摘要(英) |
In order to study tropospheric scintillation at 19.5GHz, from 2003 to 2004 year, we setup a Ka-band terrestrial communication system to receive the single strength affected by tropospheric refractivity irregularities. The weather information, such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and specific humidity, were also collected simultaneously. The differential and running mean methods were employed to analyze the signals and the correlation between signal strength, wind speed, temperature, and specific humidity were calculated. We also discuss the characteristics of the slope of the power spectrum of the signals to try to realize the relation between the spectral slope and weather parameter.
The results show that positive correlations between signal intensity, wind speed, temperature, and specific humidity, were seen, in which we believe that the wind speed is major factor causing the scintillation of the signals. We also found that when the mean value of temperature and specific humidity were layer, the power spectral slope become steeper. However, where the wind speed is greater than 4m/s, the power spectral slope become gentle, and variance of wind speed seems not to show the correlation with power spectral slope. The diurnal variation of the spectral slope was also presented and discussed in this thesis. |
參考文獻 |
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