博碩士論文 953901001 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭家偉(Jya-wei Jeng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 細丹尼纖維深染助劑配方技術研究
(The technology of deep dyeing auxiliary on PET microfiber.)
★ 快速合成具核殼結構之均ㄧ粒徑次微米球與其表面改質之特性研究★ 高效率染料敏化太陽能電池及製備次模組元件之研究
★ 利用核殼結構次微米球建構具耐溶劑性質及機械性質之光子晶體膜★ 利用次微米球建構具機械性質之光子晶體薄膜
★ 電漿高分子聚合膜對二氧化碳及甲烷氣體之分離性研究★ 同時聚合下製備聚苯乙烯/矽膠高分子混成體
★ 甲基丙烯酸酯系列團聯共聚物為界面活性劑之迷你乳化聚合研究★ 含水溶性藥物之乙基纖維素微膠囊的製備
★ 銅箔基板環氧樹脂含浸液之研究★ 含光敏感單體之甲基丙烯酸酯系列正型光阻之製備
★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 / 二氧化矽混成體之研究★ 均一粒徑無乳化劑次微米粒子之合成及種子溶脹製備均一粒徑微米級之緻密或交聯結構粒子
★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備環氧樹脂/二氧化矽有機無機混成體★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備相轉移材料微膠囊
★ 親疏水性光阻製備★ 奈米多孔性材料之製備
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摘要(中) 本研究合成陽離子型深染助劑,藉由染色前處理與染色同時處理之方法,探討染色溫度、助劑組成、助劑添加量、染色時間、升溫速率與助劑分子量等參數,對於細丹尼聚酯纖維之表觀顏色深度(K/S)之影響,並由水洗堅牢度測試與SEM 影像來觀察染色纖維的性質。
結果顯示,助劑的添加以染色同時處理方式效果較佳,對於K/S 的提昇可高達25%,同時也提高纖維對染色溫度變化的穩定性並且維持良好的水洗堅牢度。不同的助劑組成皆有大幅提昇K/S 的效果,隨著APTAC 的單體含量的增加,可相對減少助劑的使用量,而提高升溫速率與調整適當的助劑分子量則能夠增加纖維染色的K/S 穩定性。
摘要(英) The deep dyeing effect of the disperse dye on polyester microfiber in the presence of cationic auxiliaries synthesized by (3-acrylamidopropyl)trimethyl ammonium chloride (APTAC) and acrylonitrile (AN) as monomers and ammonium persulfate (APS) as the initiator has been developed. The different parameters, dyeing temperature, auxiliary components, auxiliary content, dyeing holding time, dyeing temperature rate and auxiliary’s molecular weight, were discussed. Colour shade depth ( K/S ), wash fastness test and SEM photographs of dyed microfiber were measured.
The result showed that the K/S of the dyed microfiber was increased and maintain good wash fastness, with adding cationic auxiliaries (especially with low molecular weight) in the dye bath or decreasing dyeing temperature. The highest value of K/S, 550 (increase 25%), of dyed microfiber was obtained by adding auxiliary.
關鍵字(中) ★ 細丹尼纖維
★ 深染助劑
關鍵字(英) ★ deep dyeing
★ microfiber
論文目次 摘要.................................................................................................................. i
目錄................................................................................................................ iv
圖索引............................................................................................................ vi
第一章 前言................................................................................................. 1
1-1 聚酯及細丹尼纖維之性質探討............................................................. 1
1-2 提高纖維深染性質之方法..................................................................... 2
1-3 研究目的.................................................................................................. 3
第二章 實驗................................................................................................. 4
2-1 實驗材料.................................................................................................. 4
2-2 實驗儀器.................................................................................................. 6
2-3 實驗步驟.................................................................................................. 7
2-3-1 深染助劑之合成.................................................................................. 7
2-3-2 染色前處理法之染色加工.................................................................. 7
2-3-3 染色同時處理法之染色加工.............................................................. 8
2-4 實驗測試................................................................................................ 11
第三章 結果與討論................................................................................... 12
3-1-1 空白細丹尼纖維布帛之熱定型溫度探討......................................... 12
3-1-2 細丹尼纖維與粗丹尼纖維之染色溫度探討..................................... 15
3-2 染色前預處理方式之探討.................................................................... 17
3-3-1 染色同時處理之染色溫度的探討.................................................... 19
3-3-2 添加不同助劑之結果探討................................................................ 23
3-3-3 改變助劑添加量之結果探討............................................................ 25
3-3-4 染色加工時溫度變化影響之探討.................................................... 31
3-3-5 染色加工之恆溫時間探討................................................................ 36
3-3-6 染色加工之快速升溫結果探討........................................................ 39
3-3-7 改變助劑分子量之結果探討............................................................ 41
第四章 結論............................................................................................... 44
參考文獻....................................................................................................... 45
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指導教授 陳暉(Hui Chen) 審核日期 2008-6-20
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