摘要(英) |
The main purpose of this research is to realize the usage of teachers’ blogs. First, we picked up sample blogs from blog provider services, and then, in order to describe the usage of teachers’ blogs, we used quantitative items to analyze these samples. These items are: total post number, linkage, category, index score, influence score and page score. Through this quantitative item analysis, we tried to figure out the genres of these teachers’ blogs.
In order to use fewer items to describe characteristic of those samples, we used factor analysis to find out factors which influence the usage of teachers’ blogs. In our research, we figure out two main factors to influence the usage of teachers’ blogs: influence and management. After those factors were found out, we use cluster analysis to classify these samples into four groups: high influence, high management, general, and medium management. According to the result, we suggest these two factors, influence and management, were important to realize blogs. |
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