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姓名 王業文(Yeh-Wen Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 關於量產路徑之初步鹽類篩選程序:以外消旋布洛芬之兩個不同鹽類為例
(Initial Salt Screening Procedures for the Manufacturing Route: Case Example of Two Different Salt Forms of Racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen)
★ 藉由結晶製程製備高水溶性化合物: 十二烷基硫酸鈉(SDS) 以及控制其水合物★ 唑來膦酸三水合物的初始溶劑篩選和在羥基磷灰石之表面吸附行為
★ 乙烯氨酚的結晶研究:溶劑.界面與固態分散的篩選★ 外消旋(R/S)-(+/-)伊普的初始溶劑篩選及伊普鈉鹽結晶動力學
★ 外消旋(R,S)-(±)-伊普鹽二水化合物的介晶質,成核與結晶成長★ 卡爾指數與溶解速率常數的交叉行為關係與混合率的應用:批次對乙醯氨基酚的研究
★ 蔗糖的同質異構型構★ 磺胺噻唑的初始/雞尾酒混合溶劑式篩選和利用多型晶體的耕作方式篩選
★ 卡馬西平的初始溶劑篩選應用在球形結晶技術來做固體藥劑的精益製造★ 西咪替丁的初始溶劑篩選應用在球形結晶技術來做固體藥劑的精益製造
★ 利用超音波結晶法降低小分子有機半導體分子的昇華點 以及藉由蛋殼膜增進AlQ3奈米管的光激發螢光強度★ 仿效生物膽結石的形成:在逐漸演化的(牛磺膽酸鈉-卵磷質-膽固醇)複雜脂質系統中結晶碳酸鈣
★ 蔗糖的多構形多形晶體與乙醯氨酚共溶劑篩選★ 共晶化合物的篩選、製備、鑑定、分子辨認及應用: 胞嘧啶和二羧酸的研究
★ 生命的起源與天門冬氨酸在水中的結晶★ 微調具光學活性聯二萘酚和其二甲亞碸包合物的光激發光性質
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摘要(中) 在藥物市場中,大約有50%的藥物都是外消旋性混合物。因此,在藥物的研發上,對掌性質變的越來越重要了。在本論文中,右旋布洛芬((S)-(+)-Ibuprofen)和外消旋布洛芬(racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen)分別在「初步溶劑篩選」及「初步鹽類篩選」程序中被選為模式藥物。在初步溶劑篩選中,我們可以獲得在製藥業中相當重要的四個性質:溶解度、晶貌、結晶度及多形體性質。這個方法以簡單、經濟的方式,獲得一系列可用在量產情況的工程數據。另外,在這個方法中所建立的「多形體表」代表了材料特性,也同時提供了每個可能發現活性藥物多形體的機會。多形體表也和Hansen parameter互相結合來預測活性藥物在未知溶劑中的溶解度。
摘要(英) In the pharmaceutical market, approximately 50% are racemics (mixture of enantiomers); therefore, chirality becomes more and more important in drug discovery and development. In this thesis (S)-(+)-Ibuprofen and racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen were used as active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in “initial solvent screening” and “initial salt screening” procedures respectively. In initial solvent screening, the four important properties in pharmaceutical industry such as solubility, crystal habit, crystallinity, and polymorphism of (S)-(+)-Ibuprofen could be obtained. This approach was an easy, economical, and close to scale-up condition approach for obtaining a serious of engineering data. The “form space” constructed in this method was a material characteristic that can provide the API every opportunity to discover a new polymorph, and it could be combined with Hansen model to form a solubility sphere to predict the API solubility property in an unknown solvent.
