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姓名 徐迎娟(Ying-chuan Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 長骨骨折癒合過程之有限元素法模擬
(The simulation of the long bone's fracture healing process with finite element method)
★ 人工髖關節雙軸向動態磨耗試驗平台開發★ 大型犬人工髖關節之應力分析
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★ 新型輪椅座墊之設計與有限元分析★ 耦合有限元素法與邊界積分式於隔音牆效能之分析
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★ 三維心電圖與病症自動判別系統之研究★ 無網格數值分析法應用於股骨頭之生物力學
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摘要(中) 骨骼系統的主要功能包括支撐身體並保護軟組織,還有製造血球與儲存礦物質;骨骼會隨著年齡的增長而成長、老化,當骨骼受傷的時候也有再生長、重塑的能力。當骨骼承受超過機械性的負載則會發生骨骼斷裂的情況,也就是骨折,骨折的癒合牽扯到複雜的組織學,本文的研究重點在模擬長骨骨折後,受到軸向壓應力對骨骼所產生的應力分布進而推測骨折癒合的過程。
本文使用有限元素法的FEMLAB 3.0套裝軟體建立簡單的2D長骨骨折模型並且給定一軸向負載計算各部位的應力值,再使用Excel將取得的資料做整理,然後利用MATLAB 6.5讀入整理好的資料且依據所計算出的成骨指標I,繪出長骨骨折受到負載後軟骨部分的I值範圍圖,再根據得到的圖建立新的2D長骨模型,重複上述的步驟來模擬長骨骨折後癒合的過程。
摘要(英) The main function of the skeleton system is including supporting the body and protecting the soft tissue, still make blood count and store the mineral substance; The skeleton will grow up, wear out with growth of the age, is regenerated long ability reinventing too when the skeleton is injured. As the skeleton bears and exceeds the machinery situation the skeleton will taken place to rupturing in load, fracture that that is to say. The healing of the fracture involves complicated histology. The research of this text focuses on: Pressed the stress and distributed then inferred the situation that the fracture heals to the stress that the skeleton produces by the axial after the simulation long bone fracture.
This text uses FEMLAB 3.0 suit software of the law of limited element to set up simple 2D long bone fracture model and give definitely the stress value of calculating every position of an axial load. In order to get osteogenic index I, data from Excel files are calculated by using MATLAB 6.5. Then, according to osteogenic index I, the figure of cartilage’’s I value will be shown. Thus, the 2D model of long bone can be built from the I value range of cartilage. Repeat above-mentioned steps to simulate the course that the long bone fracture healing.
關鍵字(中) ★ 有限元素法
★ 長骨
★ 骨折癒合
關鍵字(英) ★ fracture healing
★ finite element method
★ long bones
論文目次 中文摘要................................................................................................................ i
目錄...................................................................................................................... iv
圖目錄.................................................................................................................. vi
第一章 緒論......................................................................................................... 1
1-1 前言....................................................................................................... 1
1-2 文獻回顧............................................................................................... 1
1-3 文章架構............................................................................................... 2
第二章 基本理論................................................................................................. 4
2-1 人類的骨骼系統................................................................................... 4
2-1-1 軟骨............................................................................................ 4
2-1-2 硬骨............................................................................................ 6
2-1-3 骨的生長.................................................................................. 10
2-1-4 Wolff’s law................................................................................ 11
2-2 骨折後骨骼修復過程......................................................................... 11
2-3 骨骼修復理論..................................................................................... 12
2-4 成骨指標I .......................................................................................... 16
第三章 模擬方法與流程................................................................................... 18
3-1 模擬流程圖......................................................................................... 18
3-2 FEMLAB 建構模型............................................................................ 19
3-3 Excel 資料讀入與輸出....................................................................... 24
3-4 MATLAB 程式撰寫............................................................................. 26
第四章 結果與討論........................................................................................... 27
4-1 經驗常數k.......................................................................................... 27
4-2 成骨指標I 與骨折癒合關係............................................................. 40
第五章 結論與未來發展................................................................................... 42
5-1 結論..................................................................................................... 42
5-2 未來發展............................................................................................. 43
參考文獻............................................................................................................. 44
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指導教授 鄔蜀威(Shu-Wei Wu) 審核日期 2008-7-16
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