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鍾明興(Ming-hsing Chung)
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機械工程學系在職專班 |
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光纖通訊主動元件之光收發模組由上而下CAD模型設計流程探討 (Fiber-optic communications active components of optical transceiver modules top-down design of the process of CAD)
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摘要(中) |
目前在開發設計產品中,運用CAD單獨對模型做引伸、旋轉及切除等動作建立3D實體模型,在組立模組下,模型與模型之間更沒有特徵上的相對應關係存在,若需要設計變更時,必須回到最前面修模型的幾何形狀,再來確認模型及組立後的相對尺寸關係及合理性,所以設計者必需手動一個步驟一個步在的修改及確認每一個模型而造成相當不便。本研究中採用由上而下配置圖的設計方式來建構3D模型與3D模型組立時相對應尺寸關係,首先藉由配置圖建立各模型結構之間相對尺寸及組立基準之關聯性,而每一個模型之外形結構尺寸,除了可以獨立建立尺寸外還可以加入模型之間結構尺寸的參數關係式來加以限制模型結構尺寸,各模型之間組立尺寸關係則可藉由配置圖裡建立參數以及參數關係式來加以限制組立後的相對應尺寸,因此,3D模型除了有外形結構尺寸關係也有模型與模型組立相對尺寸關係,只要模型尺寸有關聯到配置圖的參數及參數關係式,在模型尺寸發生變化時,則和其相關聯之模型尺寸也將會發生變化,藉由參數與參數關係式的建立,使設計變更流程速度加快,不需要變更每一個模型尺寸,只要變更參數或參數關係式,不需要確認到每一個模型的結構以及模型組立相對位置,縮短開發及設計變更的程序與時間,降低開發成本與避免人員疏忽所導致的錯誤。本研究提出配置圖方式應用於光纖通訊主動元件之建構模型,且以實際模型之建構來描述配置圖參數及參數關係式設計之優點。 |
摘要(英) |
During the development new products, we normally used CAD to do extrude, revolve and cut build the 3D modeling. When we assembled 3D model, it is not easy to find any obvious feathers relative on the each side of model. We have to go back the original 3D modeling and revised solid geometry by manual steps. It is not very convenient during the development. This paper is studying a layout method to improve the manual step. It’s from top down design arrangement the 3D models and dimension. Firstly, based on the layout drawing is built relative dimension and assembling standard. Each model’s outline not only dimension but also correlation between dimension and assembling standard. We used parameter relational to limit the structure dimension between each model. Therefore, we can set the parameters on the layout drawing than the correlation formula can limit the dimension after assembling. However, 3D modeling not only outline’s dimension but also dimension of dimension. We have to set 3D modeling outline into parameters or parameter’s formula. When we adjusted the outline’s dimension, the others relative dimension will be changed together. According to the parameters relational and parameter’s formula, we can revise design drawing as fast as possible. We do not need to change each dimension for each model and do not need to check the relative dimension. The design will be more effective, decrease development cost and avoid manual error. This kind of layout method is used on the optic transceiver module and this example can show the advantage of layout parameters relational. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 參數化設計 ★ 由上而下設計 ★ 配置圖 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Parameter Design ★ Layout ★ Top Down Design |
論文目次 |
目錄......................................................................................................... IV
第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1
1.1 前言.............................................................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧.....................................................................................7
1.3 研究目的與方法.........................................................................7
1.4 論文架構...................................................................................13
第二章 光纖通訊主動元件CAD模型建構...............................………14
2.2 光纖通訊介紹...........................................................................14
2.3 傳統建構方式流程(由下而上設計理念) ...............................23
2.3.1 模型建構方式..................................................................23
2.3.2 模型組合方式..................................................................32
2.3.3 建立工程圖......................................................................34
第三章 由上而下設計簡介....................................................................50
3.1 由上而下設計繪製3D模型方式簡介.....................................53
3.1.2 參數及關係式簡介..........................................................58
3.2 由上而下各繪製方式優劣比較...............................................73
3.2.1 本研究建立光纖通訊主動元件選用繪製觀念與方法..73
3.3 3D模型組立件替換...................................................................75
3.4 2D工程圖之建立.......................................................................79
第四章 由上而下設計程序導入成果....................................................83
第五章 結論與展望未來......................................................................119
文獻參考...........................121 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
賴景義(Jiing-Yih Lai)
審核日期 |
2008-7-19 |
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