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姓名 王宏偉(Hong-Wei Wang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 矽/石英晶圓鍵合之研究
(The study of silicon/quartz wafer bonding technology)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 晶圓鍵合技術最吸引人之處是在於創作出各式複合式不同材質的晶圓基板,但是相異材料的熱膨脹係數所造成的熱應力,使晶圓對無法進行後續的熱處理製程。
在本研究討論為以對稱晶圓鍵合來取代傳統的非對稱鍵合,用以減少晶圓因熱應力導致的破壞情況,提高晶圓所能承受的熱處理溫度。本研究所用之晶圓片皆經由清洗處理後鍵合,最後置於熱處理爐中加熱。實驗結果發現,非對稱鍵合製程中的晶圓對,在加熱到達200℃時,晶圓就會產生破裂(crack)現象。若使用對稱鍵合中的晶圓對,加熱至300℃仍不會有crack產生。由此可知,對稱鍵合的確可以有效減少破裂情形發生,以利晶圓鍵合技術更廣泛應用在製作各式晶圓基板。摘要(英) What makes the wafer bonding technology so attractive is that it can integrate various substrates into a novel material, but the difference in thermal expansion coefficient among different materials results in thermal stress, which makes the subsequent thinning process for wafer pairs impossible.
The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of replacing the conventional wafer bonding technique with symmetrical wafer bonding technique for canceling peeling stresses so as to lesson the damage on the wafer surface and to raise the temperature of which the wafer can sustain. All the quartz and silicon wafers in the experiment were first cleaned and then bonded. Finally they were heated in a high temperature oven. The results indicate that, when the quartz-silicon bonding pairs were heated to 200℃, cracks appeared on the surface of the wafer pairs used in the asymmetric wafer bonding process, whereas no cracks turned up on the counterparts in the symmetrical bonding process even when the wafers were heated up to 300℃. Thus we can see that symmetrical bonding reduces cracks effectively and this technique can be used to fabricate a variety of substrates.關鍵字(中) ★ 晶圓鍵合技術
★ 熱應力關鍵字(英) ★ wafer bonding technology
★ thermal treatment論文目次 中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------Ⅱ
誌謝 ----------------------------------------------------Ⅲ
總目錄 --------------------------------------------------Ⅵ
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------Ⅷ
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------Ⅸ
第一章 前言 ---------------------------------------------1
第二章 文獻回顧 -----------------------------------------3
2.1 晶圓鍵合技術簡介 --------------------------------3
2.2 晶圓鍵合技術分類 --------------------------------4
2.2.1 直接鍵合法 ----------------------------------4
2.2.2 低溫鍵合法 ----------------------------------6
2.2.3 中間介質層鍵合法 ----------------------------8
2.2.4 陽極鍵合法 ----------------------------------9
2.3 晶圓鍵合技術之應用 ------------------------------9
2.3.1 晶圓鍵合法製作SOI基板 ---------------------10
2.3.2 晶圓鍵合法製作微感測器 ---------------------11
2.4 異質晶圓鍵合技術簡介 ---------------------------12
2.5 異質晶圓鍵合技術之應用 -------------------------12
2.5.1 砷化鎵/矽 ----------------------------------13
2.5.2 磷化銦/矽 ----------------------------------13
2.5.3 石英/矽 ------------------------------------14
2.5.4 玻璃/矽 ------------------------------------14
2.5.5 藍寶石/矽 ----------------------------------15
第三章 電漿活化晶圓鍵合
3.1 實驗程序 ---------------------------------------32
3.1.1 晶圓準備 -----------------------------------32
3.1.2 直接晶圓鍵合製程 ---------------------------32
3.1.3 電漿活化鍵合實驗 ---------------------------33
3.1.4 鍵合能量測 ---------------------------------33
3.2 結果與討論 -------------------------------------33
3.2.1 直接晶圓鍵合 -------------------------------33
3.2.2 電漿活化晶圓鍵合 ---------------------------34
3.3 結論 -------------------------------------------35
第四章 黏著晶圓鍵合
4.1 實驗程序 ---------------------------------------39
4.1.1 晶圓準備 -----------------------------------39
4.1.2 黏著鍵合實驗 -------------------------------39
4.2 薄膜厚度量測 -----------------------------------40
4.3 結果與討論 -------------------------------------40
4.4 結論 -------------------------------------------41
第五章 矽/石英晶圓鍵合 ---------------------------------45
5.1 實驗程序 ---------------------------------------45
5.1.1 晶圓準備 -----------------------------------45
5.1.2 非對稱晶圓鍵合實驗(Si/Quartz) ------------45
5.1.3 對稱晶圓鍵合實驗(Quartz/Si/Quartz) -------46
5.2 結果與討論 -------------------------------------46
5.2.1 非對稱晶圓鍵合實驗(Si/Quartz) ------------46
5.2.2 對稱晶圓鍵合實驗(Quartz/Si/Quartz) -------47
5.3 結論 -------------------------------------------48
第六章 總結 --------------------------------------------58
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