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姓名 張榕書(Jung-Shu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 1994-2004年台灣近地面臭氧特性分析
★ TRMM-LIS衛星閃電資料之分析研究★ 歐洲ESA ATSR衛星火點資料的分析研究
★ 台灣地區閃電與降雨的分類及其氣候特徵★ 臺北地區2002-2005年溫度預報之分析
★ 1996-2008年台灣降雨的特性分析★ 質點擴散模式windmodel向後積分方法的研發
★ 颱風路徑之客觀分析方法★ 台灣夏季近地面環流之Lagrangian 模擬
★ Windmodel模式與應用─探討春季台北都會地區空氣污染事件★ 全球大氣二氧化碳商用貨輪觀測平台之發展
★ 高解析度空氣污染物擴散模擬模式的發展★ 利用GFC二氧化碳分析儀觀測大氣中的二氧化碳
★ 太平洋、印度洋、地中海及大西洋海域二氧化碳觀測及分析★ 第三版風場模式之校驗與敏感度測試
★ 深澳火力發電廠關廠前後對大氣環境的影響★ 利用2012-2014年的IAGOS資料討論上對流層大氣環境對飛機巡航高度的影響
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摘要(中) 本研究使用環保署71個測站及氣象局蘭嶼測站自1994年3月至2005年2月的監測資料,以日平均、日間平均、日極大值平均以及月最大值四種資料分類,分析台灣地區季節性臭氧的分佈與變化。
摘要(英) Long-term (Mar 1994-Feb 2005) near-surface ozone data from 72 sites have been analyzed to present the seasonal distribution and trends of ozone in Taiwan. In the data quality check, there are the systemic loss of data in some hours of day.
The distribution and trends of seasonal ozone concentration are discussed by four classifications: (1) monthly mean; (2) monthly day-time( 08:00-20:00 ) average ; (3) monthly average of daily maxima; (4) maximum of month. The distribution of seasonal ozone concentration of monthly mean and monthly day-time average is similar. The distribution of maximum of month indicates summer maximum in Xin-Dian site. Comparison between average of seasonal ozone of entire Taiwan in 1994 and 2004 indicates increasing ozone. The enhanced amounts are largest in monthly mean, and smallest in maximum of month. It is also pointed out the largest increase of ozone in summer.
The trend analyses of monthly mean and monthly day-time average show increasing ozone concentration in most areas. In monthly average of daily maxima, the areas with decreasing trend increase. The trends of maximum of month in Nan-Tou area in spring and summer reach 1.2ppb/yr and are up to 90% confidence levels, so do the area from Tai-Chung to Tai-Nan County. The decreasing ozone trends up to 90% confidence levels only occur in Hua-Lian in spring and in Xin-Dian in summer in maximum of month.
Frequency analyses of seasonal ozone show the characteristic that the frequency of the low ozone concentration bins decrease while the higher increase. It was found the property of stations, such as high polluted or clean, could be determined by its frequency distribution. The classification of total stations shows a good agreement with the area of high polluted sites and the distribution of ozone concentration up to 120ppb in maximum of month. The result indicates it is a good way to identify the property of stations by using ozone frequency distribution.
The correlation between ozone and NO shows the negative correlation of monthly average of daily maxima in most Taiwan areas, especially up to 0.6 in Nan-Tou in spring and in Tai-Chung and Zhang-Hua in winter. In maximum of month, there are positive correlation in Yi-Lan, the coast of Yun-Lin and Kao-Bing area in all seasons.
關鍵字(中) ★ 臭氧趨勢
★ 臭氧趨率趨勢
★ 一氧化氮
★ 臭氧
關鍵字(英) ★ ozone
★ trend of ozone frequency distribution
★ nitric oxide
★ ozone trend
論文目次 目 錄
目錄............................. IV
第一章 前言........................1
1.2 研究動機與目的 .................6
第二章 資料搜集與研究方法..........8
2.1 資料搜集.......................8
2.2 資料校驗.......................9
2.3 分析方法......................11
2.3.1 二維空間分析................11
2.3.2 頻率分佈分析................15
2.3.3 統計檢定....................16
2.3.4 臭氧與一氧化氮的相關性分析..17
2.4 分析方法校驗..................18
第三章 結果.......................21
3.1 台灣地區的臭氧分佈情形........21
3.2 台灣地區的臭氧趨勢............29
3.3 臭氧頻率趨勢..................33
第四章 討論.......................38
第五章 結論.......................47
第六章 未來展望...................50
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指導教授 王國英(Kuo-Ying Wang) 審核日期 2006-6-15
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