In initial salt screening procedure, racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen was reacted with seven bases used commonly in pharmaceutical industry to find possible salt. In this procedure only two crystallization pathways such as temperature cooling and the addition of anti-solvent were to be considered to a close-to scale-up conditions. Besides, water was used as a main solvent to avoid missing any opportunities for salt formation. Two salts: racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen sodium dihydrate and racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane were produced by the method of initial salt screening. Their functional groups were identified by FTIR, and the crystal habit and thermal properties were determined by OM and DSC, TGA, respectively. Their crystal structures were determined by PXRD and SXD. They were also compared in their pH-solubility profiles, moisture sorption studies, and dissolution rate tests. Under these tests, racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane was considered to be stable during storage and could become a sustain-released drug.
關鍵字(中) ★ 結晶度
★ 晶貌
★ 溶解度
★ 三羥甲基氨基甲烷
★ 多形體表
★ 鹽類篩選
★ 多形體
★ 溶劑篩選
★ 布洛芬
關鍵字(英) ★ solvent screening
★ ibuprofen
★ salt screening
★ tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane
★ polymorph
★ crystal habit
★ from space
★ solubility
★ crystallinity
論文目次 摘要......................................................i
List of Tables...........................................ix
List of Figures...........................................x
Chapter 1 Executive Summary...............................1
1.1 Introduction..........................................1
1.2 Brief Introduction of Chiral Compound.................3
1.3 Conceptual Framework..................................4
Chapter 2 Analytical Instruments..........................9
2.1 Introduction..........................................9
2.2 Thermal Analysis.....................................12
2.2.1 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)............12
2.2.2 Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA).................14
2.3 Spectroscopic Analysis...............................16
2.3.1 Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD)....................16
2.3.2 Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SXD).............18
2.3.3 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscope (FTIR).....20
2.4 Microscopic analysis.................................21
2.4.1 Optical Microscope (OM)............................21
2.5 Conclusions..........................................23
Reference ................................................24
Chapter 3 Solubility, Crystal Habit, Crystallinity, and Polymorphism of (S)-(+)-Ibuprofen-by Initial Solvent Screening ................................................27
3.1 Introduction.........................................27
3.1.1 Solubility.........................................28
3.1.2 Crystal Habit......................................30
3.1.3 Crystallinity......................................30
3.1.4 Polymorphism .......................................31
3.1.5 Hansen Parameters..................................33
3.1.6 (S)-(+)-Ibuprofen.................................34
3.2 Materials............................................34
3.3 Experimental Section.................................38
3.3.1 Solvent Screening Process..........................38
3.3.2 Analytical Measurements............................39
3.4 Results and Discussions..............................40
3.4.1 Solubility Studies.................................40
3.4.2 Crystal habit Study................................47
3.4.3 Crystallinity Study................................51
3.4.4 Polymorphism Study.................................53
3.4.5 Hansen Parameters study............................55
3.5 Conclusions..........................................59
Chapter 4 Initial Salt Screening Procedures for the Manufacturing Route: Case Example of Racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen ................................................64
4.1 Introduction.........................................64
4.1.1 Drug Candidate and Its Form........................64
4.1.2 The Aim of Salt Formation..........................67
4.1.3 Review of Salt Selection/Formation.................68
4.1.4 Racemic (R,S)-(±)-Ibuprofen........................71
4.2 Materials............................................72
4.3 Experimental Section.................................76
4.3.1 Salt Formation Procedures..........................76
4.3.2 pH-Solubility Studies..............................79
4.3.3 Moisture Absorption Studies........................79
4.3.4 Dissolution Test...................................79
4.3.5 Analytical Instruments.............................81
4.4 Results and Discussions..............................84
4.4.1 Screening Results..................................84
4.4.2 FTIR study.........................................87
4.4.3 OM, DSC, TGA, and PXRD Study.......................89
4.4.4 pH-Solubility Study................................94
4.4.5 Moisture Absorption Study..........................98
4.4.6 Dissolution Test...................................99
4.4.7 Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SXD)............100
4.5 Conclusions.........................................103
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work...................111
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指導教授 李度(Tu Lee) 審核日期 2008-7-4
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