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姓名 陸仁凱(Jen-Kai Lu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 7XXX系含鈧鋁合金的顯微結構與機械性質之分析
(Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 7XXX Series Aluminum Alloys with Scandium)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 鋁合金因為比強度高、重量輕、高導熱(電)性、良好的延展率與易於加工成形,而被廣泛的利用。鋁合金添加Sc以提高機械性質之研究早年經蘇聯人提出,近年來逐漸受到重視,本實驗用材料亦已成功應用在腳踏車車架、高爾夫球杆頭等實際民生用品上。
棒材透過EACE (Rote A、C1~C3)擠形,經C1的晶粒尺寸約為50μm;經C3的晶粒尺寸約為40μm,可使晶粒細化約20%。當透過EACE (Rote Bc、C1~C8)擠形,經C1的晶粒尺寸約為50μm;經C6的晶粒尺寸約為15μm,可使晶粒細化約70%。摘要(英) Aluminum alloys have been generally used because of its opposite strength, light weight, high heat and electric conductivity, superior ductility and easily to manufacture. One’’s early years, Soviet bring up that aluminum alloys have perfect mechanical properties when adding scandium into alloys. This approach has more and more emphasis recently and is used for the frame of bicycles, the head of golf club and so on.
The experiment adopts Al-7.9Zn-2.5Mg-2.3Cu alloy and Al-6.0Zn-2.0Mg alloy which are all added about 0.1wt.% scandium and about 0.1wt.% zirconium. Metal plate is processed by rolling and metal bar is processed by equal channel angular extrusion. Metal plate changes the rolling reduction ratio and changes the temperature of elongation. Metal bar changes the direction and the frequency of extrusion. By way of changing these parameters, we aspect this method can promote the strength of materials and improve the breadth of 7XXX series of aluminum alloys which are added scandium.
The experiment result exhibit that the tensile strength can promote about 30 MPa, yield strength can promote about 25MPa and elongation can promote from 5% to 12.3% at room temperature when adding about 0.1wt.% scandium into alloys. The excellent elongation of plate is 353.9% and the excellent elongation of bar is 329.8%. We can know that all of the mechanical properties are obvious be promoted when the temperature is 400℃.
When R=40%, the maximum tensile strength of metal plate is 583Mpa, the maximum yield strength is 474MPa and the material has the best elongation. When R=60%, the tensile strength instead of declining about 80MPa. The temperature of all tensile tests are below 300℃ to 500℃. When R=20%, the excellent elongation is about 395%. When R=40%, the excellent elongation is about 555%. Although R=20% has better mechanical strength than R=40%, but the elongation is obvious lower 1.4 times than R=40%.
The bar is used by ECAE. When the extrusion coefficient is Rote A, the grain size is about 50μm after C1 extrusion and is about 40μm after C3 extrusion. After that, the grain size can be thinned down about 20%. When the extrusion coefficient is Rote Bc, the grain size is about 50μm after C1 extrusion and is about 15μm after C6 extrusion. After that, the grain size can be thinned down about 70%.關鍵字(中) ★ 鈧
★ 7XXX系鋁合金關鍵字(英) ★ scandium
★ 7XXX series aluminum alloys論文目次 摘要-----------------------------------------------------------I
第一章 前言-----------------------------------------------1
1-1 鋁合金的特性-----------------------------------1
1-2 鋁合金的分類-----------------------------------1
1-3 7XXX系Al-Zn-Mg合金之析出強化機制--------------2
1-3-1 7XXX系鋁合金簡介-------------------------2
1-3-2 析出硬化機構------------------------------3
1-4 Sc對鋁合金影響之文獻回顧------------------------4
1-5 鋁合金之晶粒細化-------------------------------7
1-6 ECAE簡介--------------------------------------8
1-6-1 ECAE塑性變形原理-------------------------8
1-6-2 擠製方位與剪應變幾何特性------------------9
1-7 金屬材料再結晶理論----------------------------11
1-7-1 冷作加工儲存能--------------------------11
1-7-2 儲存能的釋出及再結晶驅動力--------------11
1-7-3 再結晶晶粒尺寸--------------------------12
1-7-4 ECAE之晶粒細化原理---------------------12
1-8 超塑性簡介------------------------------------13
1-8-1 超塑性的分類-----------------------------14
1-8-1-1 細晶超塑性
(Micrograin Superplasticity) -----------14
1-8-1-2 環境超塑性
(Environmental Superplasticity)--------15
1-8-2 超塑性成形理論基礎-----------------------15
1-8-2-1 超塑性力學基本原理----------------16
1-8-2-2 m值與伸長率之關係-----------------17
第二章 實驗方法與步驟------------------------------------29
2-1 實驗材料--------------------------------------29
2-2 實驗設備--------------------------------------30
2-3 實驗步驟--------------------------------------32
2-3-1 鈑材冷輥軋實驗---------------------------32
2-3-2 棒材ECAE實驗---------------------------34
第三章 結果與討論----------------------------------------45
3-1 簡介------------------------------------------45
3-2 添加Cu對7XXX系含Sc鋁合金的影響-------------45
3-2-1 顯微結構觀察-----------------------------45
3-2-2 機械性質測試-----------------------------46
3-3 添加Sc對7XXX系鋁合金的影響-------------------46
3-3-1 第二相析出物(Al3Sc)對顯微結構的影響-------46
3-3-2 Sc對於7XXX系鋁合金機械性質的影響--------47
3-3-2-1 常溫拉伸與硬度試驗----------------47
3-3-2-2 高溫拉伸試驗----------------------47
3-4 輥軋(Rolling)對於7XXX系含鈧鋁合金的影響-------48
3-4-1 鈑材輥軋後顯微結構觀察-------------------48
3-4-2 鈑材輥軋後機械性質測試-------------------49
3-4-2-1 硬度試驗--------------------------50
3-4-2-2 常溫拉伸試驗----------------------50
3-4-2-3 高溫拉伸試驗----------------------51
3-5 等通道彎角擠製(ECAE)對於7XXX系含鈧鋁合金的影響
3-5-1 棒材經ECAE後顯微結構觀察---------------53
第四章 結論----------------------------------------------72
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