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姓名 呂春華(CHUN-HUA LU) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班 論文名稱 光電廠高低濃度砷廢水處理流程之探討
(The Investigation to the Process of the High/Low Concentration Arsenic Wastewater from the Photonics Factory)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 摘 要
由實驗結果得知:分別比較氯化鈣、氯化鐵與PAC三種混凝劑對高濃度砷廢水處理效果及污泥產生量的狀況,發現以添加氯化鐵的去除效率最佳,加藥量在7 mg/L的去除率可以達到99.9959%,廢水中的砷濃度由81.264mg/L降至0.00336 mg/L,靜置1HR的污泥量為300 ml/L。
另外分別比較氯化鈣、氯化鐵與PAC三種混凝劑及氯化鈣與氯化鐵以階段性混和添加的方式對低濃度砷廢水的處理效果。發現在鈣/鐵加藥量的配比為(0.68/1.4) mg/L時, 其砷去除效率即可達到 99.1372%,廢水中的砷濃度由0.67342mg/L降至0.00581 mg/L,靜置1HR的污泥量為50 ml/L。
關鍵字:光電業、LED、砷廢水、化學混凝摘要(英) Abstract
Due to energy shortage nowadays, the characteristics of the low power consumption is highly regarded. Photonics products and photonics industries are fast growing. Solar battery becomes hot in spite it was long-term in low demanding. LED keeps popular and is broadly applied to the telecommunication, information, biochemistry, medical, industry, consuming, astro-technology and military.
By the advantage of high electron mobility and high stability, the Gallium Arsenide is a potential substance to replace the silicide component and become the major component in photonics material. Because AsH3 is the major material to make the Epitaxy wafer, the Arsenic-Containing Wastewater and Rejection will contaminate the circumstance severely. The more growth of the Photonics industry, the more severe populations shall be processed.
Generally, it is the major solution to add Calcium salt or Sodium Salt into arsenic-containing wastewater. Calcium Chloride is popular because of its cheap. However, Arsenide is always to be released out due to the PH-value fluctuation, and even after processed the effluent water cannot comply with the regulated limit, less than 0.5mg/L. This is the biggest problem to process the arsenic wastewater of the photonics industry.
I take one photonics factory as the case and try to objectify my investigation into two subjects. 1.: How many effects can be promoted basing on the engineering betterment and the process tuning to the procedures of a wastewater factory. 2.: With respect to different concentrations, the wastewaters are processed by the Chemical Coagulation. We try to optimize the mixing ratios between Ferric Chloride and Calcium Chloride and the quantities of phase adding between Ferric Chloride, Calcium Chloride and PAC, so that the removbility of arsenic in wastewater can be derived. The next steps are to analyze the arsenic remaining in the sludge and further modify the obtained optimization, and we try to balance the lowest addition dosage to arsenic wastewater and the validity of regulations in effluent water.
Resulting from my experiment, I find the Ferric Chloride is the best one among three coagulators, better than Calcium Chloride and PAC. For high concentration arsenic wastewater, by adding 7 mg/L of Ferric Chloride into wastewater, 99.9959% arsenic can be removed away that is only 0.00336 mg/L be remained in wastewater.
To study the arsenic removiblity to the low concentration arsenic wastewater, we compare three coagulators, Ferric Chloride, Calcium Chloride and PAC, by adding them into wastewater phasingly. We find if Calcium and Ferric are added in the ratio of (0.68/1.4) mg/L, 92.3569% arsenic can be removed from wastewater that is only 0.05147 mg/L be remained in wastewater.
Photonics Industry、LED、Arsenic-Containing Wastewater、Chemical Coagulation關鍵字(中) ★ 光電業
★ 砷廢水
★ 化學混凝關鍵字(英) ★ Photonics Industry
★ Chemical Coagulation
★ Arsenic-Containing Wastewater論文目次 目 錄
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
一、 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起與目的 1
1.2 研究內容 3
二、 文獻回顧 4
2.1 光電業的介紹 4
2.1.1 台灣LED光電產業的發展現況 4
2.1.2 LED產品與技術簡介 7
2.1.3 LED全球發展狀況 11
2.2砷 13
2.1.1砷的來源 13
2.1.2砷的毒性 13
2.1.3砷的特性 14
2.1.4砷的測定方法 16
2.3 LED光電產業砷廢水的介紹 19
2.3.1 LED光電業砷廢水的特性 19
2.3.2 LED光電業砷廢水處理技術 22
2.4化學混凝與膠凝 31
2.4.1混凝原理及機構 31
2.4.2混凝藥劑及特性 35
2.4.3混凝效果之影響因子 38
2.5化學沉降 39
2.5.1化學沉降原理及機構 39
2.5.2化學沉降藥劑及特性 40
2.5.3化學沉降效果影響因子 42
三、實廠砷廢水處理探討 43
3.1實廠砷廢水處理現況及缺失 43
3.1.1實廠砷廢水產生來源 43
3.1.2實廠廢水廠原處理設計 49
3.1.3研究實廠砷廢水處理之缺失 50
3.2廢水處理廠之功能提升策略 53
3.2.1實廠砷廢水處理流程改善工程說明 53
3.2.2實廠砷廢水處理流程改善預期效果 54
四、 研究與實驗方法 57
4.1實驗規劃與研究流程 57
4.2廢水來源與採樣保存 57
4.3實驗方法 59
4.4混凝實驗設備 63
4.5混凝實驗藥品 63
4.6砷的分析 64
4.6.1砷分析的方法 64
4.6.2砷分析的實驗設備 64
4.6.3砷分析之器材 65
4.6.2砷分析之試劑 65
五、 結果與討論 67
5.1光電廠砷廢水來源及水樣基本性質 67
5.2廢水廠處理流程改善後之處理效果評估 68
5.3實驗分析的結果對高濃度砷廢水處理效果之探討 72
5.3.1不同的混凝劑及加藥量對高濃度砷廢水處理效果之比較 72
5.3.2階段性混和加藥的方式對高濃度砷廢水處理效果之比較 76
5.3.3產生最低污泥量之最適添加藥劑及添加量 76
5.4實驗分析的結果對低濃度砷廢水處理效果之探討 81
5.4.1不同的混凝劑及加藥量對低濃度砷廢水處理效果之比較 81
5.4.2階段性混和加藥的方式對低濃度砷廢水處理效果之比較 84
5.4.3產生最低污泥量之最適添加藥劑及添加量 86
六、 結論與建議 88
6.1 結論 88
6.2 建議 89
參考文獻 90
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