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姓名 宋柏融(Bo-rong Song)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 奈米碳管於準直矽奈米草上成長之研究
(Growth of carbon nanotube on well-aligned silicon nanograss)
★ 醫療用氧氣濃縮機之改善與發展★ 變壓吸附法濃縮及回收氣化產氫製程中二氧化碳與氫氣之模擬
★ 變壓吸附法應用於小型化醫療用製氧機及生質酒精脫水產生無水酒精之模擬★ 變壓吸附法濃縮及回收氣化產氫製程中一氧化碳、二氧化碳與氫氣之模擬
★ 利用吸附程序於較小型發電廠煙道氣進氣量下捕獲二氧化碳之模擬★ 利用週期性吸附反應程序製造高純度氫氣並捕獲二氧化碳之模擬
★ 變溫吸附程序分離煙道氣中二氧化碳之連續性探討與實驗設計分析★ 利用PEI/SBA-15於變溫及真空變溫吸附捕獲煙道氣中二氧化碳之模擬
★ PEI/SBA-15固態吸附劑對二氧化碳吸附之實驗研究★ 以變壓吸附法分離汙染空氣中氧化亞氮之模擬
★ 以變壓吸附法分離汙染空氣中氧化亞氮之實驗★ 以變壓吸附法濃縮己二酸工廠尾氣中氧化亞氮之模擬
★ 利用變壓吸附法捕獲煙道氣與合成氣中二氧化碳之實驗★ 變壓吸附法回收發電廠廢氣與合成氣中二氧化碳之模擬
★ 利用變壓吸附程序分離甲醇裂解產氣中氫氣及一氧化碳之模擬★ 變壓吸附程序捕獲合成氣中二氧化碳之實驗研究與吸附劑之選擇評估
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摘要(中) 本實驗利用熱化學氣相沈積法,於高溫下通入乙烯作為碳源生長
生長奈米碳管的方法。將矽奈米草表面沈積一層PTFE薄膜,再將矽奈米草利用熱化學氣相沈積法,於750 ℃下可生長出大量的多壁奈米碳管。
摘要(英) We used a thermal CVD with C2H4 carbon sources to grow CNTs at high temperature. Nickel nanoparticles were used as the catalyst, which can be held in water or ethanol solution, and then spread on a substrate by using dip-coating and drop-coating methods. The substrates include hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanograss. The parameters of solution Chemical property, growth temperature, and hydrogen flow rate were controlled to investigate the CNT morphology.
The results show that using dip-coating method to grow CNTs on the hydrophilic nanograss will make nanoparticles aggregation and lead to the variations in CNT diameter. The nanoparticles can be dispersed as molybdenum (Ⅱ) acetate was dissolved into the solution, which will grow CNTs with smaller diameter, but the amount of amorphous carbon
compound will be greater also. The CNT surface can be transferred to a superhydrophobic state as we deposited Pt film on it.
The surface energy of solution will affect the amount of CNTs when we use a dip-coating method to grow CNTs on the hydrophobic nanograss. The amount of CNTs is greater by ethanol than by water.In addition, using drop-coating method to grow CNTs on the hydrophobic nanograss will make smaller area and wider distribution of CNT diameters than on the silicon wafer.
More interesting, a lot of CNTs were grown at 750 ℃ by depositing a PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) film on the hydrophilic nanograss and treating it in the thermal CVD, which demonstrates that we have developed a method to grow CNTs without metal catalyst.
關鍵字(中) ★ 奈米碳管
★ 奈米草
關鍵字(英) ★ carbon nanotube
★ nanograss
論文目次 摘要i
第一章 緒論1
1-1 前言1
1-2 研究動機4
第二章 理論與文獻回顧7
2-1 準直矽奈米草結構形成機製7
2-2 疏水與親水的表面結構10
2-3 奈米碳管結構13
2-4 奈米碳管製備方法15
2-5 奈米碳管的形成機製19
2-5.1 熱化學氣相沈積法奈米碳管生長機製19
2-5.2 氫氣對奈米碳管生長的影響21
2-6 奈米結構上生長奈米碳管21
2-6.1 金屬催化劑沈積的方法21
2-6.2 於親水性奈米草上生長奈米碳管24
2-6.3 於疏水性奈米草上生長奈米碳管26
2-6.4以PTFE 薄膜生長奈米碳管27
第三章 實驗方法與流程30
3-1 實驗材料與設備30
3-1.1 基板材料與化學品30
3-1.2 製程設備30
3-1.3 分析儀器31
3-2 實驗流程33
3-3 實驗步驟34
3-3.1 準直矽奈米草的製作34
3-3.2 基板表面親疏水性質改質34
3-3.3 奈米碳管於親水性矽奈米草成長35
3-3.4 奈米碳管於疏水性矽奈米草成長37
3-3.5 奈米碳管與基板的分析37
第四章 結果與討論40
4-1 親水性奈米草成長奈米碳管的研究40
4-1.1 以奈米鎳粉體成長奈米碳管40
4-1.2 醋酸鉬對奈米碳管成長的影響52
4-2 疏水性奈米草成長奈米碳管的研究71
4-2.1 以浸泡法成長奈米碳管71
4-2.2 以液滴法成長奈米碳管76
4-2.3以PTFE 薄膜生長奈米碳管82
第五章 結論99
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指導教授 周正堂、謝健
(Cheng-Tung Chou、Jiann Shieh)
審核日期 2008-7-22
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