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姓名 曹漢君(Han-chun Tsao) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系 論文名稱 248 nm準分子雷射對鋁薄膜的臨界破壞性質研究
(Threshold Damage of Al film by 248 nm KrF Excimer Laser)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 我們針對雷射曝光蝕刻技術中,光罩coating材質為Al的金屬光罩,做可行性及耐用性的評估分析,也因應金屬光罩的coating層所需之高抵抗雷射能力的特性,探討比較了具有高反射率,良好熱傳性質的Al薄膜以及更堅韌,熱物理性質更優異的Al-Ni合金薄膜,應用在金屬光罩的coating層上的改質性能表現。
首先利用量測薄膜經雷射照射後的穿透率變化,來界定薄膜臨界損傷狀態。然後對不同厚度的Al薄膜(2 μm和1 μm)以及厚度為1 μm的Al(3.5 wt.% Ni)合金薄膜,做薄膜抗雷射實驗。發現比較厚的薄膜(2 μm)和添加了Ni的合金薄膜,會有較佳的抗雷射能力,而薄膜表面破壞型態也會有所差異,並對其影響機制提出解釋。摘要(英) We estimate feasibility and life time of Al metal mask that applied to technology of etching and Laser Writing. According to coating layer of metal mask that have high characteristics of resisting laser ability, we compare Al film that have high reflectivity and good heat conductivity with Al-Ni alloy film that have better hardness and heat performance, that apply to coating layer of metal mask.
First, we determine the threshold damage condition of thin film by measure change of penetration of thin film after laser irradiate. Then to the different thickness’’s Al thin film (2 μm and 1 μm) as well as thickness is 1 μm Al (3.5 wt.% Ni) thin film, does the thin film anti-laser experiment. We find that thick thin film (2 μm) and increased the Ni alloy film, will have the good anti-laser ability, but the thin film surface damage state will also have a difference, and we will propose the explanation to its influence mechanism.關鍵字(中) ★ 準分子雷射
★ 薄膜
★ 臨界破壞關鍵字(英) ★ Threshold damage
★ Al film
★ Excimer Laser
★ 248 nm論文目次 中文摘要……………………………………………………….................i
第一章 序論………………..…………………………………………..1
第二章 文獻回顧..……………………………………………………..3
2.1 KrF準分子雷射簡介………..…………………………..3
2.2 光罩與微影技術..…………………..…………................5
2.2.1 微影技術…………………………..……...............5
2.2.2 光罩…………………………………..…………...6
2.3 薄膜損傷的機制..……………..………………................9
2.3.1 薄膜與雷射之間的交互影響.…………................9
2.3.2 薄膜損傷的判別和分類.………………................9
2.3.3 薄膜損傷的機制理論….………………..............10
2.3.4 影響薄膜損傷的因素.…………………..............15
2.3.5 薄膜損傷的宏觀行為.…………………..............17
第三章 研究方法與步驟………………………………..……………21
3.1 金屬薄膜的試片製備…………………..……………….21
3.1.1 試片結構與清洗………………………................21
3.1.2 Al金屬薄膜的蒸鍍……………………..............22
3.1.3 Al(3.5 wt.% Ni)金屬薄膜的蒸鍍..……................23
3.2 薄膜的抗雷射實驗………………………..…………...23
3.2.1 雷射實驗的參數………………………................23
3.2.2 薄膜抗雷射實驗的架構………………................25
3.3 薄膜破壞型態的SEM觀察與穿透率的量測..................27
3.3.1 穿透率的量測…………………………................27
3.3.2 薄膜表面SEM觀察..…………………................28
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………..……………29
4.1 薄膜破壞的定義……………………..………………….29
4.2 雷射源的參數對薄膜損傷型態的影響探討………..….33
4.3 薄膜厚度的影響………………………………………...36
4.4 薄膜合金添加的影響…………………………………...39
第五章 結論....…………………………………………… …..……...46
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