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姓名 祝惠珍(HUI-CHEN CHU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 網路學習社群中的共構面貌:以迷思概念為探針
★ 網路學習社群中的潛水現象:一種被忽略的充分參與★ 敘說一位研究型大學教師之自我座落
★ 敘說實習教師之教師認同★ 情意鷹架者的實踐知識-以 LAIN 網路學習社群為例
★ 全控機構的學習- 從實踐社群的觀點看海軍義務役男★ 工科研究生的學習樣貌—一個情境學習的觀點
★ 從學習者成為鷹架者──社群觀點探看身分轉變的學習★ 網路科學探究的合作學習:小組認同與共同作者的決定歷程
★ 應用搭配字學習工具於網路瀏覽以提升英語學習者對搭配字之察覺能力★ 節能減碳實踐中教師和行政的矛盾-活動理論觀點
★ 線上小組推進探究的關鍵時刻★ 以行動者網絡理論探討國小教師在數位閱讀寫作推動初期的困境
★ 數學擬題活動的合作效果─五年級學童之經驗★ 看見機動教師-國小校園內的新角色
★ 一對一數位教室的另類學習:設計與湧現的觀點★ 我的師傅們不教英文: 一位國中英語教師在跨領域社群中的學習
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摘要(中) 對於網路團體學習中所呈現混亂的討論現象,我們並非透過單純檢視討論結果,做為判定學習是否有效的依據。而是透過探尋迷思隱沒、流轉、擴散、凝結的過程,發現學習者協商、取捨、忖踱間,處處充滿複雜的心思。單純的從科學概念的對錯,或是討論過程的結構性去解釋學習,無異是過度簡化網路合作學習的豐富性。
摘要(英) The effectiveness of online learning is always emphasized in CSCL (computer supported collaborative learning). Research from an acquisition perspective normally argues that peer collaboration may not be an effective learning environment since peers disseminate misconceptions. The messiness showed in discussion forum is almost everywhere in online learning. However, rather than using rubrics to evaluate the quality or accuracy of group final products, this study analyzed the dynamics of threaded postings generated by group members to illuminate the evolution of misconceptions embedded in these interactions and to explore the meaning of misconceptions from a participation paradigm.
In an inquiry-based learning community consisting of 56 groups of high school students, postings from ten group discussion forums were selected and analyzed. This study utilized closing reading and participatory observation to scrutinize the meaning of misconceptions in group knowledge building. Misconceptions are not the representation of deficient acquisition. On the contrary, exploration from this study reveals vividly the engaged participation embarked by these seemingly unproductive dialogues.
From this study, I discovered that through sharing misconceptions, group learners are more engaged in productive learning activities such as negotiation, coercion, coordination, trade-off, and so on. It was, therefore, not appropriate to interpret the spread of misconceptions as index of failure for group learning. It was evidenced in this study that sharing these alternative ideas facilitated group learning and knowledge co-construction. Willing to share not-so-sure ideas is an expression of responsibility and a required participation. Through the mutual engagement, the group members became emerged in online community and became a member in the communities of practice. The foundations of cognitive co-construction are indeed built on social-cultural notions of participation. The phenomena of learners’ motivation in online community were also reexamined.
關鍵字(中) ★ 迷思概念
★ 共構學習
★ 科學學習
★ 網路學習社群
★ 討論區分析
關鍵字(英) ★ online learning communities
★ misconception
★ collaborative knowledge construction
★ group learning
論文目次 第一章 研究動機 .…………………………………………………………….1-9
第一節 從討論的生活實踐出發……….………………………………………1
第二節 在角色與經驗的轉換中定錨….………………………………………2
第三節 學習現象與研究動機…….……………………………………………9
第二章 文獻回顧 ……………………………………………………………10-39
第一節 習得典範的迷思概念相關研究………………………………………11
第二節 網路合作學習中的共構活動…………………………………………14
第三節 參與典範的學習主張…………………………………………………24
第四節 科學實踐社群的知識翻新活動………………………………………29
第五節 研究方法學的考量……………………………………………………31
第三章 研究方法論 ..…………………………………………………….…40-63
第一節 研究架構………………………………………………………………40
第二節 研究場域………………………………………………………………42
第三節 研究者位置……………………………………………………………53
第四節 研究對象………………………………………………………………54
第五節 資料蒐集與分析………………………………………………………54
第四章 研究結果 .……………………………………………………………64-109
第一節 迷思概念在團體學習中的樣貌………………………………………64
第二節 迷思概念作為一種投入的入口………………………………………75
第三節 社群標準、價值對學習動機的影響…………………………………78
第四節 繞著迷思概念學得的是據有…………………………………………92
第五節 圖表在共構學習中的實踐意義..……………………………………102
第五章 討論 ...………………………………………………………….……110-115
第一節 從迷思概念重建對共構學習的再理解……………………………...110
第二節 討論區方法學的嘗試………………………………………………...113
第三節 對於自身與過去研究的反省………………………………………...114
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指導教授 陳斐卿(Fei-Ching Chen) 審核日期 2006-7-18
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