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姓名 歐陽順(Shun Ou-Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 多孔性廢棄物燒製調濕建材之研究
(The research for sintering porous wastes into humidity adjusting construction materials)
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摘要(中) 本研究探討利用多孔性廢棄物與天然材料混合燒製調濕性建材之可行性,主要針對其配比、燒製條件及燒成材料特性等進行實驗研究。藉由燒成體之燒結狀況、吸濕率、樣品多元回歸與標準化來選擇適當之樣品並進一步分析其燒失率、收縮率、抗折強度、體密度、視比重、孔隙率、吸水率。以利探討設定參數之相互影響性,並提出燒製調濕建材最佳之條件。
摘要(英) This research the possibility for sintering porous wastes and mixing natural ingredients into humidity adjusting construction materials. The research is executed mainly pursuant to the mixing ratio, sintering conditions, and characters of sintering materials. The proper samples are selected according to the sinter status of sinter body, moisture absorption efficiency, sampling multiple regression and standardization. Further analysis for ignition loss, shrinkage ratio, bending strength, bulk density and apparent density, porosity and water absorption are then taken as to benefit for mutual influences of setting parameters. The best requirements for sintering humidity adjusting construction materials is also submitted.
Spent diatomaceous earth, coal ash, volcanic ash, Allophane are chosen as the ingredient for the mixing formula. Sintering temperatures range between 900~1300℃ due to different mixing ratios among all formulas. 1~7% Sodium Perborat (Na2B4O7) is added into the mixing formula as the flux for enhancing the strength of the sinter body. The sintering experiment is executed according to the conditions mentioned above. The inspection of moisture absorption efficiency is taken on the finished sinter body. Among four sinter bodies each with its own unique mixing formula, the sinter body made of mixing spent diatomaceous earth and volcanic ash produces better moisture absorption efficiency and is thus chosen for taking further analysis. In anti-bending strength.
In respect of basic character analysis of sinter bodies, the ignition loss: under the same sinter temperature, the mixing formula with 90% of wastes, and adding 2% flux can deliver a lower ignition loss. In the term of shrinkage ratio: the formula with 90% wastes can reduce shrinkage ratio but higher temperature and higher ratio of flux can result in higher shrinkage ratio. In the anti-bending strength: a reverse relationship exists between the ratio of Spent diatomaceous earth and strength. However, there is a positive relationship between sinter temperature and addition quantity of flux.
In porosity character analysis, porosity ratio and moisture absorption: under the conditions of 90% of wastes, non-addition of flux, and lower sinter temperature will lead to higher porosity ratio and moisture absorption ratio of sinter body. The conditions mentioned above produce the same results in moisture absorption and release ratio and efficiency.
The research aims at sintering wastes into humidity adjusting construction materials effectively. After the sinter body made of prescribed experimental parameters is tested, major factors influencing the efficiency of humidity adjusting construction materials are the addition ratio of wastes and addition quantity of flux. As the practicability of futuristic humidity adjusting construction materials is taken into consideration, the best conditions for sintering humidity adjusting construction materials in this research are addition of 90% waste, 1~2% flux, and sintering temperature range of 1000~1100℃ which can enabling humidity adjusting construction materials to produce excellent moisture absorption effects.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多孔性
★ 吸濕效率
★ 助熔劑
關鍵字(英) ★ flux
★ Porous
★ moisture absorption efficiency
論文目次 目 錄
英文摘要...................................................... Ⅱ
第一章 前 言 1
1-1研究緣起 1
1-2研究目的 1
1-3研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1廢棄物資源化再利用 3
2-1-1煤灰處置與再利用 3
2-1-2矽藻土應用與處置 4
2-2調濕建材研究與發展 6
2-2-1調濕的原理 6
2-2-2調濕材料的種類 8
2-2-3調濕建材備製條件 9
2-2-4調濕建材吸濕效率評估方法 9
2-3高濕度環境下對人體的危害 9
2-4多孔性材料簡介 12
2-4-1鹿沼土簡介 12
2-4-2水鋁英石簡介 12
2-4-3火山灰簡介 14
2-4-4凝灰岩簡介 14
2-5毛細現象 15
2-5-1毛細現象的應用 15
2-5-2毛細現象公式 15
2-5-3毛細現象公式推導 16
2-6陶瓷材料 17
2-6-1陶瓷材料的特色 17
2-6-2陶瓷的製造流程 18
2-6-3陶瓷材料在建材上的運用 19
2-7陶瓷燒結原理 19
2-7-1 燒結的驅動力 20
2-7-2 燒結過程 21
2-7-3 燒結過程中的物化變化 24
2-7-4 影響燒結的因子 25
2-7-5 成份對燒結特性的影響 26
2-7-6 矽氧原料對燒結特性的影響 26
2-7-7 Al2O3 對燒結特性的影響 27
2-7-8 鹼金族、鹼土族化合物對燒結特性的影響 28
2-7-9 氯化物對燒結特性的影響 28
2-7-10 硫酸鹽類對燒結特性的影響 29
第二章 實驗材料與方法 30
3-1 實驗材料 32
3-2實驗方法 36
3-3-1前處理 36
3-2-2加壓成型 36
3-2-3燒成實驗 40
3-3實驗分析與設備 40
3-3-1實驗分析 40
3-3-2實驗設備 51
第四章 結果與討論 53
4-1實驗材料分析 53
4-1-1廢棄矽藻土 53
4-1-2煤灰 54
4-1-3鹿沼土 55
4-1-4火山灰 56
4-2燒製條件之篩選 57
4-2-1 多元回歸統計與標準化分析 63
4-3燒結體基本性質 69
4-3-1燒失率 69
4-3-2收縮率 70
4-3-3抗折強度 70
4-4孔隙性質 71
4-4-1體密度、視比重、氣孔率、吸水率 71
4-4-2吸放濕效率 72
4-5微觀與晶相分析 78
4-5-1 SEM微結構觀察 78
4-5-2 XRD晶相化合物分析 80
4-5-3 ICP元素分析 84
4-6綜合分析 85
第五章 結論與建議 87
5-1結論 87
5-2建議 89
文獻參考 90
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 王鯤生(Kuen-Sheng Wang) 審核日期 2008-7-18
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