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姓名 顏欽鍾(Chin-Chung Yen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 7XXX系鋁合金添加Sc之顯微組織與機械性質研究
(The study on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 7xxx Aluminum Alloys Containing Scandium)
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摘要(中) 本研究以鋁合金7XXX系中AA7039添加0.05 wt.%的Sc;AA7049添加0.106 wt.%的Sc、0.113 wt.%的Zr和2.26 wt.%的Cu,經由不同條件的熱處理程序並進行機械性質測試及顯微組織觀察,以探討7XXX系之鋁合金添加微量Sc、Zr和Cu對其材料性質之影響。並期望此一研究之成果日後能運用於提升7XXX系鋁合金之材料強度並增加其應用的廣泛性。
在高溫拉伸部分,AA7039加Sc在溫度400℃以應變率1×10-2S-1下,伸長量124%為最佳效果。AA7049加Sc、Zr和Cu在溫度400℃以應變率5×10-3 S-1,伸長量可達244%,主因在於含有較多晶粒細化劑Sc、Cu和Zr。並且由金相圖中可明顯觀察到AA7049加Sc、Zr和Cu經過500℃、1hr退火,晶粒有明顯的細化現象且有消除擠製流線的作用。
摘要(英) There are two materials in our research. The first one, add 0.05 wt.% Sc into Al-Zn-Mg and name it Al-0.05Sc. Another one, add 0.106 wt.% Sc、0.113 wt.% Zr and 2.26 wt.% Cu and name it Al-0.1ScZr2.2Cu. They were rolling reductions of 20、40% rolling process and artificial aging at temperature 120℃ and 150℃ that in order to discuss precipitation affect in the materials, followed by an extrusion for plates. The superplastic properties were examined in tension at temperature ranging from 300 ~ 500℃ and strain rates ranging from 1×10-2 ~ 1×10-4 S-1.
The microstructure of Al-0.1ScZr2.2Cu alloy by annealing 500℃ for 1hr extruded condition is consisted of equaxied subgrain structure, and grain size is 4μm. The effect of adding Sc and Zr were resisted to recrystalize in Al alloys. After the artificial aging, both of the alloys increase to HRB17 respectively. Using artificial aging to find peak-aging and use this parameter to test tensile experience. After past peak-aging, the UTS of Al-0.1ScZr2.2Cu is 660MPa. And the result of 20% rolling reduction exhibit that both of the alloys is the better UTS, 455MPa and 510MPa. During high temperature superplasticity, the second phase particles consist of Sc, Zr and Cu elements, which play an important part for tensile testing. The best situation of elongation is 244% at temperature 400℃ and strain rate 5×10-3 S-1.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鋁合金
★ 鈧元素
關鍵字(英) ★ aluminum
★ scandium
論文目次 總目錄........................................................ I
表目錄....................................................... IV
圖目錄....................................................... VI
二、文獻回顧.................................................. 3
2-1 7XXX 系鋁合金簡介...................................... 3
2-2 Sc 對鋁合金影響........................................ 3
2-3 時效硬化............................................... 6
2-3-1 時效硬化流程...................................... 6
2-3-2 析出硬化機構...................................... 9
2-4 鋁合金之晶粒細化...................................... 11
2-5 金屬材料再結晶理論.................................... 12
2-5-1 冷作加工儲存能................................... 12
2-5-2 儲存能的釋出及再結晶驅動力....................... 13
2-5-3 再結晶晶粒尺寸................................... 13
2-6 超塑性介紹............................................ 14
2-6-1 超塑性的分類..................................... 15
2-6-2 超塑性成形理論基礎............................... 17
三、實驗方法與步驟........................................... 24
3-1 實驗材料.............................................. 24
3-2 實驗設備.............................................. 25
3-3 實驗步驟.............................................. 26
3-3-1 鑄錠材擠製....................................... 26
3-3-2 冷輥軋實驗....................................... 26
3-3-3 退火參數設定..................................... 27
3-3-4 人工時效......................................... 27
3-3-5 拉伸試驗......................................... 28
3-3-6 顯微組織觀察..................................... 29
3-3-7 洛式硬度......................................... 29
四、結果與討論............................................... 37
4-1 擠製材與滾軋材之顯微結構與機械性質.................... 37
4-1-1 顯微結構......................................... 37
4-1-2 硬度試驗......................................... 40
4-1-3 常溫拉伸試驗..................................... 40
4-2 擠製材經人工時效之機械性質............................ 41
4-2-1 硬度測試......................................... 41
4-2-2 常溫拉伸試驗..................................... 42
4-3 擠製材與滾軋材之拉伸測試.............................. 42
4-3-1 高溫拉伸試驗..................................... 42
4-3-2 顯微結構......................................... 44
五、結論..................................................... 71
六、參考文獻: ............................................... 72
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指導教授 王建義、李雄
(Jian-Yih Wang、Shyong Lee)
審核日期 2008-6-24
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