摘要(英) |
Traditionally, the treatment efficiency of heavy metal wastewater can only be determined by analyzing the clarified water from sedimentation tank after chemical precipitation. Whether, the chemicals are properly dosed and the the fluctuation of wastewater quality cannot be obtained promptly. Hence, improper dosing of precipitating agent results in poor wastewater treatment.
In this study, a novel monitoring technique, floc image color analysis (FICA), developed for precipitation of copper wastewater at different pH values and dosages of coagulant chemical was conducted in a pilot plant and was monitored by FICA. The image of solution was captured and the RGB values of the image were analyzed.
The results showed that the RGB values arised, which was because the formation of precipitates upon the adjustment of pH. When the solution pH was higher, the removal efficiency increased; also, the color of the solution shifted to deep blue and the B value became relatively higher. The RGB decreasing trend was steeper in coagulation and flocculation process as the particle size is increased.
參考文獻 |
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