摘要(英) |
Review plays the important role in the organizational management, it can find the problems, the causes, the solution ways and the improvement ways, so that assure the .reach of the goals and promote the performance of the organizational operation.. Some of the institutions and rules do not fit the principles of the organizational management of the systems thinking, so that can not assure the .reach of the goals and promote the performance of the organizational operation. The objectives of this study are to establish the concept and rule of systems thinking and apply to establish the basic structure and mechanism of the organizational management, so that can be applied to improve the institutions and rules of the review. There are four tops of the content of this study, including reorganize the principles of systems thinking, develop the basic structure and mechanism of the organizational management that fit the principles of systems thinking, develop the structure of the review that fit the principles of systems thinking, and compare the three cases of the the environmental field such as the auditing on incineration, initiation license for environmental testing organizations and performance evaluation to local government. The results of this study have developed ten principles of systems thinking, the basic structure and mechanism of the organizational management, the structure of the review, and the comparison of the three cases. |
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