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姓名 吳忠益(Chung-Yi Wu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 太空科學研究所 論文名稱 磁暴時中緯部重離子異常現象之研究 相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 在中緯度的電離層F層中,距離地球表面上空600公里處,平時N 、NO 及O 等重離子的含量幾乎不可能超過1%。然而在西元2003年11月20日當天,磁暴(最低Dst =-472)發生期間,透過中華衛星一號上之電離層電漿及電動效應儀(IPEI)卻探測到在磁暴初始恢復期UT 19:27 ~ 19:37、UT 20:57 ~ 21:15與UT 22:33 ~ 22:51三個時段中,NO 離子密度超過全離子濃度的5%,有時甚至高達20%以上,且沿衛星軌道連續被觀測跨4500公里。本文利用IPEI在當天所收集到的相關資料,研究中緯度重離子(主要是NO )異常現象的發生機制。從觀測到這些重離子的緯度及地方時及這些離子的流速方向,我們推斷這些重離子可能源自中緯度的副極光區,這些離子受到極向SAPS(副極光區極化電漿流)電場作用向西飄移也沿磁力線向中低緯度傳播。 摘要(英) Heavy ions such as N 、NO and O are hardly (< 1%) observed at 600 km altitude in the mid-latitude ionosphere under geo-magnetically quiet conditions. However, the ROCSAT-1 IPEI payload did observe abnormal percentage content (5% ~20%) of NO which spanned large region (4500km) along the satellite orbit for three consecutive passes during the early recovery phase of the November 20, 2003 great magnetic storm. Specifically, the IPEI saw the abnormal NO events in three UT intervals including UT 19:27 ~ 19:37, UT 20:57 ~ 21:15 and UT 22:33 ~ 22:51. This thesis studies the possible mechanism of the anomalous increase of heavy ions (mainly NO ) in mid-latitude using the data of ion density, ion composition and drift velocities from IPEI for that day. From the correlations among the above IPEI parameters and their dependencies on local time and latitude, we infer that the heavy ions may originate from the subauroral latitudes, meanwhile these heavy ions were driven by the pole-ward SAPS (Subauroral Polarization Stream) electric fields to drift westward and equator-ward toward middle latitudes. 論文目次 第一章 序論
1-1 簡介電離層...................................................................1
1-2 研究動機.................................................................................3
1-3 中華衛星一號及其儀器IPEI............................................4
第二章 阻滯電位分析儀及其觀測原理
2-1 阻滯電位分析儀...................................................................7
2-2 一維離子流量理論..............................................................9
2-3 阻滯電位分析儀之I-V曲線...........................................15
2-4 阻滯電位分析儀所觀測到之重離子............................17
第三章 資料選取與分析討論
3-1 資料選取...............................................................................20
3-2 重離子觀測的分析討論....................................................21
3-2-1 重離子異常現象的時空分布………………….21
3-2-2 重離子與離子流速方向之相關性……...…….24
第四章 結論……………....………………………………………….34
參考文獻………………………………………………………………..36參考文獻 Anderson, P. C., W. B. Hanson, R. A. Heelis, J. D. Craven, D. N. Baker, and L. A. Frank, A proposed production model of rapid subauroral ion drifts and their relationship to substorm evolution, J. Geophys. Res., 98, A4, 6069-6078, 1993.
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IPEI:http://csrsddc.csrsr.ncu.edu.tw/指導教授 葉惠卿(Huey Ching Yeh) 審核日期 2006-7-11 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare