國證券交易法內線交易之規範—以美國立法例為借鏡
★ 不動產投資信託之研究- 以投資人保護為中心★ 婚姻制度之過去、現在及未來-以兩岸為研討對象
★ 論我國公司治理規範-兼論公司內部稽核制度完善★ 論銀行保證制度之研究
★ 非常規交易稅制問題之研究★ 中國銀行產業分析—兼論台資銀行西進策略
★ 網路購物標價錯誤法律效果之研究★ 股東表決權-論公開發行公司董事設質股票之表決權限制
★ 特種貨物及勞務稅對區域房市價格之影響--以桃園縣為例★ 土壤液化公告對區域房價影響之研究 -以板橋及新莊為例
★ 論我國消費者債務清理機制的更新與新設-以個人重整程序為核心★ 網路數位化商品之消費者保護-以郵購買賣為核心
★ 論公司股份回籠與內線交易★ 內線交易的法律與經濟分析
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摘要(中) 近年來國內因大環境的變遷及金融改革的推行,致委外催收有不斷上升之趨勢;也因法律制度的不健全,以致在催收過程中時常有失序及違法等社會問題出現,而政府為求解決之道,故邀請國內外學者研擬相關「債務催收法」的立法,以為解決之道。
摘要(英) In recently, because of macroenvironment vicissitude and financial reform carrying out, sends outside the refers to debt collection has tendency of the unceasing rise in domestic; Because also the legal regime is not perfect, so that in collecting process often to have loses the foreword and illegal and so on the circumstances occurs, but the government for asks the solution, therefore invites the domestic and foreign scholars to draw up the correlation “Debt Collection Law” the legislation, for solution.
After this paper is collects UK, America and Japan and so on, about the debt collection related legal regulation, again the method of comparative jurisprudence proposes the view, and puts forward the proposal on the present domestic law insufficient part, finally proposed again eight suggestions and the conclusion, thought at present domestic legislator and the scholar in draws up “The Debt Collection Law” the reference. The full text altogether divides nine chapters, in which third chapter of and the fourth chapter of department on the domestic and foreign legal systems, the control measure and the legislation draft introduced that, debt collection agency the fifth chapter to the seventh rules discussion related debt to set up the surface, to collection practices the behavioral side when how manages and debt collection on the correlation the behavior to discuss not fairly; but the eighth chapter of department on collection practices should the matters needing attention discuss regarding the consumer protection and individual material protection, The full text mainly debt collection agency management surface and the debt collection act management as a main axle, and quoted the UK "Administration of Justice Act 1970" and punishes the responsibility after the related harassment behavior definition to revise, the harassment definition clarification, and clarifies not the clear place to prevent the unfilial entrepreneur wrong collection practices.
Moreover this paper also aims at the debt collection agency’s management surface, refers to the securities association and banks association puts forward the self-regulation proposal (association standard), perhaps regarding the fair trade law spirit are not the same, but this suggestion should regard as a reference direction, if revised after the management jurisdiction surface should still be possible to have a consummation management regarding the creditor’’s rights recycling management industry.
Finally, this paper in the last chapter proposed eight suggestions and conclusion, it deliberates the overseas legal system and the domestic regulation proposed, believed should be possible to legislation key question discussion and the ponder about “The Debt Collection Law”, some one quite contributes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 債務催收行為
★ 債務催收法
★ 騷擾
★ 比較法學
關鍵字(英) ★ The Harassment
★ Comparative Jurisprudence
★ The Debt Collection Practices
★ The Debt Collection Law
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景……………………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………… 4
第三節 研究重點……………………………………………………… 5
第四節 研究流程………………………………………………….…… 6
第五節 研究架構………………………………………………………. 8
第二章 循司法體系以外途徑債務催收的特點 9
第一節 債務催收程序………………………………………………… 9
第二節 各類債務催收活動…………………………………………… 10
第三節 司法體系以外的債務催收途徑……………………………… 11
第四節 甚麼因素造成催收惡行?…………………………………… 12
第五節 小結…………………………………………………………… 22
第三章 國外法制之介紹及比較 23
第一節 美國…………………………………………………………… 24
第二節 英國…………………………………………………………… 31
第三節 日本…………………………………………………………… 43
第四節 相關比較及評析……………………………………………… 48
第四章 國內相關規定 50
第一節 國內目前與不當催收相關律法……………………………… 50
第二節 行政管制……………………………………………………… 59
第三節 立法草案……………………………………………………… 63
第四節 立法分析……………………………………………………… 70
第五章 總則 72
第一節 『公平債務催收法』或是『債務催收法』?………………… 72
第二節 行業規範……………………………………………………… 74
第三節 行為規範對象………………………………………………… 77
第四節 主管機關……………………………………………………… 78
第五節 小結…………………………………………………………… 78
第六章 催收行為規範部分 80
第一節 與第三人聯繫之限制………………………………………… 80
第二節 與債務人聯繫的限制………………………………………… 81
第三節 不公平行為………………………………………….………… 86
第四節 不當催收行為之禁止………………………………………… 87
第五節 小結…………………………………………………………… 92
第七章 『債權管理回收業』之規範 94
第一節 債權管理回收業之設立……………………………………… 94
第二節 債權管理回收業之監督……………………………………… 100
第八章 消費者保護法及個人資料保護法 105
第一節 消費者保護法………………………………………………… 105
第二節 個人資料保護法……………………………………………… 108
第三節 小結…………………………………………………………… 109
第九章 結論與建議 110
第一節 有關催收立法的建議………………………………………… 110
第二節 結論…………………………………………………………… 118
參考書目及文獻………….……………………………………………… 125
參考文獻 1. 吳簡逸欣編譯 公平債務催收行為法釋譯,財團法人聯合中信中心,90年4月初版。
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18. Consultation paper on The Regulation of Debt Collection Practices by The Law Reform Commission of HK, Sub-committee on debt collection.
19. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act; As amended by Public Law of UK 104-208, 110 Stat. 3009 (Sept. 30, 1996)
20. Debt collection guidance for consumer credit licence holder and applicants by Office of Fair Trading, UK November 2002
21. The Office of Fair Trading(OFT) Debt Collection Guidance, Published by the OFT, UK July 2003.
22. Debt collection guidance response to consulation paper and final guidance on unfair business practices, by Office of Fair Trading, UK July 2003
23. Debt collection guidance for consumer credit licence holder and applicants, by Citizens Advice, 28-05-2004
24. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, As mend by Public Law 104-208, 110 Stat. 3009(Sept. 30, 1996)(Federal Trade Commission)
25. 債権管理回収業に関する特別措置法,平成16年12月3日法律第154号。
26. 貸金業の規制等に関する法律 改正,平成16年12月8日法律第158号。
指導教授 鄭有為(Albert Yu-Wei Cheng) 審核日期 2006-7-7
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