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姓名 李淑玲(Shu-ling Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所在職專班
論文名稱 代理孕母之倫理分析:代孕契約可行性探討
(The ethical analysis of surrogate mother : a study on enforceability of surrogate contract)
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摘要(中) 代理孕母最大的倫理爭議的產生主要在於其將傳統的生、育、養合而為一的母親身分,轉成可以各自獨立的情況。然而「代孕」對代理孕母和委託夫妻都不會是一個輕鬆的過程,代孕必然是不孕夫妻最後的希望,代孕合法化是讓處於生育弱勢的不孕夫妻得到補天道不足的機會。本文嘗試由倫理分析「代孕」並不違反人性尊嚴,在尊重代理孕母的自律、代理孕母應擁有優先的親子權利,並保護代孕所生子女、保障委託夫妻權利的前提之下,完善規範的代孕機制具可行性。
摘要(英) The root of the controversy of surrogate motherhood comes from the shivering of the traditional motherhood into three separate process: conceiving, gestating and raising the child. However, surrogacy is no easy matter for the infertile couple and the surrogate mother. Surrogacy is usually the last hope of the infertile couple to have their own child. This dissertation argues that surrogacy has no infringement on human dignity. With due respect to surrogate mother’s autonomy, her priority to keep custody of her child, due protection of the legal status of the child born, and ensuring the right of the infertile couple, I believe that a morally acceptable surrogacy arrangement is enforceable.
Respect of the autonomy of the surrogate mother is tantamount to the success of surrogacy. The surrogate mother must be given sufficient time to deliberate about carrying a child for the infertile couple. It is proscribed by the principle of informed consent and in this respect, the agency of surrogacy plays a very important part. This dissertation advocates that the infertile couple should pay for the service of surrogacy and the expense must include reward beside necessary medical fees, in order to recognize the painstaking labor of surrogate mother and define her right and obligation clearly. By means of the “Surrogacy Arrangement” and the agency for surrogacy in proper coordination between surrogate mother and infertile couple, the surrogate contract could be an arrangement of least risk and least harm to all party. The failure rate of surrogacy is about 1% in United Kingdom and United States, what we should strive for is to reduce the failure rate, but not to deny the successful rate of 99%. Although natural reproduction still has risk of difficulty in delivery, in giving birth to deformed babies, we do not forbid natural reproduction, but make more effort to reduce the harm resulted. After an in-depth analysis of surrogacy, I suggest that the service of surrogacy should provide and built upon bioethical consideration of surrogacy. I give a draft of a surrogacy contract. I hope this essay will provide a satisfactory and enforceable method and policy for surrogacy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 代孕契約
★ 委託夫妻
★ 代理孕母
★ 代孕
關鍵字(英) ★ surrogate contract
★ infertile couple
★ surrogate mother
★ surrogacy
論文目次 第一章 導 論 ---------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 ------------------------------------- 1
第二節 代孕人工生殖主要名詞定義 ---------------------------- 6
第三節 文獻探討 ------------------------------------------ 8
第四節 各章內容簡述 --------------------------------------- 16
第二章 代孕契約的法律效力及可行性 --------------------------------- 18
第一節 從Baby M 案看代孕契約的有效性 --------------------- 18
第二節 代孕契約性質與相關問題 ----------------------------- 29
第三章 代孕與家庭的關係及其開放範疇 ------------------------------- 41
第一節 家庭關係與母親地位的改變 ---------------------------- 41
第二節 代理孕母使用的範疇 ----------------------------- 53
第四章 代孕的諮詢同意與權利義務 ----------------------------------- 58
第一節 代理孕母的自律與諮詢同意 ---------------------------- 58
第二節 代孕的權利義務 ------------------------------------- 63
第五章 代孕的傷害及違約問題 -------------------------------------- 69
第一節 代孕對代理孕母及孩子的傷害 ------------------------- 69
第二節 代孕所生子女的法律地位問題 ------------------------- 78
第三節 代孕違約問題 --------------------------------------- 83
第六章 代結論--對台灣實施代孕機制的建議 ----------------------------- 85
第一節 台灣「人工生殖代孕法」建議內容
-- 借鏡英美兩國的代孕經驗 ----------------------- 86
第二節 代孕仲介組織與代孕契約 --------------------------- 89
第三節 結論 ---------------------------------------------- 96
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------- -98
附錄一 :臺灣台北地方法院94養聲47號判決書 ----------------103
附錄二 :代孕費用估算表 -------------------------------------------------104
附錄三 :英國COTS收費項目及金額 ----------------------------- 105
附錄四 :美國SMI估計代孕之費用項目及金額 ------------------ 106
附錄五 :英國「代孕安排法」全文 ---------------------------------- 107
參考文獻 參考文獻:
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(二) 論文及期刊
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(三) 學位論文
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‧美國 SMI(Surrogate Mothers, Inc.)代孕公司網站:http://www.surrogatemothers.com/
‧英國COTS(Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogate)代孕組織網站:http://www.surrogacy.org.uk
‧Patrick Jennings Law Office網站:http://www.patjennings.net
指導教授 李瑞全(Shuicheun Lee) 審核日期 2006-7-6
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