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姓名 方鈺琳(YU-LIN FANG) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 15keV的H3+、H2+、H+離子束撞擊含碳氫鍵( CH bond )或碳氧鍵( CO bond )化合物與水混合之冰晶光譜分析
(The spectra analysis of 15keV H3+,H2+,H+ ion bombard on H2O ice mixed with CH-bond or CO-bond compounds.)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 太空中冰成分主要包含H2O、CO、CO2、CH3OH及NH3…等,經由輻射後這些冰會產生有機複合化合物。冰及複合化合物構成了星際雲團,而濃密聚集的星際雲層正是恆星及行星系統的產生地。因此,本研究分別選擇碳氧鍵或碳氫鍵化合物與H2O混合之冰晶來做探討。由於H2O和D2O為同位素,所以我們也分別觀察了碳氧鍵或碳氫鍵化合物與D2O混合之冰晶光譜。
本研究為模擬外太空之環境,特別選擇在超低溫、高真空下進行實驗。利用H3+、H2+、H+撞擊各種不同比例的碳氧鍵或碳氫鍵化合物與H2O、D2O 混合之冰晶,並以光譜儀來偵測固體表面及溅射粒子所產生的光訊號。透過各種不同冰晶之光譜比較,再對照文獻來推測冰晶內部組成物質以及碰撞後所發生的變化。
由實驗結果發現,在碳氫鍵或碳氧鍵化合物與H2O、D2O 之混合冰晶光譜中,其H2O 譜線會被抑制住,且會形成峰值434nm 跟471nm。我們推測出434 nm 是CH / CD 光譜,而471 nm 是C2 光譜。
另外,光譜光強度之強弱順序為CO+D2O > CO2+D2O > CO+H2O >CO2+H2O。因為同位素效應的關係,所以混D2O 冰晶之光譜光強度都大於混H2O 冰晶之光譜光強度。摘要(英) The interstellar ice is composed primarily of H2O,CO,CO2, CH3OH,and NH3,etc.The complex organic compounds can be created in the ice via radiation process.The interstellar medium is composed of ice and complex organic compounds. Furthermore,the interstellar medium is the birth place of stars and planetary systems.However,this research investigates CO- or CHcompounds with H2O and D2O ice mixtures.
In order to simulate the interstellar space, we use H3+、H2+、H+ irradiation of CO- or CH- compounds with H2O and D2O ice mixtures at low temperature and high vacuum.Then, we detect the photons by spectrophotometer.By comparing different spectrums and the reference, we can conjecture the change after the collisions of the compositions of the ice.
After H3+、H2+、H+ irradiation bombard with CO- or CH- compounds with H2O and D2O ice mixtures, we observe CH / CD band ( 434nm ), C2 band( 471nm ), the H2O band can be quenched.
On the other hand, the intensity of the light emission in sequence is CO+D2O > CO2+D2O > CO+H2O > CO2+H2O. Because of the isotropic effect,the intensity of the light emission of compounds mixed with D2O ice is higher than that mixed with H2O ice.關鍵字(中) ★ 冰
★ 碳氧鍵
★ 碳氫鍵
★ 離子束關鍵字(英) ★ ice
★ CO bond
★ CH bond
★ ion beam論文目次 目 錄
第一章 前言.....................................1
1-1 簡介........................................1
1-2 各章簡介....................................2
第二章 基本原理.................................4
2-1 離子碰撞固體之光輻射現象來源................4
2-1-1 主要光輻射來源............................4
2-1-2 發光粒子的來源............................4
2-2 光譜........................................5
2-2-1 原子光譜..................................6
2-2-2 分子光譜..................................7
2-3 同位素......................................8
2-4 歸一化方法..................................8
第三章 實驗設備與步驟..........................13
3-1 實驗設備...................................13
3-1-1 真空系統.................................13
3-1-2 離子源系統...............................13
3-1-3 聚焦系統.................................14
3-1-4 電磁鐵...................................14
3-1-5 液態氦冷卻系統...........................15
3-1-6 三維操作靶...............................15
3-1-7 混氣系統.................................15
3-1-8 光源偵測系統.............................15
3-1-9 資料收集處理統...........................16
3-2 實驗步驟...................................16
3-2-1 準備實驗階段.............................16
3-2-2 正式實驗階段.............................17
3-3 解析度分析.................................19
第四章 實驗結果與討論..........................28
4-1 光譜圖介紹.................................28
4-2 光譜分析...................................29
4-2-1 各種純冰晶光晶...........................30
4-2-2 含C元素之混冰光譜........................31
4-2-3 不含C元素之混冰光譜......................31
4-2-4 CH4、CH3OH光譜...........................32
4-2-5 光譜分析總結.............................32
4-3 同位素效應影響光強度.......................36
第五章 結論....................................46
5-1 結論.......................................46
5-2 未來展望...................................47
參考文獻.......................................48參考文獻 參考文獻
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(Jiun-Ren Hwang、Ming-Chang Jeng、Shyong Lee、C.S. Lee)審核日期 2007-7-15 推文 plurk
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